2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    My waist is 27" even when I am 107, and that is the measure for the tallest! so maybe I should just try for the right ratio? not sure how to get bigger hips, or how to measure shoulders?
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Ashley – Hope today is better for you too! Great job limiting to one drink!! I hope it took the edge off ;) I don’t think drinking is bad, I just make bad food choices when I drink :p Push ups are no joke, so that is great you are improving so much!! I need to work them back into my rotation of exercises! And I am so jealous you have all those coffee places you could walk to! I only have one within walking distance but it’s only a drive thru…so that is not appealing to me.

    Chloe – So glad to hear you are feeling better!! And yay for the workout and good food choices. I saw your diary and it was stellar and not over by much!! Excellent job!

    Beeps – Oh how I feel for you! But I am so glad you enjoy your clients and the work. Definitely something positive to keep you going! And you drank sensibly, sometimes we just need it!! (Talking about it now makes me want a glass of wine, lol!) :laugh:

    Woot woot on the shoulders! You are sooooo close to your goal! I can’t wait to celebrate with you when you get there! Keep going, chica! I am 4’11.5…if I found the right website when I typed it in, they wanted me to have a 22 inch waist…what the h-e-double hockey sticks are they smoking?!?! The smallest my waist has been is 24” at 104lbs and 15% bodyfat…that lasted all of 2 minutes!! Will you re-check please ☺ Thanks!

    Kelly – No use looking back…only look forward!! I saw your diary and you damn well shoulda been proud! Excellent job! Now all ya gotta do is repeat ;) You got this! You already have a great attitude for today, just keep rolling with it.

    Amy – This weather has me protesting!! We’ve had constant snow, cold and rain!! So I feel you on wanting to hibernate. At least you are still logging and that still holds you accountable. And listening to your body is very important, so kudos to you.

    Today, although it is raining cats and dogs and is totally gray outside, I am choosing to be positive and happy. There’s a Mexican potluck in the teacher’s lounge but I chose to bring my lunch and snacks and eat in my room. I don’t’ at all feel deprived or like I am missing out…instead, I get to catch up with you ladies!! I have got my eye on the prize!! I’d like a new dress for my future sis-in-laws bridal shower on May 5 and then a rocking hot dress for the wedding July 20 (not to mention pools open in 5.5 more weeks!!) So plenty to keep me focused!

    Happy Hump Day ladies!!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Haha!! THe chart doesn't go as short as me!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Well I certainly am not a Venus shape.....

    Good for you Beeps!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Haha!! THe chart doesn't go as short as me!!!

    I thought about you Jen!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Amy - to measure your shoulders, you might need your husband's help. Anyway, you stand facing the mirror with your arms down at your sides. You measure around your shoulders, right where the line divides your arm from your torso (there's a natural line there, right, where your armpit basically is).

    It's pretty normal for runners to have a "thicker" torso....you know, you get that "up-and-down" look, without a lot of "curvature"....apple shapes, too, have trouble getting their waist measurement low enough, but, with time/effort, it can be done!

    Pears have trouble getting their hips to the right measurement.

    Boy-figures often have trouble getting their shoulders/hips to the right measurement.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    jen - the chart goes lower....you can see that the waist goes down by approx. 1/2" for each 1" lower in height.

    It is true that if you have a "bigger" rib-cage, getting to your venus waist will be tough. It also depends on how much "space" there is between your rib-cage and your hip....if that is SMALL, getting to venus waist is REALLY tough. If it is longer, you have more room to play around.

    No matter what, measure your natural waist at its SMALLEST point (usually right before the rib cage). This is NOT the "belly-button" waist being measured, folks!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    ....if you need your hip measurement to increase - you probably need to do some glute specialization exercises. THIS is NOT my PROBLEM! lol - I still have to do glute specializations because I want my butt to LIFT from where it is at.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Venus also offers "shoulder specializations" for those of you with slim shoulders.

    Again, this is NOT my problem!

    I am not a "natural" hourglass, though....I'm a natural pear!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    :laugh: Venus called me fat. Actually, really fat because I'm shorter then the chart too!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Down another 1/2 pound today. But funny story about that. I woke up, went to the bathroom and weighed myself in my undies, as I do every Thursday morning. 128.5. No loss. Boo. But at least no gain. I got my kiddo up and dressed and proceeded to get myself ready. Then, had to go #2. Decided to weigh myself after. 128.0. Bam! Half pound weight loss. :laugh: I'll take it.

