2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Something "exciting" might be happening!!

    My gf's back in OLDcity are planning a "surprise" bday thing-a-ma-doey for my bff from law school....her birthday is early June, but I think we're trying to get together at end of April, beginning of May! One of these gf's is a photographer and she's organizing a "boudoir" photo session for all of us to get dressed up and spend some time with my bff!

    Now, I'm not into the 'boudoir" thing, but I'm sure I could turn it into a "fitness" photo shoot, for me. The gf's are organizing FULL make-up and hair, etc. So, why NOT take advantage of it??

    For me, that means:

    1. I need to self-tan before I go down to OLDcity;
    2. I need a couple cute work-out outfits; and
    3. I need to DUMP these last 5 lbs tout de suite!!!


    PS - all of my gf's are heavier set, except one of 'em (who went through a divorce last year and lost about 35 lbs)....so, since they haven't SEEN me since I grew all these muscles, I EXPECT their eyeballs will POP-out!

    I don't know ANYTHING about 'cute' work-out wear....suggestions?? (reminder: I'm in Canada!)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, that sounds fun! I bet you can order from Athleta, they are a gap/banana brand and have an online store, I think their stuff is cute but you could look at other fitness sites to see what the fitness girls wear and what you think you would find most flattering. I think it sounds like a great time and I love spending time with my gf's.
    Yesterday I went over my plan, it was hard to know how much was in the pizza, but I think I judged it pretty close, but I was over by 200 so I think I need to cut today's 1400 to 1200 to keep in the right range. I just entered everything and I should be ok today.
    We are hosting a family get together tomorrow and I am doing taco bar. I am glad I know what's in everything so I can keep track-tacos, beer, margs, I want to plan everything. Might have to stay away from the queso:sad:
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps--lululemon has really cute stuff too. They have a few stores in Canada, but if there's not one near you they ship to Canada for free! www.lululemon.com
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    ....thanks for all the suggestions of where to buy "cute workout wear".

    I think the photo-shoot is a "pipe dream"....almost as quickly as it was suggested, my gf's and I started throwing out "dates" and we all have conflicts nearly EVERY weekend!


    Anyway, on the "good news" front, I got the afternoon off work! So, I headed to the gym....did my weights (X-sets for the next 3 weeks!) and then got my husband to play hookey from his work for a couple hours.

    I'm now kinda buzzed on rum and diet coke!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Oh goodness!! This thread moves so quickly, there’s no way I can catch up!! But kudos to all of you!! :drinker:

    I have cooked up a storm this weekend! I made modified versions of the following:




    Modifications are listed on Get Fit with Jen on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Get-Fit-with-Jen/159021120808030?ref=hl

    I am speechless as to how things are going for me. After what feels like a year-long hiatus (irregular logging, minimal if any weightlifting, binge eating at events, lack of motivation and overall “I just don’t give a flying fig”!) I FINALLY feel like I am back to a happy place, have control but this time have balance. Two weeks straight of logging, eating as clean as possible, total body weights 3 times a week and the scale has gone from 126.8 to 114.6! The number decrease is great and all, but what I love is fitting into jeans I couldn’t even get over my butt much less zip up two weeks ago and seeing my top two ab muscles again. It has been a while!! This in and of itself has got me on the mojo train to bikini land!! Seriously, my outlook is so good, I’m not feeling deprived. My cheat meal last week was a grilled chicken sandwich with sweet potato fries. Last night, I went out to dinner with my son, ordered a sirloin steak with steamed broccoli (and told the waitress not to add anything to the broccoli!) Today, went to lunch with the family, had a grilled chicken sandwich with a side salad, and passed on the bun and croutons, again, without feeling any deprivation. My husband even commented on how well I was doing.

    Pinterest definitely helps, with all of the yummy recipes on there and keeps things interesting on the meal front. I truly feel like life has settled back down to a “normal” crazy and I am ready to continue this forever!! So done with the up and down!!!

    I could not have done it without you ladies!! Your consistency, support and motivation on here has kept me around and to keep from giving up hope. Thank you all! Thanks for helping me get my head back on right!! I truly am thankful for each of you! :flowerforyou:

    Now let’s continue to Kick *kitten*!! :devil:
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    Well my challenges this week were
    9800 calories: results: 8371 calories.
    Run outdoors 4 times per week: results: Once :(

    I tried to exercise too soon with my chest cold and had a set back + we also had a snow storm last Fridayt!! I hope to be back on track with my training this week. Enjoy your week, everyone
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    For the challenge this week, I was under my net calorie goal by 351. My parents were in town this weekend, and we actually ended up eating out a lot less than I expected. We grilled out two of the three nights they were here, so I ate lots of grilled veggies. I didn't get in any exercise other than walking, but we did a LOT of walking, and considering that I ate pretty well it was a good weekend overall.

