Having a hard time (kinda long)

Lately I have been having a real hard time....the most since I started here over a year ago. I used to do great with my logging, only having a cheat meal once a week or less. If I didn't log for a day, I missed it and needed to do it again.

But lately it is really dragging me down, and I can't stick to it. If I do cheat, I find myself cheating more because I figure, well I already blew it, I might as well blow it some more. I also tend to not log after I blew it, which I know I should so I will see how bad I am doing and not continue. But I sometimes feel like if I eat like a pig and not log it, somehow my body won't find out and the calories won't stick, lol.

I know the reason for my cheating is because I cannot get out of this plateau....the weeks I do great I lose nothing, the weeks I cheat some I lose nothing. Everything I try lately doesn't work and I am getting frustrated. I recently added tennis to my work out regime but even changing up my work outs isn't helping. Not seeing results lately is what is making me say the hell with it, why keep doing it when I'm not losing.

It's only going to get worse from here for a while....having just bought the house is going to make for a very busy next month or so.....with packing and working on the new house, we're going to be having a lot of unplanned, quick and easy dinners. I don't want to succumb to grabbing mcdonalds on the way to working on the house.

Can someone please kick my butt back into gear?


  • Merv268
    Merv268 Posts: 14 Member
    I to used to be in this area of my life but found out that it was all me and it had to be up to me to do it. But what I can say is that "YOU CAN DO IT"!!

    Think of moving as the opportunity to tune up and loose weight not that you will be eating McDonald's etc... you can pick wisely from fast food locations and work it off with moving and boxing up etc.... YOU CAN DO IT! Just remember how you feel when your heavier and don't look back if you cheat and beat yourself up over it, move forward and "log" your meals to ensure you are eating correct. This sounds just like me a year ago and once I found out I could do it, I didn't look back. So, enjoy your move and new house and remember "it's a new beginning". Good luck:)
  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    Listen, I understand what your saying and I'm having some of the same feelings recently. But its absolutely pivotal that you look at this as a lifestyle change and not just a diet. Even if you didnt lose any weight wouldnt you want to eat better and exercise just because it was good for you. You only get one body and what you do with it is the biggest reflection on yourself. You have all the tools here to develop a healthy lifestyle and self control (the hardest part for most people). So when you feel like giving up or you feel discouraged just take a long look in the mirror. Thats the only body your ever going to have and what you do with it is entirely up to you. Understand that if you eat healthy and stay active you will lose weight and you will look as good as you dream of looking. You just have to stick with it. All that being said, if you ever need anything you have a support group of great people here that would love to help you out.

    I hope that helps,

  • carriedkline
    carriedkline Posts: 19 Member
    You know, my husband and I were going to grab fast food last night but once you get your butt in the kitchen and just cook something, it really doesn't take that long. Just tell yourself that you are going to do something for 10 minutes, like jogging or making dinner, and before you know it, you will want to keep going with whatever the task is. Plus, unpacking a house can be exercise!!
    Don't give up on yourself
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Thanks everyone, I love the support here. That's very true, I CAN eat somewhat healthy from a fast food restaurant if I absolutely need a quick meal. And it is good that working on the house and packing and moving and unpacking will burn a lot of calories.

    I just got some good motivation....it's really hot outside so I decided to wear my ONE pair of shorts today (I don't wear shorts because I hate how my legs look). Well since I do look better with the weight I have lost, I decided I should be able to wear them and feel comfortable.

    Well I tried them on (I bought them last year) and they looked RIDICULOUS. But it's because they are MUCH too big. I was so happy, I can't wait to show my boyfriend.

    I also went on a 12 mile bike ride today, the furthest I've ever gone, and burned tons of calories. And I vow to log everything today and stick to it.

    Thanks again!
  • Sebidian
    Sebidian Posts: 199 Member
    Why don't you pack your scale first? Keep logging, exercising, etc., but forget about the number on the scale.