2 week challenge



  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Hang in there Chloe, hopefully you should feel better soon. For me both times I felt great after the first trimester right up until the very end. With my first I had swollen sore feet at the end. With my second she was sitting really low so I felt like I had to pee all the time! Other than that it was great. I actually enjoyed having a cute baby bump and my evening entertainment was to lay on the couch and watch my stomach move.

    My Les Mills Pump program came yesterday so I started with that and am really excited. I think I am going to enjoy it. I'll let you all know how it goes.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Hi amy! Chocolate = yum. 1,200 calories = HARD.

    Aw, Chloe, I can't imagine some sort of "permanent-state" headache! That is just terrible....TERRIBLE!

    Abigail - I totally remember the "watching my belly move" phase(s)....awesome! Can't wait to hear more about "Les Mills Pump" - keep posting? (Is it a DVD program??)

    Today I get to lift! Am still suffering some DOMs from Monday, so hopefully today's work-out will get that to move along a little quicker.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, it was a rough evening, I forewent (?) the chocolate for another 4 oz of red wine:embarassed:
    Yesterday was actually 1500 cals, today is 900! I entered everything and it's ok, I think, but I will probably be hungry. Just don't anyone freak about the 900 cals today, it all averages out! this is the eat-stop-eat plan, and I actually think it will be easier to stick with than 1200 per day because I do have spike days. I will do dinner-to-dinner fast on Sunday.
    Chloe, you are gestating life, that is pretty incredible, so if you can't get off the couch that's still more than I am doing. I hope the headaches go away!
    Beeps, you must be doing something right if you still get DOMS, that always goes away for me, it's really bad at the beginning of a program but then either I stop pushing or my body adapts, I don't know...
    Oh, my favorite lift is probably squats, my favorite distance is 30 mins.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps--I will definitely blow you a cherry blossom kiss! I can't believe that you all still have snow--it's 90 degrees here today, though that won't last.

    Amy--nice work on prelogging the wine and kisses! If you hadn't it probably would have been easy for you to just have the extra 4 oz of wine AND the chocolate. Good luck with 900 calories today!

    Juliste--I had to google "Romanian deadlifts," but I realize that I do them every once in a while I just didn't know what they're called. I need to work those in more regularly.

    Chloe--I'm so sorry to hear about your headaches! Has your doctor recommended anything? Hopefully they will go away soon.

    Abigail--definitely let us know how the Les Mills Pump goes!

    I need to lift today. I'm going to try to go to the gym in my building after work. I'm tempted to go home and workout in my basement where I can watch TV, but I know I'll get a better workout in the office gym because it has heavier weights.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Here's week 2 status-report for STAR CHALLENGE:

    Date: report in on April 8.
    Handle of Participant Week 2

    Beeps 2011 SILV *
    ChLoE 1130 BRZE *
    kclynch PLAT *
    Better_Balance PLAT *
    abigail1977 PLAT *
    Juliste PLAT *

    I didn't see Ris' report....nor Alex's!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Sorry Beeps, my report was hidden in one of my earlier posts. I was over my net calories for the week by 264 calories, so silver star for me.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Date: report in on April 8.
    Handle of Participant Week 2

    Beeps 2011 SILV *
    ChLoE 1130 BRZE *
    RisOnTheRun SILV *
    kclynch PLAT *
    Better_Balance PLAT *
    abigail1977 PLAT *
    Juliste PLAT *
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    4 platinums, 2 silvers and a bronze. Not one single person ate >1,000 calories beyond their BUDGET.

    I'd say that is a VERY SUCCESSFUL WEEK!

    Congrats, star-challengers! Great job!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I am eating chocolate-covered almonds and I think that will mess with my weekly calorie alottment...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Boy, those chocolate-covered almonds just started me on a carb-binge that I'd rather not repeat....

    And, do to all those (empty) carbs, I am HUNGRY this morning.


    So, I'm going to be chugging down the coffee in my (lame) attempt not to eat anything until noon.

    Crap - I have to STOP doing this to myself!! This is *all* self-sabotage! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO close to 'goal' and somehow I'm LOSING my motivation, everyday, instead of GAINING.

