

  • Is it too late to join the red team??? I'm pretty new and I was wondering how and/or when the teams were formed. Let me know either way please :)
  • hahhahaha I did not like Vicky at all I didnt have a weight in my hand but I sure did get torrets when she was up to no good. Walking during tv shows is a good idea, I think I will try it too!
  • Wow is right lady good job!!! Keep it up!
  • CONGRATS!!!!!! YAY!
  • No need to be embarassed about it. Start a trend. Be bold and daring and start asking for healthy who knows you might have someone else in the group that is just eating it the bad way because they too are afraid to ask for it to be different. :) You rock on with your demands! Demand they make it healthy so you yourself can…
  • My friend christina came over this morning and worked the boot camp with me hahahah it was so great to not be the only one dying in the room :wink: I just got the sculpting one and have yet to try it but I am sure being masochistic I will be trying it sooner than later. Also I was reading in the book BL Fittness whatever…
  • we have a gym in our apt complex that is now over crowded so I just started doing exercise at home via work out vids. I understand COMPLETELY.... doesnt matter if you were inconsistant your *kitten* was there getting on those machines before the mad rush of resolutioners. I made a point to not make my resolution about…
  • I take a multi vitamin as well and I take MegaT Green Tea supplement. 6pm is my crash time. And sure enough when I take mega t twice a day as recommended and my vitamin I am good to go all day long. Good luck!
  • I'm in and it looks like 10 lbs is the going number so set me up for 10 lbs too :)
  • 6 lbs gone I am now 269!!!!!! I am so very excited and want to thank everyone on this site! Everyone is such an inspiration and so motivational I couldnt have signed up on a better site. This isnt just my 6lbs its everyones!!! Thank you again and please know the hard work will continue!
  • The biggest loser has some great cardio exercise videos if thats what you are into. My friend Christina came over just this morning and she works out on the elpitcals for an hour everyday. She said she can tell she got a better workout from the Biggest Loser Boot Camp then she did when she works out on the elpitcals for an…
  • you know they say if you brush your teeth you dont feel like eating and your dentist will love you. :)
  • I am a crocheter I keep myself busy with that but I also exercise around 7 or 8 because thats when my apts gym is cluttered with beautiful men that I just drool over hahaha kidding. When I get hunger pains I also chug a big glass of water. Cheers!
  • I listen to a lot of fast hardcore techno music , Neophyte is excellent. :)
  • I'm new as well and everyone has just been awesome. Good luck with your weight loss!
  • I was browsing through some of the message boards and saw a thread about the Jillian Michaels Shred video and how it kicked everyones patooty. I have been doing the Biggest Loser Boot Camp and today I did the Biggest Loser Cardio Max and I am going to start doing the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt as well. I was wondering if…
  • A lot of restaurants today have a "lighter" menu. And a lot of restaurants have a nutrition section at the restaurant or on a website. You could look at them before you go to the place and have your mind made up on what you will order and you will also know just what you are eating. I would stay with things that state they…
  • drink a big glass of water before every meal. When you feel hungry drink a glass of water they say most the time you are just thirsty. Also when I feel hungry I just workout and after the work out I dont feel hungry anymore. Good luck!!
  • just wanted to say hi I dont want to retype my whole situation here its in my about me section. I am however looking forward to sharing with all of you both your successes and hopefully mine!! Happy 2009!