

  • Great to have you back. I am newly back myself. We can do it, the alternative to not doing it is way too scary. Lets take it one day at a time.
  • That must feel so good. I love reading stories like this because I can't wait to get to this point. Keep it going, very good job so far.
  • Jump in, we're all starter overs. We can do this thing together with the support and sincere motivation from others here at MFP. Good Luck and don't forget you're not alone.
  • I honestly don't read the negative stuff, its not worth reading. Its actually sad for people to come to this site with negativity because being apart of the overweight population in society, that negativity goes without saying but here where we're all trying to lose weight, maintain our weight or just get our body…
  • Unbelievable, I must say your pics are so inspiring. Thanks.
  • Awesome, I love your thread. Very impressive and inspirational. Keep up the good work.
  • What an accomplishment. You look wonderful, truly an inspiration. Keep up the good work.
  • You're in the right place for motivation. You can do it but it takes time (some ups and down along the way but don't give up). Take this journey one day and one pound at a time. I was very bad for wanting it off instantly but I'm learning that its not that simple and quick fix for my body don't work. I can go on some crazy…
    in Hi! Comment by 40Rennie November 2011
  • Welcome Ben and good luck. If you can start this journey around the holidays and stay on track you got it. This site is a big help for me and I know it will be for you too.
  • I can definitely see your situation being a hard one to figure out. Losing the weight is do-able not just to get to the 300lbs but to get to goal. The only problem is that not all of us are able to stick with something long enough to get to goal before any serious health issues arise. I've known people that lost over…
  • Good luck with the acting job. Hopefully you won't allow yourself to get too stress because even though we don't eat as much sometimes when we're stressed out our body also go through other changes we can't see until its too late.
  • How motivating for me at a time like now when I'm trying to get myself back on track. You did great, I can only imagine how that feels. Congrats.
  • I agree with people that say it depends on the person. What works for one may not work for all. I personally use two pictures, one at my heaviest and one at my smallest. I look at both and ask myself where exactly are you trying to get back to. Believe it or not when I really take the time and study the pictures I can even…
  • Very well done. You can do it, keep reminding yourself of how you want to feel and look when you need a little push.
  • Don't feel bad, the best part about falling is the ability to get back up. I did the same and even worst but I won't give up because this isn't the best that I can feel or look. I want more, I'm young and want to look and feel my best. I can't bring myself to get on the scale but I know I haven't exercise in over a week…
  • I know exactly how you feel. We do so good and feel great and it takes one event or one meal where we go overboard and all of a sudden it feels as if we took 10 steps backwards. We always have tomorrow to make up for today. So don't beat yourself up too much, lets just agree to start over tomorrow and no longer make today…
  • I am so with you. I been there done that wrote the book. You're so not alone, I just realize that if I keep crash dieting I will surely gain it back because its a temporary fix. When you do it the right way which is usually slower than desired, that way of eating and exercising will become a new good habit (a way of life).…
  • The devil is always at work but let him know "Devil you're a liar" I will keep losing the weight and keep it off. Don't give up on the idea of exercising at home. Maybe you can find out the measurements of your door way and try to find a treadmill that will make it through that size opening. I'm not sure what happen with…
  • Very well done. I like how you did the comparison. Keep up the good work.
  • You're so right, I've tried other sites food log tracking and I couldn't stay with it. This is much easier. Good luck with reaching your goal.
  • Even though its important to be mindful of your weight especially when you're gaining and no longer feeling like your sexy, confident self. Don't allow yourself to become depress about it because that can become a trigger for overeating. We sometimes tend to comfort ourselves with food when we are feeling down. Just…
  • Welcome Cotton720 you can do this and we're all here because this is something bigger than ourselves. We need the support of each other. Good luck and we will be here when you need encouragement.
    in Newbie Comment by 40Rennie October 2011
  • You are so right our failure usually comes from self-doubt. You're not going to quit this time and anytime after this. Falling down is acceptable but staying down is not. Today is a new day and you will reward yourself with the feeling of entitlement. You're entitled to feeling lighter on your feet, you're entitled to…