marielw Member


  • Feel free to add me! I started off the same weight as you are now. :o)
  • Hi, I'm not sure. It doesn't sound particularly healthy. Isn't there a lot of calories in peanut butter? Don't you like cereal? Or just brown bread toast? Or berries and low fat yogurt? I'm a bit boring with my breakfasts and mostly have bran flakes with skimmed milk. Lunch (when at work) is usually rice cakes/crackers…
  • Hi there! We have a similar goal and started off at a similar weight. Good luck to you and add me if you like :flowerforyou:
  • Hi, I'm also from the UK and i'm also 5' 4" I've always been conscious of my weight and can't wait for it not to be an issue anymore. Add me as a friend if you like! :o)
  • Hello, I'm from Hampshire in England :flowerforyou:
  • Hi, you can add me as a friend if you like. I'm 37 years old with an almost 2 year old son. I live in Hampshire UK and started out on here at 208lbs. I managed to lose almost 3 stones between May 2010 and May 2011, but then became complacent and during the latter half of 2011 i put a stone back on! I started back here on…
  • I am exactly the same as you :embarassed: We just can't have chocolate, crisps or biscuits in the house at all as i have zero will power if these things are hanging around. At Christmas we had a big tin of chocolates and i had to finish them before the New Year so that I could start back on the plan, but that meant eating…
  • Hi, I work full time (8am - 4pm) and have an almost 2 year old to look after when i get home. I don't put myself under any pressure to exercise every single day, i just do it when I can. If it is dry during the day then i will go for a walk at lunchtime - even if it's just a 10 minute fast walk. When my son has gone to bed…
  • I know exactly how you feel - i did the same thing. I didn't count my calories for a couple of weeks over christmas and just ate what i liked. Yes, i am paying for it now because i did put on some weight. I wasn't snappy with people, but definitely felt different - sluggish and tired all the time. Next christmas is going…
  • *****Don't say things that you would normally say at home to your children - i have before told everyone in my office that i need to go for a 'wee wee'!
  • I would say Slender - they are quite tall and i think US size 6 is UK size 10 and in my opinion anyone who can fit into a size 10 is slender!!!
  • The seaside Log fires My son just out of the bath! Toast
  • You are amazing Vicky - such a transformation! You give me the inspiration to carry on when i want to give up! Well done x
    in progress Comment by marielw August 2011
  • That's an amazing change, well done!
  • Hi and well done for your weight loss so far! :flowerforyou: It's inevitable that you will lose a few friends along the way (mainly due to jealousy i guess), but you will make many more supportive friends! We all have days where we make the wrong food choices and sabotage ourselves - i have had lots of those lately and…
  • Hi and good luck to you! :flowerforyou: Feel free to add me as a friend if you need some support!
  • I'm from Hampshire - feel free to add me!! :flowerforyou:
  • :flowerforyou: Hi, we are exactly the same weight! Although you are 1 inch taller than me! My end goal is slightly more than yours as i don't think i will ever get under 140 again. I was doing really well on this up until about 3-4 weeks ago when i was ill for a while and now i can't seem to get my motivation back. I was…
  • Hi, sorry to hear things haven't been great - but good luck with your weight loss! :smile:
  • I'm having the same problem at the moment - can't seem to motivate myself to exercise and usually end up going over on calories because of it. I need to make a change and find something new to do (or just stop being lazy!!) I know how you feel! I might try swimming if i can find the time! :flowerforyou:
  • Also meant to say that yes 300 calories does sound good for a breakfast, but i suppose it depends on your daily calorie allowance. Mine is 1350 and my breakfast is usually between 280 and 350 calories.
  • Hi, Welcome and good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Oh, i feel for you - that must be so difficult. I have a supportive husband (most of the time) so i guess i am lucky. I would just try to make sure that ONLY you do the food shopping - does he go and do it because you are busy doing something else? Or, can you hide the food budget money? Keep it on you?
  • Hi, I'm also from the UK - been a little bit 'off track' lately - but trying to sort myself out now. Good luck with your weight loss and feel free to send me a friend request. Enjoy the site! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Elisa, I've got a pretty old stationary bike aswell, but it does tell me calories burned. I don't have it on a high resistance, probably medium, like you said enough to get warm after about 10-15 minutes. I find that it says that i burn 350 calories after about 32 minutes. On MFP, it is a little less, probably closer to…
  • The lastest one for me is today wearing a skirt that fitted me around the waist at Xmas - it now sits on my hips! Good times :0)
  • For me Breakfast is at 8am during the week and 9am at weekends. Lunch is always at 12 and dinner ranges from 5pm - 6.30pm. I sometimes have a snack at 9-10pm if i have calories left and am peckish :)
  • I started off last year with 1200 calories, but i just found it too hard to keep to - most days i was going over and it really de-motivated me. I changed it to 1300 and it just gave me a bit more to play with. I am now on 1350 x
  • It's hard without knowing what sort of things you eat and drink. If you have sugar in your coffee - try and cut it down. Try having green tea occasionally instead of tea with milk Drink lots of water Cut out (or cut down on) fizzy drinks Have wholemeal bread instead of white bread Get plenty of vegetables and fruit in your…
  • Hi, i'm from Hampshire UK, feel free to add me if you wish. Good luck with your weight loss! :smile: