2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    ...and, here's the UPDATED chart for the April-STAR challenge!

    Anyone else gonna enter?? We only started on Monday, so there's still some time to GEAR UP for this CHALLENGE!

    Date: report in on April 1st.
    Handle of Participant Weekly alotted calories

    Beeps 2011 9,800
    ChLoE 1130 12,320
    RisOnTheRun 11,970
    kclynch 10,031
    Better_Balance 10,100
    Alex12Smith 10,500
    abigail1977 12,600
    Juliste 9,800
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    My daughter did G-R-E-A-T! I was totally blown away, actually....because, I was kind of expecting her to poop out 20 minutes into it and pull a "whine-y". But, we introduced ourselves to the instructor at the beginning of class. I put daughter in front of me on the lowest step and I was behind her (on the highest step - I'm tall). Luckily, not too many people were in the class - it's spring break here!

    Anyway, whether it's her dance training, or what, she PICKED UP ON THE STEPS with GREAT EASE! I was FLABBERGASTED!

    We did 45 minutes of the class....she stopped once to go to the washroom and I just kept on going. When the instructor moved to the hand-weights, daughter and I left the class - but properly thanked the instructor, first.

    So, daughter is TOTALLY STOKED. And, I'm really proud that she gave it a go! I think this could be a really good thing for her - particularly in the off-season from ice hockey. And, for me, well, if I end up having to do "double-time" at the gym for awhile, it's okay....in 6 months, she can hit the weight room with me and, boy, WON'T THAT BE FUN!!??!!??!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I hit the weights last night and it went quick, workout B is a 5x5 squats, overhead presses, and deadlifts (1 set of 5) so I was done quickly, stretched and home by 6pm.
    Beeps, that is fun that you have your daughter to share fitness! I am not at all coordinated and refuse to try Zumba, turbo kickbox was embarrassing and step aerobics was also a joke. I wish I had some rythm but I don't!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Fun Beeps. How old is your daughter? My Mom urged me to start going to the gym arond 12-13. My very first visit ever was during Christmas vacation and I did step aerobics. I danced (well clogged) from 5-10 and then cheered all through middle school, so my coordination/dance/choreography abilities were/are decent. At the time I hated that my Mom "urged" me to go work out. I also resented her for not keeping candy cereal and ding dongs in the kitchen. Now I am thankful she instilled good habits in me early.

    Hello everyone else!

    I've had a good week. Macros were a little off yesterday. I planned for a 1/2 serving of risotto and a larger portion of salmon, but the salmon tasted fishy to me so I had more risotto and gave the fish to my kid. She dug it; asparagus and blue cheese risotto...not so much. Anyways, all my workouts ended up at the end of the week (run tonight, lift in the morning, run Saturday and lift Sunday) but I did my lift Tuesday morning and walked yesterday in addition to a ton of chores on my day off. I had a 1/2 pound loss today and I am understanding that the numbers really do make sense. So again, I just need to stick with this and I WILL lose the weight! Oh, and I had 2.5 glasses of wine on Tuesday and that's it for the week! Which is kind of a big deal fo rme..... I will be having some wine tonight. I have to burn the calories for it first! :drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I can't do "zumba", either, Amy....and, I've tried it, like 7 different times....I just cannot do the "monkey-see-monkey-do" stuff. I NEED the instructor to give me VERBAL COMMANDS! (That's why I think I'm awesome at step!) I do miss my cardio....so, being back HARD at my cardio - while still keeping my lifting - has actually been quite INVIGORATING! I'm not sure I can keep up all the time commitments, but we'll see....as spring approaches, it is lighter longer in the evenings, which makes it easier to sneak away to do some cardio!

    My daughter is 10! Because I'm such a gym-rat, every Saturday morning I have dragged my kids off to the YMCA with me - for 10 years, now!

    They started off in "baby-sitting". Then, when they were old enough (4? maybe?), they could go to the "Y Squad" - which is a (free to members) program for kids aged 4 - 12 where they get supervised sports time, puzzle time, games, reading, etc.

    And, this past fall, now that my kids are 11 and 10 and have taken the "home alone" course, I leave my son at home, alone, while my husband has had my daughter at the University taking her all-girl's engineering class. Well, that class ended last week - so her Saturday mornings have free-d up!

    She wants to do the 75-minute cardio step-class that I always do on Saturday mornings....she's been watching me do it through the windows of "Y Squad" for, oh 6 years now?? So, yes, she's been "interested" in step for a L-O-N-G time. But, the YMCA rule used to be you had to be 12+ to be in the class.

    Now, the YMCA has modified the rule to permit 8- to 11- year olds in group cardio classes (including spin! zumba! whatevah!), so long as the parent is within arms' reach (i.e. the parent has to be doing the class, too....it isn't a "baby-sitting" service!)

