Nutrients Tracked?

Hi, just curious what nutrients everyone tracks to have the best weight loss results. Right now besides the calories I track carbs, sugar, fat, protein, and sodium. I'm usually always under besides sugar which I sometimes go over. Which one do you pay closest attention to to see results? Thanks!!


  • KellyAnneH
    KellyAnneH Posts: 38 Member
    I track calories, protein, fibre and fat. I ignore sugar, since the only sugars I eat are packaged with protein and/or fibre, and they are what keep me from being hungry ALL the time.
  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    Calories, fat, fiber, protein, sodium and cholesterol. I stopped counting sugar when I would go over everyday just by eating a couple servings of fruit. I don't think many people count cholesterol as I have noticed it is missing on a majority of foods people have entered into the database.
  • CnocNaCu
    CnocNaCu Posts: 536 Member
    Besides calories , fat and carbs I pay attention to protein (I want 40% and 30/30 the rest) , to sodium (try to keep it below 1000) and cholesterol. My cholesterol was too high and I want to avoid being put on medication.
  • ajdj1979
    ajdj1979 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the replies :) It says my daily goal for sodium is 2500 which I thought was pretty high! so I'll try to keep it lower, and maybe track fiber for a couple weeks to see where I'm at with that. I really was only looking at calories for the longest time and decided to keep an eye on the others now.