

  • Oh wow...that's awesome. Can't wait to try it!!!!
  • Good work ladies...I love your motivation. Im going to get mine in tonight. I had a terrible migraine last night and it was kind of lingering when I woke so I thought I should take it easy. Im excited to finish Level 1 today....Im getting bored also.
  • YOU amaze me!!! I dont have the energy to do two. Maybe in a couple more weeks?
  • I pretty much had to force myself to get up this morning...still not feeling great. I noticed that taking a couple days off really affected me. I had a hard time during the cardio portions- seemed to be out of breath easily! Im looking forward to starting level 2 on Friday! Hope everyone has a great day! OH, and I lost a…
  • Stinks...Im still fighting my sickness off!! Miserable...hope you feel better. Not fun! :(
  • After 2 days of being super sick I managed to get in day 8 today. I still feel like crap and all I want to do is sleep...horrible timing to get sick!! Going to bed now so I can hopefully get up early to do day 9 tomorrow! Hope everyone is back on track tomorrow...I know how easy it is to give up.
  • I missed yesterday due to feeling like complete CRAP....still dont feel good, but I am determined to do my "day 8" workout and get my butt back in gear this week. I am really proud of myself for sticking with it all week and doing it 7 days straight. I am not a morning person and was dreading getting up early to workout,…
  • Today was a no go for me...felt so crappy- just couldnt do it. Tomorrow I WILL complete day 8!!!
  • I feel pretty terrible...Im not winning the fight against this cold trying to take over. Im hoping at some point today I will be able to do my workout. I would be really disappointed if I skipped a day. I HATE being sick!!! Grrr!
  • Woke up feeling terrible...Im getting the really bad cold thats been going around my family. Boo!! I sucked it up though and took some cold meds/ and some Emergen-C. I completed Day 7 , now only 3 more days until I start Level 2. I also have to say that Im ALREADY seeing a difference in my body. My husband said that I feel…
  • Oh I seriously hate push ups!!!! They are the devil!!!!
  • Thats fantastic...I felt much better on Day 4 also! Im about to do D6 L1 ...happy shredding everyone!
  • L1 D5 complete! I felt so sluggish during the entire not like working out with food in my belly and after a long day! I have much more energy in the mornings! I can use 5 lbs weights through most of the workout with the exception of the side lunges w/arm raises...OH MAN those kill me. Not to mention what a…
  • Parent-teacher conference this morning threw off my usual workout have to do mine this evening (which, btw I LOATHE working out in the evenings). Im down 2.5 lbs on the scale today which shocked the hell outta me!! Its my TOM, so I usually retain lots of water...hoping to see more lbs down when I check back…
  • Ha ha ...yeah, sore is an understatement!! I definitely wanted to punch her in the face on days 2 and 3!!!
  • L1 D4 complete!! You all will definitely be hurting the first 3 days!! Today is the first day that I could move without grimacing. I felt great this morning and could do more push ups then yesterday. :) I will try to post my measurements tonight...didnt get around to it yesterday!
  • Completed L1 D3 this morning! :) i can barely move....
  • I will join in too! I just finished my 3rd day of level 1. I will get my measurements tonight! :)
  • Thanks Kate!! I told my husband that I'm going into my "fat cocoon" this winter and emerging a skinny butterfly in the spring! :smile:
  • Sounds like we have a similar goal...I would like to lose 40 lbs. 20 of it is baby weight and the other 20 is food-baby weight. :wink: I just started 30 day shred yesterday!
  • Thank you! My profile pic is my inspiration. It was taken in '07 and I weighed about 145lbs. I ultimately would love to get into the 130's....but I would be more than happy to just get to 145. :) I love how encouraging everyone is on here!
  • I just started yesterday and will be on day 3 tomorrow...count me in! :)