Extra weigh days!

Im fairly new again to this!!! Im feeling very eager to get the measuring tape and the scales out mid week just to see what they say?! Does anyone else feel like this? My weigh day is a Monday but I was wondering if anyone sneak peaks or actually tracks mid week? I just dont know if I'm expecting too much or if I will be disappointed by the result if I weigh myself on a day that is not weigh day, help, please! x


  • Glam0809
    Fight the temptation. You don't want to get disappointed and discouraged. Patience is key!!!
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    My weigh in day is everyday so I don't get a big surprise by the end of the week!
  • kgrover008
    When I did this at the beginning of the summer I found myself jumping on the scale everytime I walked into my bathroom. I slacked off and gained the weight back and I'm back at it again. This time I'm making sure I only go once a week. I used to get upset if I saw I gained weight then would eat some extra snacks telling myself it doesn't matter anyways. So I say fight the temptation and just try to wait until Monday.
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,847 Member
    I get tempted every week, but I never do it. Your weight can fluctuate from day to day, so for me to look mid-week, I may freak myself out. I just go with how well I think I'm doing that week with my food and workouts. Today I blew it on calories, so I've got an intense workout scheduled for this afternoon. That's how I keep track through the week...then I'm usually pleasantly surprised on Saturdays! :)
  • shaj316
    shaj316 Posts: 161
    I check it every day and don't get hung up on whether its up a day or two. I always take that as an indication that I'm not drinking enough water. As for what I record, I figure I will just put in my weight every pound or two.
  • panda4153
    panda4153 Posts: 417 Member
    I think it depends on how you react when you see it. Your Weight will fluctuate throughout the day and week for many reasons. I weigh myself a lot everyday sometimes twice a day, but I do it knowing that the number is going to go up and down a bit. I only use my Saturday Morning weight for the tracker, so I am happy as long as by the time Saturday rolls around the number is lower then it was the Saturday before. For me checking my weight often reminds me of why I am doing this. But if you are concerned that you will be dissappointed, or that seeing a gain will cuase you to go off track then I would not reccomend weighing in everyday.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I used to be an ardent, weigh yourself only once a week, person. Until I starting weighing myself every morning as an experiment. I have a spreadsheet that I log every days weigh-in into along with my consumed calories, exercise calories and overall calories burned (from my BodyMedia Fit). And it really opened my eyes. I has recently started doing a weekly cheat meal to try to jump start losing again and the data helped me see that I would be on a steady loss all week, would spike after the cheat meal day and then the whole next week was re-losing that weight. So when it looked like the scale was moving week over week and I was just staying steady, it was really that I was on an overall losing trend but wrecking that each week with the cheat meal.

    So I stopped the cheat meals, have continued weighing daily and have been on a steady loss pattern since then. Without the daily weighing, I never would have been able to see that trend and correct it. My method is to weigh myself every morning in nothing but a pair of underwear. So it's pretty much, wake up, use restroom, strip to skivvies, weigh. I've been super happy with the results. :)
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    Without the daily weighing, I never would have been able to see that trend and correct it. My method is to weigh myself every morning in nothing but a pair of underwear. So it's pretty much, wake up, use restroom, strip to skivvies, weigh. I've been super happy with the results. :)

    Yep same here. I don't react negatively, it helps me to see if maybe trying something different, changed anything or not. I don't let the one pound up or down make a difference. i just wait and see what I am Monday morning. I have the exact same morning routine too. :)
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i weigh myself every morning, but only log it on here once a week (sundays). it helps me stay on track :)
  • pezperry5
    Thanks you lot! I might have a sneak peak but as long as I've lost by Monday I'm not too concerned! Hope all you guys are doing well. xx
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Without the daily weighing, I never would have been able to see that trend and correct it. My method is to weigh myself every morning in nothing but a pair of underwear. So it's pretty much, wake up, use restroom, strip to skivvies, weigh. I've been super happy with the results. :)

    Yep same here. I don't react negatively, it helps me to see if maybe trying something different, changed anything or not. I don't let the one pound up or down make a difference. i just wait and see what I am Monday morning. I have the exact same morning routine too. :)

    me too, except I ditch the "skivvies" as well. anyway, I know weight fluctuates throughout the week, but I want to know if I'm majorly off course before the official weigh in day. at the same time, I can certainly appreciate the person who weighs in just once each week. I acknowledge the possibility of having better results if I weighed in once a week because there have been times where I lose a couple pounds quickly and then kind of skate through the rest of the week. for example, I didn't do too well from 3 p.m. on yesterday, even though Wednesday morning is my official MFP weigh-in day. I knew that I had done fairly well for the week and I let myself mentally skate last night. I still could call last week a success (-3.2 pounds), but if I didn't know what the scale had said as the week progressed, I probably would have eaten differently yesterday afternoon/evening.

    and, as I just typed that, I'm thinking I might just wait until next Wednesday to weigh in again. I'm ready to have a truly killer week :)
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    I weigh every single morning, but try to only record it on Friday.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    thank you for posting this because it made me realize that weighing in daily (even if I'm recording just once a week) has led to some degree of complacency. So, at least for the short term, I'm going to weigh in only on my official weigh in day.
  • KMS050308
    I weigh every other day......record on Fridays. As long as you can handle the fluctuations it is no biggie, But don't let it get to you.
  • ajl2
    ajl2 Posts: 40 Member
    Without the daily weighing, I never would have been able to see that trend and correct it. My method is to weigh myself every morning in nothing but a pair of underwear. So it's pretty much, wake up, use restroom, strip to skivvies, weigh. I've been super happy with the results. :)

    Yep same here. I don't react negatively, it helps me to see if maybe trying something different, changed anything or not. I don't let the one pound up or down make a difference. i just wait and see what I am Monday morning. I have the exact same morning routine too. :)

    me too, except I ditch the "skivvies" as well. anyway, I know weight fluctuates throughout the week, but I want to know if I'm majorly off course before the official weigh in day. at the same time, I can certainly appreciate the person who weighs in just once each week. I acknowledge the possibility of having better results if I weighed in once a week because there have been times where I lose a couple pounds quickly and then kind of skate through the rest of the week. for example, I didn't do too well from 3 p.m. on yesterday, even though Wednesday morning is my official MFP weigh-in day. I knew that I had done fairly well for the week and I let myself mentally skate last night. I still could call last week a success (-3.2 pounds), but if I didn't know what the scale had said as the week progressed, I probably would have eaten differently yesterday afternoon/evening.

    and, as I just typed that, I'm thinking I might just wait until next Wednesday to weigh in again. I'm ready to have a truly killer week :)

    I do the same thing. I tried weighing weekly, but I found I was getting nowhere fast. When I switched to daily I felt more in control and I started losing. I'm down 19 pounds since April so far. :)