    This new rule is going to be VERY good for my kids! I can see my son going to spin class with my husband (because son is tall enough to be on those bikes - daughter isn't quite there, yet!) and my daughter wants to get on the elliptical machines (permitted with a parent on a machine next door) and she wants to do step with me.

    I feel pretty flattered, actually.....I'm *glad* she's very interested in "fitness". I mean, we've ALWAYS kept our kids very 'active' in sports - swimming, dance, ice hockey, badminton, tae kwon do, basketball, football, baseball, gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, tumbling, etc. - but this is REALLY PROOF that "modelling" the "we are a family that goes to the gym..." really does get your kids USED to the idea that this is "just how life works".
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Alex--Getting enough sleep is SO hard, but feels SO good when you get it. Working on getting 8 hours more often is a great goal.

    Beeps--Kids are amazing in what they can do! That's great to hear that she enjoyed the class. Sounds like your gym is very kid friendly, which is also great. I makes sense that the more they see their parents workout the more likely they are to accept it as a way of life when they're old enough to make their own choices.

    Amy--Nice job on the weights!

    Ashley--Nice work on limiting the wine! Sounds like a good week overall.

    Yesterday ended up being a pretty good day--work got super busy at the end so I didn't have time to eat all of the snacks I brought, and when I went out to dinner with a friend we ended up skipping the naan at dinner that I had planned for, so I ended up having more wiggle room in my calories at the end of the day than I was expecting. So far so good today--I got in a nice run at lunch and I have all of my meals/snacks planned out for the rest of the day. I'm going to get up early tomorrow to do weights in the morning, and then hopefully get one or two longer runs in over the weekend since it's supposed to be pretty warm.
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    For these two weeks my challenge is to
    1) stay under 1300 per day
    2) exercise 3x 30 mins per week. Thats hard for me!
    3) increase incidental walking/extra swims in the pool
    4) no more chocolate
    5) continue to be mainly vegetarian in mealtime choices and eat fish once a week
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - that's great about your daughter, I'm glad the class went well and she enjoyed it. You are definitely starting your kids off with some really good habits.

    I am doing okay with the calories - was over on Wednesday, but kept it under on Thursday. I am going to have to work extra hard this weekend to work around Easter dinner and all the junkfood that will be floating around. My kids have an Easter egg hunt on Saturday and my mother also has one at her house before dinner on Easter Sunday - yikes!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I haven't been tempted by any Easter treats yet! I used to love a cadbury egg but now it sounds kinda gross. Not sure why, I like chocolate, it's just SO sweet!

    I think I will workout tomorrow then my sister gets in tomorrow evening and is staying for 9 days so I am not sure what kind of exercise I will be managing. She isn't a drinker so at least that's not so much a problem and we share things a lot so that keeps portions reasonable, but company usually means more eating out and less time for exercise so right now I have my Vegas challenge to start the day she leaves.

    The scale was up a little this morning, which I hate, no matter how much I tell myself that I didn't gain 3 pounds of fat in a week...
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    Beeps - your story about your kids brought back fond memories of my owh kids watching me workout until they were old enough to join in. 15 years later we still somehow find the time to work out together when we can; crossfit, cycling, hiking, etc. Enjoy!

    The roads are finally dry and this morning I went for my first run outdoors this year. Ouch! It can only get better. ..

    Ladies, have a great weekend and I'll check in on Monday evening with my challenge results.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Had a decent week. I didn't make my goal but was only over by less than 500. 10,524 was my total. Had I not drank that wine like I wasn't supposed to at family Easter, I'd have been fine.... :ohwell:

    I had a great 10 mile run Saturday though. And I managed to stay pretty active all weekend. I'm ready for another good week! Missed my shopping day and food prep yesterday. Too busy: coffee shop, workout, church, relax for a bit, holding fussy baby, treadmill, family time. No grocery. I'll go today.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Oh, and slept like crap last night. Awoke at 3:30 and didn't get back to sleep till 6:00ish. That happened Friday night too. I hope I'm not getting insomniac. Drinking seems to make it worse. Anyone else have issues?
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    Hi everyone. In general I had a good week. I met my goal of total calories per week: obj: 9800, results: 9490. I added additional workout sessions this week so we'll see if my caloric objective sustains me after tweeking my macro nutrient %.. On to week No. 2 same objective of 9800 calories.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    My weekend was koo-koo. Long-story-short, I've come down with a head-cold, so have been unable/unwilling to exercise. Mind you, with the fever raging, I completed my first EVER >24 hour fast on Saturday (and that is while I cooked a full Easter menu for 10 people - 8 hours on my feet!). I ate NOTHING.

