2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    jen - I should have posted that I'm doing "1 SET" with my daughter - then building up to 2 sets, then 3 sets....don't know why I used the word "reps" in describing what I'm trying to do with her!

    I KNOW YOU STILL LOOK FAB, JEN - I look at your profile pics!!


    Amy - I'm a 100% convert in believing that diet is KEY. I think, for me, it's easily 80 - 90% of the battle. Yep, weight-lifting helps me look "muscle-y" and makes me feel "strong = healthy". But, if it wasn't for the FAT LOSS, none of that would be showing up! None. To each her own, for sure....but, I agree that keeping track of your nutrition plan is just very, VERY important!

    Ris - how can I help to "motivate" you? We could do a one-on-one challenge!! YOU ARE A RUNNING QUEEN! Yes, the time change has been rough (I had to do back-to-back one-hour ahead adjustments! It's *still* feeling like 5 am when I wake up at 7 am...), but YOU CAN GET THAT SPRING BACK IN YOUR STEP - IN KNOW YOU CAN!!!

    Shmoozy - getting "back on track" is all that really ever matters. True story.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    This week has been pretty good. I've been getting some solid workouts in and am sore in lots of places. It feels good. I did some hills Tuesday and worked on my form some. My diet has been ok, but my drinking not so much. I don't know what's with me this week....oh wait....there's been wine in the house. Eric and I always joke that we'd love to keep a stash of wine, but bottles rarely last over a week in our house.... Anyways, my parents are in town this weekend which just means more wine. I'm really going to try to get my long run and one more strength session in while they're here. I'm shooting for 8 miles either tomorrow or Saturday. I'll have the babysitters!

    In other news, the scale is up 1/2 pound this week. I seem to be on an upward trend which must mean a downward trend is on its way if things pan out as they have over the last 3 months....at least I hope so. I do need to get serious about my diet next month. I know diet is key for me. Running helps me to get some burns in and lifting helps me get stronger, but I know diet is #1. (Working out also keeps me sane if nothing else). If it wasn't for wine, it would be so much easier for me.... but alas I love drinking wine. Unfortunately warm weather = wanting to sit on the porch or deck and have a nice cold sauvignon blanc, and in KY April = spring. I will have to do my best! I am 100% committed to logging so I can actually see how the numbers are affecting my weight and learn from them so I can get serious before my vacations.

    I'm off tomorrow. Have a great weekend ladies! Keep up the good work!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Quick check in...will comment on posts later :happy:

    Did a boot camp class last night. Cursed through the whole thing...it was not fun, it kicked my *kitten*...everything is sore today, that is all! Lol!!!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Just checking in as it's been awile. I totally overdid it with sweets Sunday & Monday and then got the flu so I guess it all evened out. I am starting to feel better & am able to eat a little more, but not ready to workout as I am still dizzy & lightheaded. I hope I feel well enough to go back to work tomorrow as I am starting to fall behind. I went in on Tuesday since I assumed I was feeling yucky because of the overindulging, but it got progressivelty worse & I left early. I felt bad about going in since I do not want to get other people sick. Anyways, I need to get back to logging & will check in & post more regularly. Take care everyone!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps--How about a one-on-one burpee challenge? :wink: That's probably my best shot to win since I know it's the one thing you hate! I think my problem is that over the years I've gone from a purely solo runner to only running with friends. In a typical week, I have 3-4 running dates with 3-4 different people, so I don't run alone very often anymore. Over the last few weeks I haven't been able to run with my usual buddies, so I just haven't been running at all, or doing much of anything physical. I think I just need to get those running dates back on track. I'm running this evening with a friend and also on Saturday, so that should help. I guess I can't really complain about daylight savings when I only lost one hour of sleep rather than two! Hopefully I'll get my body on track with the time change this weekend so that I can get back to my morning workouts on the days that I don't run.

    And I totally agree with the posts about diet being key. Exercise affects my overall motivation to be healthy and burns some calories, but whether I gain, lose, or stay the same definitely is correlated with how closely I watch what I eat.