    Juliste--great job on the challenge! Hopefully this week will be better for exercise.

    Jen--You amaze me! I'm so glad you found a good balance that you can stick with.

    Beeps--hopefully the photo shoot will work out! I'm jealous of your afternoon off, sounds like a good time!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Jen- great job I am so happy for you!

    Ris- nice work on the all the grilled veggies. I find it is so much easier to eat healthy when its warm and we grill out.

    For the star challenge I had an epic fail this week. Mainly because of how crappy I felt this week and I didn't get in many workouts at all this week. I think if I would have gotten in my workouts I would have actually been within cals though. I had a decent weekend. We ate out alot, but I felt like I made decent choices and kept my portions small.

    Starting out good this morning with no headache. I have my healthy day all planned out, and I did some food prep last night, so I should be set for the week. I ended up canceling my gym membership. My monthly dues were supposed to come out this week, and I really can't justify spending that money right now. But, I do get a free membership to the park district through work, so I think I am going to start doing spin classes through there soon. This week I will probably just focus on the treadmill and my DVD.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    jen - it is hard to believe, that your already LOW body fat, can still result in a 12 POUND WEIGHT LOSS IN 2 WEEKS! I just cannot even fathom that.....I wish THAT sort of "whoosh" was on the menu for me, frankly.....I'm losing like 0.25 lb per week at this point. IT'S VERY LAME!

    Juliste, Ris, Chloe = GREAT results on the STAR challenge! (Chloe - I always give you a "pregnancy pass", anyway....)

    I ate 9,700 calories last week - that gives me a PLATINUM STAR!!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I came out 220 under my goal - but many of those calories were crap. Pizza. Ice cream cake. Luckily, m husband ate most of my birthday cake. I only had 2 small slices. I thought I would get in a workout everyday, maybe even two. Instead, I did 2 all week.

    2 week challenge

    1. 5 workouts
    2. Eat less crap

    That is all.

    Jen - You are amazing!!! Such an inspiration. Keep up the hard work.
    Ris- Noce job on the healthy eating, even with the family in town.
    Juliste- Good job on the carlories.
    Chloe- I think you are doing awesome. Even if your not killing it at the gym, your still walking and doing your dvds regulary. If you go over, you go over. Don't stress. And in the next few weeks, you should start to feel amazing and it will be easier to keep up with everything.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Wow Jen! Amazing!
    Chloe, glad you're feeling better. I canceled my gym membership about half way through my pregnancy. I was going once a week and paying $50 a month.
    Beeps, rum buzz?! So unlike you! :wink: Hope your trip and pics work out.
    Ris, great job. I am always over cals when my parents come in town. We are wine lushes though. :drinker:
    That's all I can see on my board....hope everyone else is doing well!

    I had a pretty good week. I had one legit cheat day and most of that was carb loading Friday night for my 12 miler Saturday. Last weekened I didn't eat enough before my 10 miler and I felt it. Food is so important. Anyways, I ended up 21 calories below goal and I didn't even caluculate it till this morning! I expect a half pound loss this weekend if I can behave. Although its TOM so who knows. I just had a great weekend overall. Girls night Friday, running with my bestie Saturday....the furthest I have ever run I might add and felt good, chick flick and wine by myself Saturday, and husband and I worked in the yard all day yesterday. I feel good today. I have some lifting and minimal running planned for this week. Really want to eat well and keep drinking to a minimum. My husband had bloodwork done and his liver enzymes were a bit high, so I think we're going to cut out a lot of the weekday drinking. Between our vacations he is supposed to abstain from alcohol for a month so I will either no be drinking or doing so minimally. Let's all have a fantastic week ladies!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Jen - that is awesome news, keep up the good work!

    Ris - nice job staying under your goals even with guests

    Chloe - it sounds like you can do without the gym membership with the spin classes and the pregnancy DVD's that you have anyways, so it might be nice to be able to save a little extra. I decided that between the membership fees, the gas to travel and trying to coordinate my schedule to fit the classes was not worth it so I work out at home now. I do need to have a program to follow so the DVD's that I have been using are working well for me.

    Beeps - it might be coming off slow, but you are losing so yay!

    KC - good goals - I also need to not just work on how many calories I eat, but focus more on where they come from, that can really make a difference

    Better - congrats on the run - amazing!

