robsgal Member


  • This is what I needed... I've been slacking so much and just realized i've gone up a size in jeans! CW- 175ish (used to weigh on the Wii, but lightening zaped it, the old scale changes everytime I get on it but it's been around 175) CGW- 165 UGW- 155 I have a lot of challenges coming up and all I can think about is the…
  • I try to eat most of them but also leave some calories left over. I tend to always try my kids food or sometimes take the last bite if that's all that's left and I really do not want to try to figure out how much the leftover crust is on a PB&J. I really like how one person put it about you eating 1200 calories then…
  • Love this! I'm Jacki 188lbs I love Zumba and love to eat!
  • Ok, so I"m about 4.5 months pregnant and gaining too much, i've already gained around 15 or more pounds, i'm just eating way too much so I need to cut back a bit. I'm also trying to exercise about 5 days a week. So far it's still pretty easy, I'm really not showing yet so I'm not off balance. What exercises did you do when…
  • Don't tell me this! I'm pregnant and really don't want to breastfeed but the weight loss is helping motivate me, or course the babies health is the primary reason I'm going to try bfing but I can't say the thought of loosing weight a bit easier isn't encouraging me. I didn't have the option with my first daughter since she…
  • We ate at home last night instead of using our giftcard at Chili's, even though we were right by the restaraunt. I know I wouldn't have eaten a salad there...I was starving and no way I would have eaten a salad, I'm soooooooo sick of salad's! We went home and ate healthy instead.
  • I eat a slice of toast with a little peanut butter and sliced banana on top every day. I stick to this so I don't have to think about it, I just wake up and make it. Super easy and yummy!
  • You can do it! One of the first things I would suggest trying is to make a weekly menu and then just get that food, if you don't have tempting food around you can't munch on it and also be sure to drink your water. Hopefully your family will support this. You would be surprised how many tasty and healthy meals you can…
  • Just an idea for the gals needing ummmmm....less bounce...wear 2 sports bras, especially for cardio, it actually works. I've also ordered from "Title Nine" you can find it online, they have a lot of sprorts bras for all cup sizes and it recommends what styles are best for various sizes when doing high impact cardio.
  • Veggie chik pattie on a english muffin with a sliced tomato, slice of onion and a little mustard.
  • A new waredrobe of smaller sizes:tongue: !!! A swimsuit that I will look good in...even at 37 yo. Energy to keep up with my daughter!
  • Are you willing to relocate? Thats one option. Also talk to recruiters, staffing agencies and just start contacting companies to see what they have going on and watching company websites on a regular basis, you just never know when someone will quit or get fired. It's a hard time to be looking but there are companies doing…
  • I work out in the AM for two reasons... One, I have too many "excuses" to not do it later and if I say I'll do it later, 90% of the time i don't. Two, Working out in the morning gives me energy to get through my day and I'm usually in a better mood, my heart is pumping and I just feel like I did something good for myself.…
  • I did it on my removed toxin's (champaign, cocktails etc...) I felt like a mummy and couldn't wait to get out of it. I've never had such a horrible feeling before, I felt trapped and I'm not a person to feel that way. A lot of people like it and I still say go for it so you can decide for yourself,…
  • Ever since my daughter decided to wake up and play for 2 hours the other night (3AM until 5 AM) I've felt exhausted and I keep snacking. I tried going to sleep early last night, but I couldn't fall asleep so I'm trying again tonight. I still got my workouts's a good thing after all the snacking but I just felt…
  • I'm great at drinking water so I'm pretty sure all that crud comes off my teeth, my teeth are really pretty white so I figure that's a good sign. As for as not liking diet soda, well I drank coke everyday a few years ago, then I quit buying them to get off them, but when I was working early I still wanted some caffine and…
  • ME TOO! I've heard all about it not being good for teeth etc...but right now it's my one pleasure of the day since i'm trying to avoid so many other temptations, I don't drink a case a day or anything, but if I want a can of diet coke i'm having one, up til a few years ago I was drinking regular coke so I'm o-kay with this…
  • Some days we just retain more water than others. I wouldn't worry though, see what the scale says in a few days.
  • Just don't be like me and wait until 7:30 PM to drink whatever water you have left, you'll be up all night. I finally had to make a cut off time when it comes to drinking my water. We watched the two hour premier of 24 the other night and I had to jump up during every commercial break, my husband thought i was crazy.
    in Bathroom Comment by robsgal January 2009
  • I don't think you should be "scared" to eat anything, I just think you need to learn to make the right decisons. Like if you go to McDonald's, avoid that big mac and either get a salad or if you really want a burger & fries get a happy meal, bonus, you'll get a prize too, it's more calories then a lot of typical dinners,…
  • Oooh, parm. chicken with spagetti squash sounds awesome! I think I'm going to make something tonight with my squash, hopefully I won't break the counter...actually we need our kitchen remodeled so maybe it would be a good thing. Where did you find the recipe?
  • We love spagetti squash too, I usually just do it with whatever pasta sauce I'm whipping up, either homemade or from a jar. It's yummy. One question though, my biggest issue with spagetti squash is cutting it in half...does anyone have a trick? I'm about to go out and buy a good meat clever just for cutting the thing. I…
  • From a former yooper to another, it's hard to get in exercise during the winter up there, I totally remember, short days, little sun and snow. What about a few short workouts, like 15 minutes in the AM and 15 in the PM or something like that. Once the day get longer it will be easier to get outside in the evening and…
  • I would be in trouble without by diet coke. I don't drink coffee either and I'm avoiding alcohol, so other than water it's my thing. I'm still on two a day but some days only one, i'm trying to drink water first thing in the morning rather than a diet coke. I don't have a sweet tooth so I guess it's considered my sweet, if…
  • I'm going to have to check out that site too. According to my day I burned over 700 calories today.
  • I never thought Cheerios could be so fattening, but I swear I'm grabing handfuls left & right, finishing my daughers grilled cheese, having a square or three of her graham crackers and taking bites of her mac & cheese, to see if it's hot of course :wink: It's amazing how those calories add up and I'm supposed to be…
  • I have the "You on a diet" book that I use as a guideline. I make a lot of the meals and incorporate my own...when I'm sticking to it. I really try to stick to the same breakfast, lunch and snacks every day and change up my dinners. It's nice that I don't have to think about multiple meals, creating the babies meals is…
  • I saute a bunch of veggies in olive oil & seasonigs for my pizzas, like spinach, mushrooms, onions, eggplant etc..., basically whatever is in the fridge and I use veggie sausage or veggie burger in place of meat unless i have leftover grilled chicken. I also do whole grain flatbread or whole grain pita's for the crust…
  • Awhile back I had to move my scale to the guest bathroom, I just got too obsessed and I can tell I'm making way too many trips to that bathroom this week. In th past I have really tried do my best to weigh just one time a week and I did it at the same time and in the same weight cloths (jeans can really add weight). That…
  • My alternator had to be replaced several times on my old car..of course when I was single and every penny counted. Not fun. I'm a total emotional eater too, I gained a ton through fertility treatments, of course the IF drugs didn't help that at all, it sucked, total emotional rollercoaster. One thing though that has always…