    Jen--well it is called "boot camp," it's not supposed to be fun! Glad you got a good workout :smile:

    Ashley--I hear you, there is nothing better than sitting on the porch and having a drink! I think the key is just to be realistic--you're going to drink wine, so you just need to make sure that you do as best as you can to be good about the rest of your diet and giving yourself some wiggle room with your workouts.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I am having an AMAZING day! First, I woke up to a flat tummy for the first time in a week. Then I did an AMAZING new (to me) Cathe- Glutes and Legs. LOVED IT!!!! I am rockin' skinny pants today. YES, diet is KEY- but I find when I start my day off right, with exercise, I tend to want to eat better too.

    Ris- here's your motivation - I need to run a 5k in less then 30 minutes -by Aug. You can train me!!!! I want to keep up with my friend - who happens to be the girl I beat out at jump roping. :wink: Yesterday, I FINALLY got in a run. 9 laps around the soccer field in 25 minutes. So maybe 2.25 miles???

    Abigail - we all cave to the sweets from time to time. Logging is the best way to get bac on track.

    Ashley -it's easy to drink more when you have company and there is something baout the warmer weather that makes me want to drink more too! I love beer though so I really have to be careful with the calories!!!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    and beeps- i'd love to start - and drop out of :laugh: a burpee chanllenge with you too!!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I am having a pretty good week. Yesterday my husband had to have surgery on his hernia. So I sat at the hospital all day and was tempted to snack. I went down to the bistro and got a fruit cup and string cheese. Then we went to Applebees after and I got one of their under 500 cal items and it was really good actually. I did give in to some sour gummies that he got to make himself feel better. Today they had a going away party for my boss who is leaving us tomorrow. I ate my grilled chicken salad before I went in there and I didn't touch the pizza! But, I did give in to a absolutely delicious oatmeal raisin cookie from the health food store!

    I have gotten in all my workouts this week so far and stayed within cals. I am feeling good and the scale is stable, the high end of my normal range, but still stable. But, my pants are tight in the waist, I cant imagine I could be showing already at 8 weeks. Maybe its just bloating, not sure.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    happy Pi day:happy:

    someone brought a bunch of pies from Perkins to the office and man, those pack a calorie punch! 940 calories for a slice of peanut butter silk pie! I had half a slice...

    Nice work on the salad, no pizza, Chloe, the oatmeal raisin cookie is health food!

    I might just do stronglifts and running for the rest of the month.

    I agree, Kelly, if you are exercising you do want to eat better so you're not cancelling out your efforts! although I tend to reward myself for the workout a bit too much sometimes!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Good gawd, Ris, I'll TOTALLY OBSERVE you in a burpee challenge! I'll hold you accountable! I'll make sure you post your results! Oh, yes, baby, I've got your number. But no way am *I*, myself, gonna BE IN A BURPEE CHALLENGE! Why on earth would I agree to such a thing???????????????? Holy moly, not me! (Yes, you got my number, kclynch - I'd be dropping out in week 1....)

    How about a pedometer challenge?? Since you're a cardio buff (and I'm not), I get a .500 handicap. So, if you do 2,000 steps per day, I have to do 1,000. If you do 10,000 steps per day, I have to do 5,000. THAT IS A CHALLENGE I CAN BE DOWN WITH, RIS.

    Maybe others will want to join....you can decide your handi-cap. I actually think mine should be WAY higher (meaning, my cardio is SO INEFFECTIVE/POOR of late, that if you are doing 10,000 steps per day, I should only have to do 2,000....but, I don't think anyone's gonna vote "yes" on that for me, lol).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Better - wine *does* sound dangerous in your house! I don't drink wine, at all....so there are TONS OF BOTTLES of wine in my house. Nobody EVER remembers that I don't drink it, so they always bring it as a hostess gift. Whatevah.

    Abigail - hope you're feeling better soon! Are you still dancing??

    kclynch - totally cool that your stomach is flat. Mine, too. For me, it's keeping bad carbs to a minimum (i.e. ABSENT) for a minimum of 3-5 days that does it!

