

  • Yes, it is so worth it to strength train! The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn even while you're not doing anything at all! Muscle makes your body look toned, and firms you up! If you decide to start strength training, (which you really, really should!) you'll be sore for the first couple of weeks, but it's…
  • Don't cut back, you need the protein, especially if you're working out and strength training.
  • You should get some heavier weights and do bicep curls, tricep extensions, etc. Get ones where you fail after 8-12 reps. Light weights and high reps are for building your muscle endurance, not for strengthening.
  • It's possible you're not eating enough for all the activity you do. You could also try amping up the intensity of your workouts.
  • Sugar from fruit is okay, I wouldn't worry about that too much, but you should look for a cereal with less sugar. I know, they don't taste as good, but it's added sugar that is bad for you, and 12 g of sugar in one cup of cereal is too much.
  • You could always try adding on an extra couple hundred calories on those days. Try it out for a week or 2, keep notes of how you felt, and see if you continue losing. No one can give you a definitive answer of whether or not it will work, you'll just have to test it yourself! :)
  • The people who have amazing results from P90X and Insanity are the people who follow the nutrition plans to a T. Remember, weight loss is 80% what you eat and 20% working out and genetics. It doesn't matter what exercise you're doing, if you're not eating the right things you won't get the results you're looking for. I…
  • Don't skip the weights! If you lose all your weight by doing just cardio, you'll just end up being skinnyfat! The strength training will make you firm. Do you like using videos? Weights in the gym can be boring, but I find P90X, Jari Love, and Jackie Warner DVDs to be really good and the time goes by so fast! Maybe do a…
  • You're awesome! Amazing results, way to go!
  • There are a few good DVDs you could try. Beachbody and Jillian Michaels both have good ones. Also, magazines like Shape and Women's Health have different routines in their magazine each month. :)
  • Calories in vs Calories out isn't just a myth. Go to the forums and search PCOS b/c there are already a few discussions regarding it there. At the very least, you'll find some friends who are dealing with the same issues.
  • Don't worry about going over your protein. If you're trying to lose weight and put on muscle, you want to eat 1-1.5 grams for every pound you weigh. Make sure you're eating clean, healthy foods and the weight will come off.
  • I work out every day at 6 am on an empty stomach. I prefer it that way. If I've eaten, I just find I'm not able to jump as high, and I get cramping more often. When you work out before eating anything you burn stored fat as fuel instead of using the carbs from food you've just eaten, so I prefer to do it this way :)
  • TurboFire and P90X are my favourites :) I also love Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones, and Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism.
  • Hey! I bought Hip Hop Abs a few years ago. It's a cute, kind of fun workout, but it's not very intense. I couldn't stay interested in it for very long, and I loaned it to a friend, and she didn't find it worthwhile either. What kind of exercise have you been doing?
    in HIP HOP ABS Comment by mmmpink July 2010
  • Your weight can fluctuate a lot day to day. Are you strength training? If you're sore from a strength workout, you are retaining water, and that can cause an increase on the scale. A lot of people said your sodium intake is high, which can also cause bloating and water retention. Just keep eating healthy food and working…
  • OMG I know. I've lost 26 lbs, and I swear it has all come off my boobs and my butt. Not loving it at all. I'd also recommend the BBL program, I have it and do the workouts sometimes, and it burns. I'm going to start having to do it more often though to perk the booty back up! lol
  • Hi Jamie! Congratulations on taking control of your health and your life! MFP is a great tool to keep yourself accountable and the people here are really supportive. :)
  • It's the funnest workout I have ever done! Get it, you'll be glad you did! :)
  • LOOOOVE TurboFire! Definitely get it! :) P90X and now TurboFire are the only programs I've ever stuck with long term. They both come with 12+ different workouts so you use them a lot longer before tiring of them.
  • I used to hate exercising too, but now I'm pretty much addicted to it. I can do so much now that I have been working out regularly that I couldn't dream of doing before. And I never want to go back to being as out of shape as I used to be so I let that be my motivator to stick with it. That, and it just feels so good when…
  • If you're loving the Jillian Michaels workouts, I'd do Banish Fat Boost Metabolism next. That's got some plyo in it, so if you haven't done it before it will start getting you used to jumping during your workouts. And I'd do P90X before Insanity. P90X is a good balance of everything, Insanity is just hardcore cardio, and…
  • I have it and I absolutely love it! I find myself often doing an extra 2 or 3 workouts when I have the time because I love it so much :) It's a lot of fun, the music is great and I burn a TON of calories with it :)
  • P90X is a really awesome program. If you have facebook, search for it, and have a look at the before and after pictures people have posted. There are TONS, and they're really motivational and inspiring. There are also really active Discussion boards, so if you have any questions you need answered, that'd be a great place…
    in P90X Comment by mmmpink May 2010
  • P90X is an awesome workout. It's intense and you'll get great results as long as you follow the nutrition plan as well.