    Last night we went to our Wednesday spot and I strayed from my usual wedge salad and lavosh pizza. I was just hungry. I've been feeling a bit hungry for a couple days. So I ate orzo with scallops and bread and half bottle of wine and it was good. And I felt full. So I was wondering how the combo of food and booze (I had several other glasses prior and following dinner) would affect my weigh in.

    Tonight I'll probably just walk with my kiddo. I'm good and sore from my workout yesterday.

    As for body type, I guess I'm hourglass. I never used to think I had hips till I got a massage and the MT said I was "a girl with hips". I haven't recorded measurements on here since February (even though I took them 4 weeks ago I think), but they were 36.5x29x34.5 so I guess I'm a large hourglass. What about you all?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I'm a total pear....I did measure my hips, yesterday, because my jeans slide right off (no unbuttoning, no unzippering), so I figured I must be REALLY down in the hips!

    Nope, not really....but, only 2" from venus now (not 3"), so it *is* moving.

    These are my current Venus measurements and what I am aiming for (venus) - I'm 5'8":

    Current measurements / What I should aim for (VI)
    Weight 145.0 lbs. / ~138.0 lbs.?
    Waist 26.75" / 25.98"
    Hips 39.00" / 36.89"
    Shoulders 42" / 41.75"
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Mind you, I haven't weighed on the scale in over 9 days....the gym scale (where I usually weigh) has been broken.

    I'm REALLY wanting to be <145.....and then, my next hurdle is to chisel that down to <140....I remain hopeful that my scale weight actually *IS* under 145! I'm feeling "light" these days....
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I just measured my shoulders with my earphone cords at work. They are about 42".

    My measurements should be (shoulder x waist x hips):
    38.3 x 23.7 x 32

    Based on my currentish 29" waist using the ratios:
    47 x 29 x 36
    So my ratio is 5" too little in the shoulders and 2" too little in the hips.

    My overall is 5.3" too high in the waist, 3.7" too high in the shoulders, and 2" too high in the hips. I am not Venus......

    I'm taking updated measurements in just a tad over 3 weeks.

    Good job Beeps. I'm glad you;re not weighing yourself. But I am curious to see what you weight is once they fix your scale.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi all! Moving quickly here!

    I officially committed to Duke which is a huge load off my mind (and another few added...where will I live? AH, I have to move, etc.).

    That said, I am getting my work outs in and some walking and improved eating...but not on the mark is really lean out yet. Need to focus!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Congrats, chuisle, on Duke! What an excellent adventure you are embarking on!

    Better - I tell you, I'm TOTALLY glad I didn't aim for venus when I'd just had a baby, that's for sure, lol....I *wish* I had your hip measurement, though!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi all! This board has been busy the last day or so!

    Sorry to hear some of you have been having pretty crappy days, hopefully things are turning around!

    Kate--congrats on Duke! It's a great school, and all of the details will come together.

    I think I'm probably a pear as well, even when I was a scrawny high schooler I had a big butt. My shoulders are kind of broad, but I don't have the boobs to pull off the hour glass look.

    So far it's been a pretty good week for me. I got in a great run yesterday morning (my friend's friend joined us, and decided to make the route longer about halfway through--good for burning calories but not good for getting to work on time), and another friend of mine and I started meeting up on Thursday mornings to walk. I haven't been great on limiting sugary stuff, but I haven't been awful either, and I've been staying within my calories. I have a 10 mile race on Sunday, so I just need to motivate myself to work out tomorrow and Saturday.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    yes, Kate, congrats! lots of big changes and that kind of stress can be bad for the fitness goals!
    I ended up meeting a friend for drinks last night, impromptu. Tonight having the girls over to watch Nurse Jackie and I am making chicken nachos and will have a marg.
    I hope it warms up around here, would be nice to get in a run this weekend!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I hope it warms up around here, too.....the city is DIRTY. Still more SNOW expected today!

    I am glued to the news on Boston....
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    well, the scale Friday is the same as scale Monday so I guess my maintain goal worked out. I need to get motivated for the cut, so Sunday is meal planning day for me!
    The story out of Boston is riveting!