2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Yeah, no doubt it was the alcohol. I think it's that and stress. I wake up because the alcohol affects my sleep cycle, but then my problem is that I can't stop thinking about EVERYTHING! The work I have to get done at my job, the photos that I need to finish archiving, the design I need to complete for my back yard...... I literally was visualized putting all of these thoughts in gift boxes and setting them outside of my bed this morning....to no avail. When I did Just Say No January, I slept better. Yet another reason I shouldn't drink as much......
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Got my lifting session in-and-done. Am taking more tylenol....coughing is getting pretty bad and my throat *is* very sore.

    Still have to get through some cardio with my daughter after work....it really won't be anything "taxing" for me - I'll keep my arms by my side and make sure my heart rate isn't RACING.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    challenge results, so far:

    Date: report in on April 1st.
    Handle of Participant Weekly alotted calories Week 1

    Beeps 2011 9,800 PLAT 
    ChLoE 1130 12,320 NO 
    RisOnTheRun 11,970
    kclynch 10,031 PLAT 
    Better_Balance 10,100 SILV 
    Alex12Smith 10,500
    abigail1977 12,600
    Juliste 9,800 PLAT 
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    lol@ my little "stars" not showing up.

    Will have to think of something else...
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Sorry I am late getting to this today. Easter weekend was a major fail! Candy is my kryptonite so of course I way overdid it, so no star for me this week. I was so sick last night from it all. That's the bad news. Now, the good news is that the days and weeks leading up to the holiday weekend I have been doing really well and have found some things that are really working for me. I have always follwed the whole eating lots of small meals throughout the day thing, but the problem is that I get hungier later in the day and evening and am all out of calories and still starving. The other advice I was given is to taper carbs throughout the day, but once I have them I just want more. Instead now I wait as long as possible after breakfast to eat lunch and the other thing is I save a lot of my carbs for later especially since I exercise late afternoon or early evening. This seems to be really working for me, so I will continue on with that for this challenge.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I am so sorry ladies!! I had a friend in town for 4 days, then my kids were on Spring Break last week and I took off of work, resulting in me being at my heaviest I've been in 4 years!!!! And to top it all off, pools open in 8 weeks and I've been summoned for jury duty tomorrow :huh: So goes my life!!

    I will get on when I can...I will figure this out! Keep on rocking it!! The challenge looks like it's going strong!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    New day. Yesterday sucked. I was tired, and had a sh*tty meeting but my kid was being super cute when I got home and the family went to dinner (and I drank wine) and I got good sleep last night and a workout with Eric this morning, so I am determined to make the rest of the week good. Was over on my cals yesterday and had one more drink than I was supposed to. So the next few days I really need to be on my game or I may see a gain. I've got 6 weeks to get rid of 3.5 pounds and I need to not have many slip ups. I've got 3 miles with the family planned for tomorrow, strength on Thursday morning, 10 mile (hilly) race Saturday and strength Sunday. I can do this!

    Welcome back everyone. I only bought one small container of peeps for my daugher, who didn't really like them so I ate 3 of them last night. One is left and that is all the candy I'm going to buy! Even though I'm a sucker for clearance holiday candy..... I used to buy marshmallow Santas weekly when I was prego after Christmas. Looks like everyone is back on track!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I had a decent day yesterday. I ended up having a few of my ghiradelli chocolate squares that were not in my plan, but OMG are they good! Tonight I will do my Preg Project DVD, month 3 is a major butt and leg workout, I was actually pretty sore from when I did it on Saturday. The scale is comfortably resting around 153 which is about 8 pounds up from my happy weight. I did take measurements last night though just to see where I am and my waist is up 2 inches and my chest is up about 3! Hips, butt and legs are all still the same though, so I guess that is good.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Abigail - I think you will find that when you eat your calories more in-tune with your own body wants/needs, that controlling how MUCH you ingest becomes WAY EASIER! (I, too, used to force myself to have all these "small" meals throughout the day, when, really, my natural inclination is to NOT EAT in the morning and to eat MOST of my calories in the evening.)

    jen - jury duty! I'm jealous!! I've ALWAYS wanted to do jury duty and, because of my profession, I shall never have that opportunity. Bummer! Enjoy it - it's a "life experience" that not all of us get to have!

    Better - I'm glad you can just "celebrate the moments" as they come. It's totally do-able to be down 3.5 lbs in 6 weeks (I'm aiming to be down 5 lbs through April itself!) and I know you'll get right-back-on-track with your exercise!!

    ChLoE - boobs going up MEANS you're pregnant, for sure, lol!! It's really great to read how you are keeping fitness at the forefront of your mind while you maneuver through these 9 months!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    My cardio-session last night wasn't very good. I wasn't aiming for very much, but my daughter pooped out about 15 minutes in! Then, she just became a distraction to the class as a whole. I made it to the 30-min mark and then kinda thought, "what the heck am I doing, here?? I'm SICK!" So, we packed up and left.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I think I'm going to go to the gym and just walk-and-walk-and-walk at lunch. I don't want any heavy-duty cardio (because it makes me hungry - the antithesis of what I WANT to feel, right now...), but the DOMs in my quads isn't feeling very good, today....so, I want to pump my blood to get it moving on its way.

