Merv268 Member


  • I started running Jan 2009 with an IPOD. I recently joined a half marthon training group and our instructor said "leave the music at home; why did you join a group to be solo". Fair enough! So, I am learning to run without music and at first it really sucked, I love to hear the music to get me up a hill! Now, I'm learning,…
  • Great job. I have also been on this journey for 1 year and this time I will keep it off. I have changed my way of eating and have done this 58 pounds slowly and wtih excersize. I am pretty proud of myself yet I still look in the mirror wanting my hip area to evaporate. It's the "look" that is hard to adjust although I have…
  • I also love this site and started in January being "very" dedicated to logging points and watching intake. 56lbs down and 15 more to go, keep tracking and you'll also see great results! God luck.
  • It's like walking with a scale,it's exciting to see how far you can go each time!!
  • For some reason if you don't eat the extra caolories your body starves itself of those calories due to needing them. Because you worked harder, I am not sure but it's teh gist of it? I have eaten each calorie since January and have lost 45 lbs so far. Eat right, work out and eat your calories... it works!
  • Confess... I have not cheated since January and I have made up for it three nights in a row! 1600 cal a day ! So, band wagon tomorrow with an 8km run! I gotta loose 10 before Vegas baby:):)
  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter I think I found it!
  • I have also binged for 3 days. Cadbury Fruit and Nut and Pounds Cake!! I hate when that happens and it all started because of a birthday party! Yes! I had a small piece of cake and then I kept going.... for days! So, tomorrow, it's 1200 calories and a run in the AM. Please wish me luck!! Oh, and I have lost 43 pounds so…
  • I had this happen and it's normal. Your new at it and your body is adjusting, slow down and as long as your able to talk your pace is okay. I started running in January and could only go 3 minutes now I am at 54 minutes and I can talk quite a bit as well. You can do it and just remember... slow down and it's all good! Godo…
  • I to used to be in this area of my life but found out that it was all me and it had to be up to me to do it. But what I can say is that "YOU CAN DO IT"!! Think of moving as the opportunity to tune up and loose weight not that you will be eating McDonald's etc... you can pick wisely from fast food locations and work it off…
  • Not that I am an expert but..what KIND of calories are you eating? You should eat your largest meals earlier in the day and have dinner very light. How much weight have you lost? I hit plateau's and to get off of them (which last weeks) I have to either have a really good cheat day to re-set my metobolism or pick-up my…
  • HI and welcome. I was in your same shoes when I got married 25 years ago. I kept up to my husband eating and snacking then the lack of movement set in and I didn't recognize it like you. Good for you that you are catching it at 15 pounds and not at 40 like me! So, snacking I take un-salted nuts & raisins with me in my…
  • Why do scales do that? Could it be water? I am down 16 pounds since January 2nd and nothing in February yet! My pants feel looser but no size change either. It's hard to stay on track when you know nothin is happening each week when you get on the scale. Well, eat healthy and be healthy and maybe that should be the mindset…
  • Great job! I think this site is fantastic for aiding in weight loss. I have tried for years and now this site has helped me lose 16 pounds. 40 more to go but..... I'm on track. Congrat's to you!
    in YAY Comment by Merv268 February 2009