2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Good to catch up after my day off yesterday.

    I'm in for the challenge. My goal is for 10,500 a week. But we aren't counting our exercise calories? Because I tend to count mine. I'm doing the calorie, etc. challenge with my sister, so I'm already adding weekly calories. Let me know about the exercise calories, so if I need to adjust, I can. Or I could just subtract them I guess.....I don't want to cheat or anything. :wink: Beeps, thanks for coordinating.

    I used to be super paranoid about fasting, but truth be told, the skinniest times in my life were because I wasn't eating that much. When I was in high school I did Slim Fast and reckon I was ingesting probably less than 1000 caloires daily...for months....which obviously isn't good. But I WAS skinny. The other times I have gotten "thin for me" were when I was going through a divorce, skipping breakfast most days, eating minimal lunch and dinner and ingesting the majority of my calories in alcohol. The third was when I was nursing. So there is definitely a number that is the sweet spot for me and I'm trying to figure it out. It doesn't seem to matter when I eat, just how much. I calculated my calories based on a sedentary TDEE losing 1/2 pound a week with one cheat day a week (over about 500 calories). So we'll see how that works. Maybe I shouldn't count my exercise calories..... If that's the case, my TDEE would be a little higher which would give me daily more calories of about 1600 which seems awfully high for me. I think I'll stick with my 1350 a day and see how it goes with one cheat day. In my sister challenge, we can change our calorie goals,etc. if we feel we need adjustments (and not just so we can cheat). Can we do that in this challenge?

    I've done well with my workouts in this week. I'm just short a run which happens Saturday at my 10k and a lift, which will happen Sunday. My legs are STILL sore from Sunday's Bulgarian split squats, so I've been taking it easy on them. I just did upper body yesterday and some treadmill walking. Today I am totally resting because even with the mill work, my legs were tired yesterday. I need them good for the 6.2 Saturday, which will be no walk in the park for me.

    OH! And on my day off yesterday I went and checked out the rack and weights and my husband is picking them up after work today! Yipee! It's a nice rack, but a little bigger than I imagined, so hopefully my gym won't be terribly crowded. I think I will be in good shape now and am excited to get Eric on a program.

    I've got to be balls to the walls for the next 7 weeks....so I'm in for our challenge for 7 weeks. I leave town May 11. Have a great weekend ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Oh yeah, Chloe, how was the u/s? Did you get to find out the sex yet? (I doubt it b/c I think you're still like what 9-10 weeks?) I didn't get an u/s till I was about 18 weeks and that woudl have been the only one I got if my fluids hadn't been low. I totally cried and I'm not typically a crier.....
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey everyone!

    The ultrasound went well. Based on my last period I am almost 9 weeks along, but according to the measurement of the baby I am almost 8 weeks along. I won't find out until my 12 week appt if my doctor wants to officially change my due date. I won't find out the sex until my 20 week appt. But, I keep calling it a HE and my husband does too. But, he had a good heartbeat and everything seems to be progressing great. I have had an awful headache since yesterday afternoon, which is also increasing my nausea today. Not good at all.

    I plan on doing 2 miles on the treadmill and my Pregnancy Project DVD today, tomorrow and Sunday. I decided to skip my usual cycle and Pilates class tomorrow morning just because I feel like I need one day to not wake up with an alarm. And Sunday we are going to Navy Pier for a friends bday lunch so I need to get up early to get my workout in and go to church before we have to leave.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Kelly--I'm sorry to hear your husband has to go to a funeral! That's never fun. Hopefully you were able to squeeze in a workout last night.

    Jen--Allergic reactions are scary, but glad your son is okay! Have a great time with your friend!

    Ashley--I think for the challenge if you eat back your exercise calories you're supposed to estimate them and build them into our estimated total, at least that's what I did. But I'm with you, I'd prefer to be able to make adjustments to our goal depending on how much we actually exercise. And I'm excited for you and your rack! I kind of want one now too!

    Chloe--glad to hear the ultrasound went well! Who knows, they say that a mother's intuition is often right, maybe it is a boy?