    Fine, Chloe, but HOW ARE YOUR BOOBS??

    jenomaha - STOP THE DRIVE-BYS. Write something DECENT in here. I NEED YOUR MOTIVATION - you always were my "kick in the pants" gal.

    Amy - PEANUT BUTTER SILK PIE?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you only did 1/2 ! Wow, your RESOLVE is STRONG!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I did a totally lame yoga class at lunch today. The chicks in my work lunch-time work-out gang put it on. Fine. I did it. But, boy, yoga is NOT my thing! Ugh. I mean, here's these women that I pass by time-and-time again, in office hours and you would NEVER guess, by looking at them, that they have this flexibility/strength to do all these awesome yoga poses!! But, they do....

    I'm WAY to shallow and vain! I'd rather have an awesome fitness-model-type shape and do shyte at yoga, then to be able to do yoga, but look like a dumpling.

    There. I said it.

    I. Hate. Yoga.

    (yes, yes, I was a bikram devotee....but even studies coming out NOW are saying "bikram is NOT the cardio work-out you thought it was..." sheesh)
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps – Haha!! I ahad to do a drive by because I had to work on new choreo for my Irish Zumba party tonight and tomorrow. I am here now :bigsmile: I saw your calories burned posted earlier for yoga and I was like “Wow, Beeps does yoga?!” Now I know the truth, haha, you made me seriously laugh out loud with your yoga comments, oh my goodness!! And motivation, are you kidding me?!! You are killing it!! I am just trying to catch up with you:wink:

    Amy – Oh my!! Who would think those yummy slices of goodness had that many calories, sigh:huh: Good job only eating half! Glad you decided on a program!! Good luck!

    Chloe – wow, what control!! Great job with the food and your workouts! Also glad your hubby is doing well. The weekend I found out I was pregnant with my youngest, I gained 4 lbs!! I lost my waist right away :frown:

    KC – Sounds like an excellent day!! Hope they continue to string together! Nutrition is the key for me too. It is my biggest success maker but also causes my biggest failures, ugh!!

    Ris – Hope these next couple of running dates spark up your motivation again!! :glasses:

    I feel FANTASTIC! I have been eating like a champ, I have gotten in 2 strength workouts, 4 cardio classes and 1 running session since Monday. Tomorrow morning I have my Gold class (active recovery) but tomorrow night I have Shake Your Shamrocks, an Irish Zumba party, so more cardio. Then Saturday I plan on weights and some running. But the biggest thing I need to focus on this weekend is logging my food. Being on Spring Break this week has really helped me regroup and get on track. I plan on it continuing when I go back to work next week, meh! Work :grumble:

    Ok ladies, the countdown to summer is HERE!! Let’s keep rockin! :drinker:
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Kelly--you can definitely do a 5k in 30 minutes or less! 2.25 miles is a great start. Are you doing any kind of training program? There are tons of them out there on the internet, but if you don't feel like doing a structured workout here's one option for a plan:
    -Make sure you do one run a week that is focused on working up to running a 5k continuously, and then at faster paces. For example, next time you run around the soccer field do 10 laps, then 11, then 12, then 13 . If you're not always going to be running the same course, apps like "map my run" are a pretty good way to track your distance, as is this website: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/ Instead of adding a lap each time, just add a quarter mile. When you're building up to 3.1 miles, don't worry about pace. But once you're there, try to do a 3.1 each week and try to improve your time each time. Most people tend to slow down at the end, so one trick is to maintain your usual pace for the first 20 minutes, but then push yourself a little bit for the rest of it. Then start your push a little earlier each time.
    -Depending on how much time you have, do 1-2 "speedwork" runs during the week. Here are two easy ones:
    (1) Intervals: warm up for 5 minutes, the for the next 5-20 minutes (depending on how much time you have) alternate between running hard for a minute then easy for a minute. If you want you can walk instead of the easy running, just make sure that you're really pushing on the hard parts. You can play with the lenght of the intervals too.
    (2) Tempo run: Warm up for 5 minutes, then run somewhat hard (not as hard as you do in intervals, but hard enough that you could hold a steady conversation) for 5-20 minutes (start at 5, built up to 20), then cool down for 5 minutes.
    Ideally you would spend at least 30 minutes on each of these workouts, but even if you don't have time to dedicate 1-2 workout days to just running, every little bit helps. For example, at the end of another workout, go out and do a couple of sprints or run at a fast pace for a few minutes on the treadmill. If you ever have any training questions or need some workout ideas, let me know. I'm no expert or anything, but I've read enough running magazines to get some good ideas.