    I'm going to lift, today, and then will accompany my daughter to a cardio-step class this evening. I'm still really weak, so not sure how this is going to go, but I haven't worked out since Wednesday and I need to REV UP MY ENGINE!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    PLEASE RECORD, HERE, what calories (net) you ingested from Monday, March 25 - Sunday, March 31, 2013.

    I GROSSED 9,557....have no idea what my net is (did 5 work-outs last week, though...) So, I get a "platinum" star!


    Juliste and Balance, I have your totals....will wait for the rest of the challengers to post!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    here's a *reminder* of the scoring system for the "STAR CHALLENGE":

    Post what your "weekly (net) calorie alottment" is, and if you stay within THOSE calories, for the week, GOLD STAR.

    If you are UNDER those calories, for the week, PLATINUM STAR.

    If you are OVER by 1 - 500 calories for the week, SILVER STAR.

    If you are OVER by 501 - 1,000 calories for the week, BRONZE STAR.

    And, if you are OVER BY 1,001> calories for the week, NO STAR.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Oh, so I need to rant. I had to do my first defriend for reason other than not logging on for 2 weeks. So this girl, I've been thinking of deleting her for quite some time. She got pregnant with her second after some fertility treatments. (Had 3 but lost 2). She continued running long runs, like over 10 miles many times a week. She did this all through her pregnancy, kept her diary hidden and bragged about her miniscule weight gain. Once she had the baby, she'd always post things like, "up at 3am, 90 minutes on the stepmill, back home to nurse at 7"..... So over the weekend she posted something like, "eating 1300 calories a day, broke down her macros, running 50+ miles a week, lifting heavy, and nursing and no loss this week. What gives?" SO I told her I ate 1800-2000 while nursing and lost slowly but consistently for 10 months and maybe she should eat more. As 3 other people suggested. She had already said, "thanks I'll bump to 1500 :)" I saw she completed her diary last night and it was private! Why do you ask for advice when all you really want to do is brag about how you don't eat and work out way too much all while nursing your child!!!??? I was kinda buzzed so I deleted her. I mean this girl is having negative nets EVERY day. She runs 15 miles and logs it as like a 500 calorie burn. Then she never logged her 500 calorie "burn" from nursing and she woul still show only like a 500-600 daily calorie net. It makes me sad; she obviously has some serious issues with over exercising and food. And it was just making me sad/mad so, she's gone. And i just needed to b*tch about her.

    Rant over.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Happy Monday! My weekend was eh. I was so busy Sat, my calories were low, but the food was crap. Yesterday, we went to Outback. I logged it. According to MFP, there was no sodium in my Margarita so score! LOL. Today startes my Svelete for summer challenge. I did adjust my weight - up 1.5 - but I'm guessing some of that is sodium/CARBS, so maybe I'll be the biggest loser this week. Haha, I don't have much of a game plan. Just the basic eat more protein, less carbs, WAY less processed junk, and workout more. I think if I stress too much - like with macros- it messes with my head.

    I came in 349 under my weekly calories, Beeps.

    Good job, Juliste.

    Ashley, I hope you figure out your sleep issues. They say drinking does make it worse because your REM is off and it's normal to wake up when the alcohol wears off.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I'm so ashamed to say I was over 1000 calories over. It was mostly due to the nausea I had last week which kept me eating constantly. This week is already starting out better, so I hope to be on track. I did get in all my workouts last week though. Starting fresh today and my big goal this week is to stay away from sweets. That got a little out of control last week with the holiday and everything as well.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Juliste--great job last week!

    Ashley--my husband actually did his only little "study" on drinking and exercising and sleeping. He found that he sleeps the best on days that he exercises and doesn't drink, and sleeps the worst on days he drinks and doesn't exercise. The days he both drank and exercised or didn't drink or exercise were somewhere in the middle, but his approach wasn't quiet scientific enough to decide which of those two middle-ground scenarios produces better sleep.

    And I hear you on your rant. It's sad when people on here don't take care of themselves, especially when it could be affecting a kid. You did what you could do as far as giving good advice; no good can come of you keeping her as a friend if she's going to drive you crazy!

    Beeps--I hope you feel better soon! I can't believe you cooked for everyone while feeling so sick.

    Kelly--Nice job last week! And I agree that working out more, eating less crap, and working on your protein/carbs ratio can only help :smile:

    Chloe--don't beat yourself up! Unfortunately veggies and nausea don't seem to mix too well. Hopefully all of that will subside in the next few weeks.

    I did pretty well over the weekend. I got in a longish run on Saturday and a short one on Sunday. I was a little over my dessert allowance both days, but I didn't go overboard, I logged everything (with a few guesses here and there, particularly for the Easter brunch my friend cooked), and I was a little under my net calorie goal for the weekend. For our challenge, I was under my goal by 321 calories for the week.