    Enjoy your day, ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I am bailing on my lunch-time walk. I just have NO energy. It's okay, at best it might have burned 100 or 150 calories, so I'll just make sure I dial back my calories by that many and I'll be fine.

    I have a hair appt after work and I can just sit in her chair and vegetate....it will be an early (to bed) evening tonight!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps--good for you for trying to workout even though you're sick! Sounds like you did all you could. As for jury duty, come to the states, being a lawyer won't get you out of it here….

    Abigail--glad to hear you found what works for you for carbs!

    Jen--nice to see you! Good luck with jury duty….

    Ashley--sounds like you have a plan to get yourself back on track!

    Chloe--that's great that that video is giving you a good workout!

    I got a good lifting session in yesterday, but then gave into a sugar craving and ate some sugar wafers from the vending machine. And had cake when I got home. So I was a little over on calories, but I've pre-logged the rest of today and should be under as long as I ride the bike when I get home. Hopefully by telling you all that I'm going to do that it'll make me actually do the workout!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Alex12Smith - am waiting for you to weigh in on what your calories ended up being for March 25 - March 31, 2013, so I can finish up the "star challenge" results!!

    Date: report in on April 1st.

    Beeps 2011 PLAT *
    ChLoE 1130 NO *
    RisOnTheRun PLAT *
    kclynch PLAT *
    Better_Balance SILV *
    abigail1977 NO *
    Juliste PLAT *
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Abigail - I am the same way with carbs. I try to reduce carbs earlier in the day, so IF I go crazy later on, I'm still at 40%. It doesn't always work, but I try.

    Jen- Your heaviest is still less then me...lol. I'm sure it's a lot of water weight. Glad you are back.

    Chloe- You are doing awesome with your workouts. Keep it up.

    Beeps- I think that's awesome you took your daughter with you, even if she didn't last.

    Ris- Eh, at least you got our workout in. Sounds like a good plan for the rest of the day.

    I have horrible PMS and horrible self talk. :angry: I woke up at 3:30. I couldn't fall back asleep. I didn't work out. I just laid there. Then got up and thought, UCK. LOOK AT ME. GROSS. My clothes still fit fine but I just feel flabby. Tomorrow is another day, right?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Kelly - I have been feeling super flabby lately too. Not sure why. No PMS/TOM here. Today is the first day I have woken up and felt good all week. I'm a little sore from lifting yesterday morning and the family walked for 30 minutes yesterday too. We've got a 3 mile run planned for tonight. I weigh in tomorrow and I'm a little worried. I'm just afraid a gain will cause loss of momentum. I really hope I have another 1/2 pound so I can work towards my FL goal. Gotta tighten it up the rest of the week and have a great weekend!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I am getting sicker.


    So, stayed home from work this morning (but have meetings to attend this afternoon), am downing the tylenol, and am skipping my beloved weight-training, today.

    Am sick of being sick!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps - So sorry you are still ill :( Crossing my fingers you are on the mend quickly. Just rest and get better!

    Better - If you are feeling better, don't pay attention to the scale!! A couple weeks a go, when I was doing great, the scale was up 2 lbs but my clothes were baggy :) Just reign it in and stick to it!!

    KC - It's just so frustrating because I can't seem to get past a 2 week streak and stay good! I'm not gonna stop though! Stop the horrible self talk!! Hope today is much better!!!

    Ris - Hope you got in the workout you told us about!!! :happy:

    Well, if I didn't see it myself, I wouldn't believe it, but the scale is down 6.2 lbs from Monday!!!! Thanks goodness for my detox tea and logging!! So, starting weights back up again today after a week and a half break. I think I'm gonna do tabatas!

    Jury duty was interesting. Was there all day but not selected to the panel, my number wasn't picked out of the box. But I have to continue to call every night through the 19th.

    Ok ladies, keep going strong...swimsuit season is soon, ack!!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Beeps- so sorry you are feeling icky! That sucks!

    Jen- it is crazy what some major water weight can do the scale! Great job on getting those 6lbs off!

    KC- hang in there, PMS can do crazy things to our bodies and mood!

    So those of you that have been pregnant, do you remember being so unbelievably hungry? Like all the time. This is out of control. I went over cals last night because I was seriously still starving after dinner. I'm not gonna lie I have been giving in to sweets, but for the most part I am eating pretty healthy filling foods I think, but I still cant seem to stay full! Like right now I am thinking about going down to the vending machine to get popcorn and I just ate an apple and a granola bar. I guess I cant complain too much, the scale has been staying pretty steady over the past few weeks, but geez!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Thanks, ladies. I'm in a much better mood today. The weather is nice, just a little windy so I plan on going for a run between work and soccer. I haven't run since the first time, 2 weeks ago.

    Yes, Chloe, I was always hungry! I use to keep nuts and stuff stashed everywhere. I was pregnant over Christmas time with my youngest. I allowed myself 4 sweets a week. Nothing too big, most of the time. :wink:

    Jen - I'm not surprised that you dropped it all. A few days of fun usually doesn't stay.

    Ashley- Good luck with your run tonight. If you in hubs keep working out together, I'm sure you'll be firmer in time for your trip.

    Beeps- rest up and feel better.

    Oh, and as for bathing suit season, I don't fit into my tankini from last year. It's a snap hook that is too lose on top and the bottoms are too baggy.