    Last week was a major fail on the challenge so no star for me - I was already a little over most of the days and then this weekend I went a little nuts. I was so hungry when my husband & I went to the movies last night I ordered a sick amount of food. I am going to be working extra hard this week to stay on track. The weather is finally nice so I am able to get outside more. Yesterday I went for a walk/run with the dog. It was a little tricky since he's not that great on a leash and I haven't run since last fall, but it's a start. Have a great week everyone!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Juliste – Great job on the food, that’s usually the hardest! Good luck with the exercise this week!

    Ris – Excellent!! With the folks in town and everything!! Nice work, keep it up!

    Chloe – Sorry you weren’t feeling well but glad there is no headache this morning! Also, great job with the choices and portions ☺ There is something to be said about eating out and making good choices versus feeling like, “Well since I’m eating out, I can eat whatever!” So kudos! Unless of course it’s your cheat meal :D

    Beeps – A lot of it was water weight, but my bodyfat is not that low at the moment. That’s my current goal, reduce the bodyfat!!! Yay for you, Platinum!! And .25 loss is a loss!! Remember, it is so much harder at the end when you are “this” close to your goal! Hope the trip and pics work out!

    KC – Woohoo for being under! And that’s what this is about. Being aware of our food/exercise and making changes for progress, not perfection! Keep it going, girl!!

    Ashley – Sounds like an awesome weekend, nice balance of activity and relaxation!! Congrats on the distance too! Your plan looks solid! Good luck this week!

    Abigail - I'm glad to hear the weather will be better for you this week. You can do it!!

    My Net is supposed to be 8862, My net for the week was 5893, for a deficit of 2969. (this will all increase eventually, I had extra classes and will the next two weeks, but after that should be back to normal).

    Two week challenge:
    Eat at or under cals – check
    Weights 3x/wk – check
    Log on weekend – check
    Min 10 glasses water/day – check!! Yay!!

    Actually looking forward to summer now!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Date: report in on April 15.
    Handle of Participant Week 3

    Beeps 2011 PLAT *
    ChLoE 1130 NO*
    RisOnTheRun PLAT *
    kclynch PLAT *
    Better_Balance PLAT *
    abigail1977 NO*
    Juliste PLAT *
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member


    Ladies, this STAR challenge is doing a GREAT JOB of keeping us ALL accountable - KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Yay!!! I was gonna say, "What about me?!" lol!! Go girls, go!!!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Oh and I like Beeps idea of a question a week or day or whatever!! I'd like to post a question!

    What are the three food staples you always have on hand??

    I don't think I could only do three though, :laugh: ! 1. Whey protein powder 2. Fage Greek yogurt 3. Almonds 4. Hummus 5. Peanut Butter/Nutella 6. And coffee...I gotta have coffee!! 7. So that means Almond Milk too!! Ok, I'm done :happy:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Mine change as I go through phases with what I eat for breakfast and lunch. I tend to eat the same thing for weeks or even months. (I've been doing Greek yogurt with preserves and granola for a while now.....) But overall, I'd say my most used items are:
    1. spinach
    2. fresh lemons and limes
    3. frozen chicken breast

    I also always have:
    1. 5 kinds of vinegar
    2. onions and garlic
    3. whole wheat pastas
    4. couscous
    5. tilapia and salmon
    6. ground beef and turkey
    7. sour cream
    8. shredded cheeses
    9. bananas

    There is more; my fridge and pantry and typically pretty well stocked. But I already went way over. :smile: I am a cook that looks in the fridge and throws things together. I use recipes about 2% of the time.

    Nice run through the park with my kiddo yesterday. It seemed appropriate to get out and run in light of the Boston incident. How terrible..... Have a great day ladies!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Checking in!

    I did some logging last week, getting back into my crossfit routine. Going to try to post here everyday so I know what the heck is going on. I am ready to start cleaning it up.

    2 week goals:
    1. Crossfit 4-5 times. Walk 2-5 miles a day. Hit fitbit steps goals
    2. Eat 1300-1800 calories during the week, looser on the weekend. Try to keep sugar low.

    Still don't know where I am going to school...I am waiting for MIT to reject me before committing to Duke but I have no idea when that will happen given events yesterday in Boston. It sure does put it all in perspective. Feeling very lucky, blessed and sad this morning.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    I tend to eat the same things every day during the week, so pretty much all I have in my kitchen is my go-to foods. Here are my favorite ones:

    1. Whey protein
    2. Skim milk
    3. Plain nonfat Greek yogurt (mixed with various things depending on what I have)
    4. Spinach (I eat it every day on sandwiches)
    5. Hummus
    6. 100 calorie packs of walnuts and almonds

    I'm starting to get back to more regular workouts after taking the weekend off. I did a kettlebell workout last night and rode the bike this morning, and I'm hoping to walk every day at lunch.