

  • I agree with you! I think this website is absolutely wonderful for people like me who needs support and help and guidance and most of all its best cause its free. I love it and second your comment! xx
  • Thanks you lot! I might have a sneak peak but as long as I've lost by Monday I'm not too concerned! Hope all you guys are doing well. xx
  • Try and save your exercise calories and try to be reserved on the weekends or save your exercise calories for the weekend. Weigh yourself at the same time on a day and set out weekly weigh days and mid week ones then you know how hard you have to work to get at least a pound off for the week. Also are your calorie limits…
  • I found this in relation to it: It lists all the side effects and says you are only supposed to take them for about 8 weeks! I bought some fat reducing pills from holland and barratt that has a 14 day plan with them and found that because many of these drugs…
  • Aw thankyou! So its about 240-400 so I will just save myself those calories! Thanks people you are stars! x x <3
  • Hi! I work nights and I find if you pre-make the things your going to take then it makes life alot easier. I generally take salad and a tin of tuna with low fat mayonnaise or something that is convienient but not high calories i.e. super noodles. I usually also take a piece of fruit a yoghurt and snack a jacks. I hope this…
  • Try to eat your normal calories and not the exercise ones! Maybe you need to up your limit of your calories to something more healthy such as 1500! Your body does not lose weight rapidly if you starve yourself it just sends fat stores to the places that need it, so when you do eat your retaining the calories! Up your limit…
  • Very nice to meet you. I have found that the people on here are absolutely fabulous and are a great support! I have done various diets before and doing this I feel I have the support or the layweigh to be a little bit naughty. Its more about changing your lifestyle and the way you see food and exercise. Best of luck on…
    in Hello!! Comment by pezperry5 June 2010
  • I have tried but kept doing it wrong. I have managed to do it but it still says I havent lost 20lb but 19 but its a bit more accurate than 33! Its when you work hard to see those double figures in the 20's come up! Thankyou for your help though. x
    in Weigh in! Comment by pezperry5 June 2010
  • try vanilla with chocolate sprinkles! They are lush when frozen and only 80 something cals! You tend to get something that is really flaky and hard to break or something that ends up like mousse but as long as its cold it could pass!! x
  • thanks people! Its definately worth an investment. x
  • Where can I find the hungry girl cookbooks from? I know I should be healthier in relation to alcohol but try and try I cant haha! My liver is probably so pickled now! x x
  • Wow! Keep at it, you look fabulous! x