    My sugar project is still going well. Yesterday I was just too busy to fit in my hot chocolate during the work day and I was a little over my calories at night so I didn't have any dessert, and my weight was down a touch today. If avoiding sugar will keep the fluffiness away, I think it's worth the sacrifice! Unfortunately my workout today is going to have to just be a walk at lunch because we're leaving on our trip right from work (and I wanted to sleep in today so I can help keep my husband awake on the drive), but I'm going to try to run tomorrow and Sunday morning. It will be nice to have a break from the in-laws.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ri, I missed it if you said where you are going on your trip? Avoiding sugar is tough, Ihave a friend doing it for 21, she is not having any fruit either!
    Kelly, that is rough about the husband, was it a friend or family member? At least it's friday, you only have to get through the weekend!
    Chloe, that's good about the ultrasound, it is early, and probably you don't want to refer to the baby as "it":happy:
    Better, I am still sore too! I hope you feel better for the long run, I think the soreness is a good sign right? building muscle up? I definitely overdid it my first time lifting after a month break! I thought squatting 65 pounds would be taking it easy, I used to do 85. That's exciting about your rack. Are you going to pick a program like stronglifts or starting strength for you or the husband?
    Jen, have fun with your bestie!

    Speaking of besties, and earlier about ads, I was looking at tickets to Pink, she's coming to Denver, and now there is an ad for $10 off vivid tickets for Pink. They're watching me:angry:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Yay for baby's heartbeat, Chloe!!

    I'm totally cool if you eat back your exercise calories, ladies....there isn't any "hard and fast" rule about that. It'll be more fun the more women who are in this, so, whatever works for you - just let me know the "net" calories you want to ingest for the week, and we'll leave it at that.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I'm in - 12,600 cals for me. I eat at maintenance which is 1800/day & I consider any exercise I do to be my deficit so I don't track them or eat them back. I also tend to count my week as Mon - Sun so that works for me. It's funny that I started that years ago when I used to do Weight Watchers since that was my meeting/weigh-in day and it has always worked out for me, probably since Sunday is my big family dinner which I tend to overdo it on, so I always figured I could start out fresh the next day. Anyways, good luck everyone!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ok if we are doing net calories that would make more sense for me, just in case my workouts fluctuate. And I use an HRM so don't worry about me cheating :happy: Beeps if you could change mine to 12,320 net then, thanks!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Ris - can you expand on your "sugar project"?? I think I'd like to try it....I don't think I have to eliminate all processed carbs, but likely if I'm working on "eliminating sugar", this will happen naturally? I really need this scale to budge!!

    End of month reporting, for March, is due in ONE WEEK. Gack!!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Glad to hear we have so many ladies joining the challenge! And net calories works for me too. Mine will be 11,970.

    Amy--I'm just going up to Connecticut to see my in-laws. It's my father-in-law's 70's birthday, so we're going to surprise him. It'll be a quick trip, we'll be back Sunday.

    Beeps--My "sugar project" is just my two week goal of cutting down my empty sugar calories (i.e., dessert-type things that have little nutritional value) to no more than 100 calories a day. At this point I'm not really focused on other things with a high sugar count (like my granola bars and stuff like that), but eventually I would like to be able to keep my total sugar calories within MFP's recommended limits.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Cool. I'll go with 10,200 for the week net since I count my exercise calories too. No looking back over my consistent logging since 2/25 and my spreadsheet, I lost on the weeks I was at 10,210 and 10,281 with exercise. Let's hope that really is my sweet spot! My weight has gone up the last 3 weeks.... And the numbers tell me why.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Here's what I've got so far for the "STAR CHALLENGE":

    Date: Mar. 25, 2013
    Handle of Participant / Weekly alotted calories

    Beeps 2011 9,800
    ChLoE 1130 12,320
    RisOnTheRun 11,970
    kclynch 10,031
    Better_Balance 10,200

    Yes, we are "intent" on starting on Monday, March 25, 2013. I'm happy to run the contest until end of May....but if some participants are only "giving it their all" until end of April, that's okay, too!

    FOR SURE we're "all" in for the last week of March through to end of April, right?? (Those that want to continue through end of May, like me, can do so....)
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Thanks for organizing Beeps! Yep I'm in for the last week of March through at least the end of April.
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    Hi - just joined mfp and I am very pleased to have found this group. Include me in this challenge: 10,000 calories per week. I have been IF'ing for a while and my macros are pretty strict and this group support is exactly what I was looking for.
    Good luck ladies.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning! Happy first day of challenge! Go ahead and change my calories to 10,100 please; that's what I have planned for my other Sister challenge.

