L_in_NY Member


  • I'm in! Feel free to add me
  • Good Morning ladies! I'm sorry I haven't checked in over the last couple weeks. I'm doing pretty good. I'm down to 151 so close to the 140s. I have been working out 5 - 6 days a week even if its just for 20 mins. My eating could be better. I'm having challenges over the weekend with not going back to my old habits and…
  • Morning ladies! Well I didn't do too great at working out this week. I have gotten 2 in so far and my minimum goal is 3x/wk. But I've been under my cals everyday so thats good. Keeping up with drinking water is a challenge. I just get so busy during the day that I forget. I hope you all have a fantastic day! Keep up the…
  • Hey ladies! Did really well yesterday, below my cals and got a workout in. Today has been ok. I've been doing really well w/ my eating and watching my cals, drinking lots of water but I have yet to work out. I stayed home today and am sort of working from home. Mostly I've been to the store to get some produce & now I'm…
  • Hello Ladies! My name is Laura. I'm not new to MFP just restarting & joining a new group for some support. I was down to the last 5 lbs, but I kind of lost sight somewhere around Thanksgiving. I haven't weighted in yet (a little scared to). I just turned 34 on New Year's Eve and I'd really like to drop down to my goal…
  • Welcome to MFP Amy!!! I just started this site this week too! Good luck on your journey!
  • Great job!!! Keep up the good work!!!
  • Adam, Good luck on your journey!!! How long do you usually workout durning the day? Any exercise tips would be great!!! The motivation is my struggle, especially after a long, stressful day! I am also hoping this website helps me w/ my last 10 lbs. I lost 15 lbs about 1 1/2 yrs ago, and for whatever reason I stoppped…