  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Bagels were on sale at Market Basket and apparently they have been my "chocolate covered almonds" this week. I've been over every day so today like you Beeps I am trying to make up for it. Good luck getting back on track and no more self-sabotage! You have been doing awesome lately and don't want to lose momentum.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Beeps, I do it every weekend with wine. We all have our vices. Thanks for all of our starts too. And glad you're feeling better.

    Abigail, I'm with you on the bagels. I eat one (or two) every weekend.

    Chloe, You won't be a dissapointment. The fact that you are still living the healthy lifestyle is more than many women do so kudos to you. Take you free pass to not be so hard on yourself. You're making a human! :smile: Enjoy.

    Amy, Sorry you had a rough night. Everything OK? I have been drinking my work stress away lately. I have this one project the is a total pain in my @ss. It should be wrapping up towards the end of the month. As another one of my big project will be. Just in time for The Derby! And then my vacation. I can't wait for May.

    Ris - Sounds like you have been doing well and have great goals working with your schedule.

    That's all I see. Everyone else....hellloooooo!!!

    Well, a good week for me! I had a 1.5 pound loss this week! I really think that I had a fluke weight last week (up a pound) and maybe had really lost 0.5 pound (as the numbers say that I should have) and then another 0.5 this week. Whatever, I'll take it! I think the extra walk, the HIIT, and drinking Jen's amazing detox tea may have helped. I got my lift in the morning and may actually do a quick HIIT when I get home. Friday night is book club and then Saturday morning I'm supposed to run 12 miles. For the first time in my life. My top distance is 10.1. EVER. Wish me luck. I plan on taking it nice and easy.

    Diet has been pretty good. Protein near 100. I've drank every night this week, but mostly momderately. One thing I must confess I am not proud of....don't judge.....I;ve been having some cigarettes. I know I know! I've always been a drniking smoker and then obviously quit when I got pregnant, and then I bought a pack one night my husband was out of town. And then had him stop on our way home from Easter when I was drunkish. That pack is almost gone and I'm not buying any more! I do actually enjoy sitting on my deck having a drink and a smoke, but hate what it does to me, hate that my husband hates it, hate that society hates it, and that I feel the need to do it once I've had x number of drinks.... So once my pack is gone (I think there are 3 or 4) that's it! :blushing:

    Back to work. Busy day!!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps--you need to get yourself back on track! Maybe pull out your measurements/pics over the last year or so to remind yourself of how far you've come? Or try on those thermometer jeans (remember that challenge?)? Or take a look at pictures of someone with the body you want to have? We all have our guilty pleasures, and it's okay to enjoy to indulge a little, but don't lose sight of your goal!

    Abigail--bagels are so delicious. I can't keep them in the house, but I do enjoy them on the weekends….

    Ashley--great job on the loss! And good luck on your 12 miler! Nice and easy is a great plan. No judgment here on the cigarettes. I have one every once in a while when I'm drinking with my smoking friends. Though I recommend avoiding them the night before your 12 miler, your lungs will thank you :smile:

    I've had a good week so far. I did go to the gym last night, and I've been under my calories every day this week. The rest of the week is not going to be so great because I won't have time to work out (other than the walking that goes along with sightseeing when my parents are in town and hopefully a lunchtime walk tomorrow) and we'll probably be eating out a lot this weekend, but I'm hoping that with the cushion I've created so far this week everything will balance out in the end.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanks, Better, things are better-and I do smoke when I am drinking and around friends who smoke. I quit 7 years ago, and I won't let myself buy a pack, but when my friend was going through the rough divorce... well, I am not proud of it either, but my husband did meet and date me for 3 years as a smoker...
    When is The Derby? Are you hosting the party again?
    I was able to stick right around 900 cals, I had some pistachios that I hadn't pre-logged and my husband probably cooked the eggs with oil I didn't count, but I got on the scale and I have already dropped 4 pounds since Monday, which I know isn't fat but at least my efforts are being rewarded! the next three days are 1400, 1500 and 1500 then Sunday is another 900 and I can't fast til dinner because of brunch with the in-laws.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Back-on-track! This was harder than I thought....I had an appt before lunch and, on my way back to the office, with TUMMY GROWLING, I passed every fast-food joint there is. Downed 2 glasses of water when I got back to the office and am, again, nursing a coffee. I'll cave with a fresh-grilled chicken and romaine lettuce salad! So, good....I don't want a 2nd binge-day, that's for sure!

