patter10 Member


  • Well, the reason I've asked is because me and my wife are using this app together. Now I was logging everything, however, I only have 1450 allotted for a day. I ended up getting real hungry and binge eating. My wife, on the other-hand, has been more forgiving. Going the weight watchers route and not counting the fruits or…
    in Free Food Comment by patter10 June 2013
  • Isn't the properties of these foods processed differently, ergo more usable calories that don't get stored as fat? Just asking.
    in Free Food Comment by patter10 June 2013
  • Right on! Man, I remember them days of snoring while awake. Don't look back and do it for you.
    in Hey Comment by patter10 May 2013
  • I've been noticing the truth behind that. However, balance plus moderation equal's success
  • Awesomeness! I'm going to do some CIRCUITS in a little bit.
  • I do have to ask, how would you document the exercise on this site? I searched under kettlebells and found nothing.
  • I actually use kettlebells every other day. Good leg and core workout . Light weight for cardio, heavy weight for muscle building
  • If it fits, covers all the areas, and can get jacked up without setting you back a few bills then wear it. I think the concept of designer gym wear is silly; these are clothes that are meant to be ruined.
  • Man, I'm stuck at a little command in Fort Worth TX. I don't eat in the galley. I hate state side; I'll fight for it, but everyone else can have it. Back to the command; it a NOSC. Yeah I take care of reservist. I'd rather be a recruiter.
  • Sadly the command I'm at is too small to have a dietitian on debt. I stay away from fried foods and sweets, except for one big cup of coffee (use three table spoons of raw sugar). But I do eat more then need be. Apparently, too much good stuff is bad too.
  • Right on! Current Navy Corpsman. One of my HM1's was a bubblehead. Awesome guy. Lean Gains? I've tried the Warrior Diet, but eating raw all day then whatever you want... ended up kinda self destructive. Calorie counting is why I visit the site, running out of ideas. My wife is going to get the lap band; maybe if she has to…
  • Yeah, I've been working out regularly (to the point of injury) however, now that I've been keeping track of the food on the site, my diet is crap. Tried starving myself, only to retain the weight. One meal a day worked until I crashed so bad. I got a pregame measure up, and I meet the requirement, however, I'm so freaking…
  • Wow.. not looking for a lazy way out; I'm pretty active. However the Gunny's and Chiefs swear to the sauna along with exercise. I thought they had the inside track; but these are the people that are about making you puke from running.
  • Now I'm confused?
  • I won't note it. thanks
  • I was meerly expecting some advice, not berating. Having some trouble losing weight; unlike anyone on this site; my job is on the line. That means feeding two kids. Sorry, but the skin is wearing thin. I seriously doubt anyone is woring over this like me. Again sorry.
  • Well I'm not a child. I've always been told that you should use the sauna to cut weight. I assumed that it helped with burn calories. Hey I was wrong. I did not attend the "God of Fat Burning" class that was freely offered at the YMCA; did not get the e-mail you folks got. So sorry for troubling anyone with my stupid…
  • Wow... lot of cattiness on this forum. I had no idea that it didn't help with calorie burning. Thank you all for you nastiness in the effort to better educate me. So sorry for posting my honest question. Stupid me for expecting help.
  • Man, I've tried Green Tea pills and Jacked (not at the same time) To shread some weight real quick. The green tea never worked and Jacked made me jittery (and sick to my stomache). Needless to say, diet is 80% of any weight in, the rest is exercise.
  • Good luck with that last 5lbs! Cardio usually is the key. You got this!