    Had an okay weekend food,drink and exercise wise. I drank more than I intended on Friday, but still managed a great 10k. My poor friend isn't the drinking pro I am :wink: and showed up at my house, puked and was rough on the ride downtown to the race. After she got a half mile or so under her belt, she was golden. My MP3 player crapped out 30 seconds into the race, so her and I just were silly, said good morning to all the spectators, made fun or people, and made rooster and yee haw sounds at every mile markers. Yeah....we were those people. Anyways, good times, probably my most enjoyable 10k ever and my 2nd fastest time! (I think; I can't remember what I did my very first one back in 2006 in....I'll have to consult my bib collection). I got a lift in yesterday because we got our new rack set!!! It's sweet and although the gym is a little crowded, still definitately manageable. I am set for a short and long run this week and 3 lifts. Eric is going to start lifting with me and doing the short run too (with the baby also) so that should be fun. We have plans to lift 2 mornings a week and on Sunday. I'm excited to be doing this with him. I also have a goal weight of 126 set for May 10. Which BTW is when the challenge will end for me, but I will have almost 4 weeks between Destin and Bonnaroo I will need to be strict as well. Anyways, thanks Beeps for taking this on. Challenge on!

    Welcome Juliste! This is a great group.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Welcome Juliste!

    Ashley--sounds like a fun 10k! And good for your friend for rallying for the race! I'm glad to hear you're liking your new rack set.

    My weekend was okay. I got in a short run on Saturday and I did a weight/kettlebell workout on Sunday, but I ate WAY too much on Saturday. We ended up going to this fish place for my father-in-law's birthday where pretty much everything on the menu was battered and deep fried. Then we all went back to his house for dessert, where I had cake and two cannolis (plus a third later that night). I didn't log, but I know I was way over. On Sunday I ate pretty well (and resisted having another cannoli for breakfast), but still log. I had an extra 2 pounds of fluff this morning, which will hopefully go away over the next few days. So I'm definitely looking getting back on track and using our challenge as motivation.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I had a pretty bad weekend. I had a horrible headache that started Thursday night. I ended up leaving work at noon Friday and literally did not leave my couch all Friday and Saturday, except Saturday afternoon I took the pup for a walk. I felt better Sunday, so I got in a good workout Sunday morning. I was over in cals for the week, mainly because I was just craving bad for me foods all weekend and healthy stuff was making me nauseous. And also bc I didn't get in 3 of my planned workouts.

    This week is a new week and I am hoping to keep feeling good. I am going to work hard on staying in my cal goal for the week. That is my biggest focus!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I'm ready for this challenge, Beeps! My eating has been off. Lots of snack foods. The scale was up 3 pounds today!!! That's a pound higher then Christmas week when I really ate bad. I think it has to be water weight from all the snacks. If it's still high next week, I'll adjust my weight. I have worked out the past three days. Still hoping to get in 6 hours this week but don't think carb cycling is for me. I'm going to do 40/30/30 this week and then maybe 35/40/25 next week.

    Chloe- you're doing amazing and sometimes baby is going to make you rest. Just listen to your body.

    Ris- I'm sure that is water weight from the sweets and then resitance training.

    Ashley- Congrats on your 10k. That was an awesome time!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I think I failed this weekend BECAUSE I knew I was entering this "star challenge", lol.

    Who knows!?!?

    Anyway, I'm in it to win it. Am going to keep my calories low, and to pay penance for my weekend of indulgence, I'm going to hit a cardio class, tonight (which I *never* do anymore!). Well, I say that now....but, haven't done my lifting, yet. I'll go lift at lunch and my hope is that I'll leave enough gas in the tank to do a cardio class tonight.

    So, my weekly calories are 9,800 - which does NOT sound like very much! Treats have to just be out-of-sight and out-of-mind. If I eliminate them altogether, I tend to have more success....it's that first "nibble", which turns into 10 nibbles, etc., that KILLS me!

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Welcome, Juliste! My weekend wasn't great either, I didn't get my workout Friday, I had to pick up my cat from the vet, routine stuff and teeth cleaning, then to my husband's comedy show, I didn't even eat dinner then I drove home in a blizzard and ate Burger King. I felt pretty ill halfway through that!
    Saturday was with the in-laws, Sunday I was pretty lazy.
    I brought stuff to workout tonight and plan to workout M/W/F this week.
    I look forward to seeing how the challenge works for all of you, good luck! I will try it next week:)