    Better - I was a social smoker throughout all my 20's....it was a FABULOUS time to be a social smoker! You could still smoke in bars and restaurants and it kept me comfy when my gf's raced off and danced the night away! But, sheesh, today, it would be SUCH A PAIN to be a smoker! You can't smoke in bars. Not on patios. 15 m away from office towers - I mean, when I see smokers huddling outside at -30 and taking a puff, I think, "why bother???" But, yep, once-upon-a-time, you'd catch me with a bottle of beer and a smoke in my hand, for sure! And, nopey, had NO weight problems in my 20's, lol!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    PS - my "thermometer" jeans are now only 1 of 2 pairs of jeans I own, that FIT. True story. All my jeans are too big - I'm in the process of giving them all away. Mind you, I work in a "jeans only" office, and rotating 2 pairs of jeans, only, is becoming VERY NOTICEABLE!

    I need to get to a store, somewhere, and buy some capri pants or something!!!!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - that's great news about your jeans not fitting, not so great that you don't have enough to wear to work. I only get jeans day at my office on Fridays and I love it, jeans are my favorite. Anyways, get shopping and have fun!

    Amy - 4 pounds? Wow!

    Ris - good luck this weekend with all the eating out

    Better - congrats on the loss and good luck with your run - wow that's far! My farthest run so far is only 4 miles.

    I am also a former smoker. I had been on & off throughout the years, but the last time I quit was when I got pregnant with my second daughter and never went back. I do miss it when I am out drinking though, but since you can't smoke in bars anymore it removes the temptation.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Well, I did some online shopping today....I just HATE shopping SO much, it isn't even funny.

    I did buy:

    1. 1 x size 8 joseph ribkoff dress....this is more like a work dress ($100);
    2. 1 x size 10 joseph ribkoff dress....this fits "small" according to the website. This is a $200 dress that I want to wear to my parents' 50th wedding anniversary (scheduled for mid-July, 2013). And, I can wear my BELOVED purple peep-toed 5" pumps!
    3. 2 x size 8 capri jeans....fine, these I should be able to wear to work....once the snow melts. (Each pair was $85)
    4. 4 x tops. (total = $120)

    There. That's enough. I'm pooped. All this *kitten* better fit!!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Dang, Beeps! I went shopping yesterday, too. Mostly to avoid eating. When I have allergies or a cold I always want to stuff my face. I stayed out to late and couldn't make dinner. Oops. I bought clearance clothes though. I got the cutest high waisted skirt at the limited for $14. I wanted to find ankle jeans but I am in between sizes. I better step it up so I can officially be a size 2 again.

    Amy- that is a crazy loss! It just shows how our bodies can respond to healthy foods.

    Ashley- that's awesome. You will be ready for your vacation in no time!

    Abigail - I can't wait to hear what you think of pump!

    Chloe- you are pregnant. Give yourself a break. I had headaches too. I remember feeling amazing around 13 weeks.

    I'm finally feeling up to working out today. I'm thinking arms and cardio. Happy Friday!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    KC- thanks that is what everyone keeps telling me! 2 more weeks until I feel amazing then!

    Beeps- holy shopping spree! you should be set for awhile! nice job!

    Abi- cant wait to hear about Pump!

    I had a great day yesterday! Got in a four mile walk with a pretty good incline on the treadmill. I had a mild headache in the afternoon, but it went away quick. No headache yet today either. Right now I am trying to avoid all the bagels and donuts around my office. I just ate my whole grain english muffin and jelly, so I should be able to steer clear. I don't have time to workout today, we are having a big get together with a bunch of my friends from highschool. I am excited because I will get to tell them I'm pregnant and I know my one good friend is going to be so excited. I plan on getting in 2 good walks tomorrow and Sunday and also do my Pregnancy DVD once also.