1,200 calories is not enough!

I have gone over my allotted calories by A LOT and I don't see how I can possibly eat only 1200!


  • kmdougherty
    I have gone over my allotted calories by A LOT and I don't see how I can possibly eat only 1200!
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    I have the same amount of calories too.

    Just get more exercise in. A little really goes a long way when it comes to food. I went to the pool today and swam laps for an hour and was shocked at how many extra calories I was aloud to eat!
  • suprjewels
    the more you exercise the more calories you get. In the begining it helped ALOT for me to add everything I did. It has preparing meals, light housework, vigorous housework. All those things earn you calories. Now that I'm actually "exercising" I don't add them anymore. But, it was a life saver on my ego in the begining. Try it and see if it helps.
  • Lauren882
    Lauren882 Posts: 102
    You know what, I was eating 1200 calories for about a month or so and it was harder than I thought. My trainer ended up telling me it wasn't enough, whether I was eating my excercise calories or not. Since I moved back up to 1400 in November I've actually started to lose weight again.

    Everybody's different but I've had more success at 1400 and feel better during the day.
  • kmdougherty
    thanks, i may change it b.c i feel hungry and then i binge on bad things
  • redsrandomthoughts
    drink a big glass of water before every meal. When you feel hungry drink a glass of water they say most the time you are just thirsty.

    Also when I feel hungry I just workout and after the work out I dont feel hungry anymore.

    Good luck!!
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    You are right... 1200 is NOT enough for anyone! I started at 1200 and found that my body kinda slowed down and I wasnt losing weight.. Once I went up to 1400cals a day my weight went down again and is still going down.
  • kazzit
    kazzit Posts: 113
    im only on 1200 but cant eat them all am i doin something wrong
  • hibbler22
    hibbler22 Posts: 339 Member
    Im on 1200 calories as well and some days I cant eat them all. If you do more workouts it will give you excercise calories added to that. So you will have more calories to eat. One day i burned 1100 calories by working out and other days i do almost the same.
  • amsky
    amsky Posts: 916 Member
    It says I burn almost 1700 cals (1673) if I basically stayed in bed all day....I am strongly considering raising my calories to 1400 or 1500 and 200 cals more on days I work out!:love:
  • PussyKat
    PussyKat Posts: 69 Member
    I started MFP on 1200 calories for about 6 weeks or so...I lost a few pounds but then plateaued, so I bumped up to 1400 and started losing again. Plus, it's amazing the difference that extra 200 calories makes in terms of how you feel, and what you can and can't eat. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    LOL, when I saw the title of this thread, I thought it was a lecture to others to eat more. This is definitely a message that some people need to see. You are right -- there are probably very few people for whom 1200 calories are really enough, and if anyone is eating so few calories, those calories should be packed with as much nutrition as possible.
  • denisebee
    denisebee Posts: 137 Member
    I have the same problem on the days I don't get a workout in... try and eat more protien it seems to keep the hunger at bay... usually I go ahead and eat the extra 200 cals if I am still hungry.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    You can have some of mine! LOL! It says I need to eat 3,008 calories today and I haven't even gotten through a third yet.
  • chickadee10
    Mine's set at 1,240. Two days this week I went way over but that's because I ate out at fast food places.
  • MissGorgeous
    MissGorgeous Posts: 394 Member
    im having trouble eating my 1200!

    im always short between 60-90 calories
    i eat alot of fruits and veggies and it fills me up but not enough calories!
  • kmdougherty
    BeGorgeous- How did it slip my mind to fill up on fruits and veggies?! Thanks for your post!
  • MissGorgeous
    MissGorgeous Posts: 394 Member
    BeGorgeous- How did it slip my mind to fill up on fruits and veggies?! Thanks for your post!

    haha but there are days i eat more than 1200
    i try to zig zag my calories
    because it works for my body
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    My daily calories were set for 1200 but I bumped it up to 1500. I find at this amount I feel better, am healhty and lose more weight.
  • chilli
    chilli Posts: 211 Member
    Mine is set to 1200 ... which I find hard to maintain during the week, I exercise at weekends and enjoy eating more then. Have lost very very slowly, 11lbs in 9 months having only slowed down the past coyple of months in loss as I am really in a healthy weight bracket already and my body doesn't want to give the weight up! Have only a1-2 lb to go for my target but suppose am happy as I am.
    Realistically I don't think I could keep this up forever though ....unless I swim during the week as well to provide more exercise cals to eat!!! :huh:
    Will be trial and error in maintaining the weight. :ohwell: