2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Welcome to those new to the thread. My name is Amy and I am married without kids, too. I will be 38 next month. I have two rotten cats:huh: I also work a desk job.
    My 12 week plan is Drop 2 sizes but, no, I won't be dropping two sizes. I hate the name of the program but I like the workouts.
    the scale hasn't been my friend so I know I have to get the eating under control before I am in a bathing suit in Costa Rica on Feb. 15. I am excited-for costa rica but not for the slim-down effort:noway:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Amy, *maybe* you will drop 2 sizes, who knows?!?!?!?

    Hi shander and BetterBalance!

    Hi to the "new to this thread" peeps.

    I'm the OLD BROAD around here....45, married, 3 kids (1 adult son who has moved away + 2 littler kidlets). I feel like I've been living in the "last 10 lbs" club, forever, but also feel pretty confident that 2014 will have me moving into "maintenance" and then trying to keep scale-swings to <5 lbs.

    2.5 years ago I sort-of had a "parting of the ways" with my 25+ years of cardio-bunny stuff. I moved into heavy-lifting and now I lift 3 x per week with 1 x per week of scheduled cardio.

    I'm doing a "NO EXCUSES" challenge for January....and part of that will be a 30-day "cleanse" (which I haven't started yet....).
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Welcome to the newbies! My name is Megan, I'm 29 and am also married without kids. I have a 2 year old boxer who might as well be our child :) I also work at a desk job and like a few of you have mentioned have TERRIBLE posture, which I am really trying to work on. I have been fairly active my entire life, and used to be a distance runner (have run around 9 half marathons) but got back into lifting and HITT a year or so ago. I love eating, and cooking and drinking wine!

    As far as my goals - I'm still not sure if I'm ready to get back into logging, so I'll see where I'm at in the next two weeks and decide if that's where I want to go...

    1. Drink Water
    2. Finish up NROL4W Stage 1 (only two workouts left) and do HIIT 3 days/week
    3. Eat healthy
    4. Cut down on carbs

    Happy New Year's everyone :)
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    I'll join in the intros :) My name is Shannon, I'm 25 and newly engaged to my bf of 6 1/2 years. I work at a desk/sewing machine for 40 hours a week so I'm with all of you with the terrible posture! I have always been on the not so heavy side being in dance most of my life, then a few years ago my metabolism decided to slow down, so now I'm trying to figure out what the right balance between working out and eating is! I've been active my whole life with dance, gymnastics, diving & working out at a gym. I just started running and I'm trying to figure out a good lifting routine!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Welcome new friends! I am Kelly. I'm 32, married, 2 girls 9 and 3, and I am a Special Education Teacher. Before I went on break, my EA helped set up a big ball for me to sit on during reading groups. That should help my posture, right? I recently saw a post on here showing a picture of a person with good posture versus bad. The person with bad posture had a pooched tummy-not surprised- but ti also showed a saggier butt. I really want to work on my posture.

    I got NO sleep on New Years Eve. I was surprised that I didn't eat horrible yesterday, just a handful of chips mid day. I need to run out of chips and NEVER buy chips again. Or bake cookies. :laugh: I took a nap and then worked out. SCORE!

    Today, is upper body.
  • jitsuda
    jitsuda Posts: 230 Member
    Posture.. Interesting! How do I know mine is good or bad? How do you girls improve them?
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    Amy - I just got a boxer (mix) puppy!! He's 12 weeks old today, and he is a handful!

    As far as the posture stuff goes, Jitsuda, I know I end up slouching and hunched over my computer a lot. If you think about the way you're sitting or standing, and often aren't sitting up straight, you could probably work on your posture! There are a lot of exercises that can help, mostly focusing on the core which is what keeps you upright for the most part. I don't have any specific resources, but if you google around you can probably find some info! I also use the Wii Fit game, which will measure your balance and give you exercises to help correct it. Yoga is also another good way to fix posture issues!
  • suely0822
    suely0822 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello my name is Ely and I am new to this group and I am excited to be part of a group that suffers from my same issues. I am still carrying 10 lbs from 4 years ago when I had my child. SO, no more excuses.

    My 2 week goals:
    1. No alcohol
    2. 3 x weight training 3 x cardio training
    3. 10 glasses of water

    I have a wedding to go to in Mexico at the end of Feb, so I must lose at least half of that weight. Thanks!!!

    2014, I am ready to kick some butt!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    So, my math was off, I have a couple of weeks before the serious 3-weeks til Costa Rica, that starts Jan. 24 because I leave Feb 15! Might as well walk to the starting line, eh:tongue:
  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    Hi all!

    Joining in here. Not new to MFP, but new to this group. Love seeing so many like-minded people!

    My 2 week goals:
    1. No alcohol
    2. Tracking (full disclosure!)
    3. Shut the kitchen down after dinner - no snacking (with the exception of veggies if I'm super hungry)
    4. 10 cups of water daily
    5. Weights 3x/wk, HIIT 3x/wk
    6. Carbs under 75g
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Well the results are in...... I got on the scale for the first time in probably nearly 3 months and.......I'm up 5 pounds. I am guessing maybe a tiny bit may still be water weight, but whatever. All measurements are up too. Although my waist and belly (problem areas) are not up as much as I expected; like 0.5" each I think. Chest was up quite a bit (the other place I gain and lose first) and arms and legs a little. I've reset my ticker and logged my first full day of food yesterday so I'm ready! And tonight is my first test at moderating alcohol; my BIL is playing music out and we're grabbing dinner before.

    I set my alarm to get up and lift this morning, but I guess Daphne (my daugher) turned the volume down at some point. I woke up an hour later than planned on to a very very very quiet radio. Oh well..... Going to hit it hard next week! Have a great weekend ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Also, not sure how many of you are runners/walkers, but I started this challenge:


    I tried to do 50 in December and with the cross training I do, I just can't reach 50 miles. 30 is doable.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I am up 3 pounds since Monday. WHAT?!? My New Years Eve was NOT THAT BAD. The day after was really low and yesterday wasn't horrible. I thought since I had been eating closer to 2000, I would do 1600, then 1400. Now, I'm not sure. I am pretty frustrated. I need to take measurements- can't even remember the last time I did that and pics.
  • L_in_NY
    L_in_NY Posts: 8 Member
    Hello Ladies! My name is Laura. I'm not new to MFP just restarting & joining a new group for some support. I was down to the last 5 lbs, but I kind of lost sight somewhere around Thanksgiving. I haven't weighted in yet (a little scared to). I just turned 34 on New Year's Eve and I'd really like to drop down to my goal weight and work on keeping it. I am newly engaged to my bf of 9 yrs (yes 9, it took him a while to get there) and we have a 2 yr old daughter. I also have a comp job and sit 9 - 10 hrs a day. Luckily I do have a stand up desk at the office, I need to stop being lazy and start standing more often. We are also doing a weight loss challenge at our office this year. They are offering prizes for the top 3 losers although I'm not so much interested in the prizes as actually losing the weight and changing how me and my family eats. Since turning 34 I have decided that I need to get our family on a better eating and exercising track, so what better place to start than with myself!

    Goals for the next 2 weeks (Jan 1 - 17, a little long but gets me on a normal 2 weeks)
    - pack healthy lunches
    - workout 3 - 4 days a week
    - minimum 30 min workouts
    - drink more water

    Here's to a healthier 2014!
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    Welcome to the group, Laura!

    I'm kinda in the same boat as everyone else. For some reason I've been up a couple pounds this week (I weigh myself every day even though I know it's stupid). I'm hoping it's water weight because I just started working out again, but it's still extremely frustrating when I"ve been so good about maintaining my deficit!! My official weigh-in day is Sunday, but tomorrow is my birthday so I don't know how that's going to go, haha. I'm waiting til Sunday to officially up my weight on MFP, though. Hopefully I won't have to.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Better - just accept the data, track it and move along....the running challenge isn't for me, but I'm glad you're doing a CHALLENGE! :wink:

    kclynch - again, just track the data, don't worry about it - move along. YES to the measurements and YES to the photos!! the scale is but one measurement, and sometimes, in a moment in time, it is NOT a very good one!

    Hi to the newbies to this board....

    A gf is meeting me at the gym! So, I've set aside my regular work-out for today and pulled a "weights + BOSU" work-out from an old issue of "oxygen" magazine....we'll give it a whirl! Should be fun!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    All BLOAT is gone and my waist is back down to <27". So, YAY!!

    Now, I really CAN start moving bodyfat off me.....I'm doing scheduled cardio today, but then need to REST, because my fast on the 2nd and my low-low-cal day on the 3rd totally f*cked with my sleep.....

    Need to fix SLEEP more than anything, or it DERAILS EVERYTHING!

  • Mona90Alien
    Mona90Alien Posts: 13 Member

    I am absolutely new, althoug I did use mikibo in the past which is a similar program.
    Recently I bought a fitbitflex which kinda helps with accuracy of how many kcal you can eat because you have been walking around.... (awesome huh)
    But anyhow I want to go to 60kg (and now I am about 74) which means 14 kg....
    So I have more of a 4 month plan....
    It would be nice to become friends with some people to keep up the support and maybe the progress of other people will keep me motivated tooo!!! So feel free to become friends with me:-D Anyhow anyone having the same problem that they don't really like to wheigh everything.... I've honestly skipped to frozen meals, any suggestions on this topic? (I am a lazy cook no matter what to be honest)
    Happy New year to you all and may your wishes become true!!! X
  • happydreamy
    happydreamy Posts: 44 Member
    Hello and Happy New Year! :)

    Anyone can feel free to add me, I'm on here almost every day.

    My goal (a little longer than 2 weeks) is to be at or near 120 by the first week of February... It's kind of an extreme goal, but pushing for the extreme helps me land in a nice place... 123 would be great. :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I don't even know what "mikibo" means. I totally don't believe fitbitflex (or anything like them) are accurate for bodyfat loss purposes.

    I'd be measuring EVERYTHING to lose 14kg, I think. Particularly at first....

    I weighed in at 147.0 today. So, my goal in 2014 is to NEVER see 150 on the scale. Ever. And, hopefully my "NO EXCUSES" challenge gets me down 5 lbs this month. And then I'll try and eliminate the last 5 by May.

    My 2015 (and beyond) goal is to NEVER see 140, either....just live in the 130's forevermore.