    Chloe--I hope your husband is okay! And nice work with those food choices.

    Amy--peanut butter silk pie sounds delicious. Just came across this "skinny" version that also sounds pretty good: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/925820-skinny-peanut-butter-pie

    Beeps--I like the pedometer challenge idea! I just don’t have a pedometer. I used to have a Fitbit but it broke after like a month or two. I think I might still have one somewhere but I need to dig it out.

    Jen--You have been having a fantastic week!

    I got in a good run last night with one of my old coworkers, and it felt SO nice to be running outside in daylight. I also got in a quick arm workout before which felt pretty good. I have a running date on Saturday morning and I'm planning on going to the gym with my husband on Sunday, so I should be in good shape for workouts over the weekend. I need to also be good about logging my food. I've been skipping it the last few weekends but I think I need to stick with it this weekend as I've had a hard time staying within my calories this week and I have a feeling I'll go overboard this weekend if I don't keep any eye on things.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    There was a great tool, I had forgotton, but it gave me a stronglifts routine for 4 weeks, perfect! www.strstd.com

    Jen, Irish Zumba sounds better than car bombs, green beer and vomiting in the gutter by 3pm:bigsmile:

    Beeps, I feel ya on the yoga! what program are you doing now? I was looking on bodybuilding.com and there was a fitness competitor and it had her routine and she said, "be careful not to overtrain" and I thought, well, I probably don't have to worry about that. But how do you know? What would be too much?

    Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey everybody!

    Thanks for the kind words, Mike is doing good. I am ready for him to go back to work though! Why are guys such babies about stuff?!

    Beeps- My boobs are killing me!

    I am having an ok week. My inlaws were over last night when I got home from work, so we decided to tell them about the baby and I never ended up getting on the treadmill, which was my plan. Tonight I will get on the treadmill and maybe do my Tracy Anderson workout too, depending on how I feel after I walk. I want to at least get in 3 miles.

    Sorry for the TMI, but for those that have been pregnant did you experience constipation in the beginning?? and if so do you have a cure :happy: I feel like my stomach is a basketball right now and its bc I haven't gone to the bathroom in like 4 days. Thanks in advance, and sorry again for the TMI.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I'M IRISH!!!!!!!!!!! Kiss me....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    jen - I'd totally do your Irish zumba class! Gosh, I hope it's ALL "riverdance" type music! YAY!!

    Ris, I don't have a pedometer either. Well, somewhere I do, but I'm not sure where. Let me know if we're gonna "do this". You set the BAR, and I'll hit 50% of it. (Well, I'll TRY to hit 50% of it....)

    Amy, I think overtraining is simply "doing too much exercise". Because, there is such a thing. Don't overthink it. Find a program that INTRIGUES you and go do it. For me, more than 60 minutes of exercise, daily, is MORE than enough! (Yes, I used to cardio-bunny 90 minutes A DAY, sometimes 120 minutes A DAY....) And, most weeks, I'm really doing 210 minutes of weight training and 75 minutes of cardio, and that's about it.

    Chloe - don't be shy about putting some metamucil in your morning tea/water/orange juice.....I don't specifically remember "constipation". Am VERY happy to read your precious boobies are sore....that baby is IMPLANTING DEEP!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I did wear green to the office, today....it's our St. Patty's day HR thing-a-ma-doey.

    I'm going to lift at lunch, today.

    It's book club, tonight - I might have an alcoholic bevvie!!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Chloe - my sister is a mid-wife and she recommends senna (sp?) tea, she also happens to be very knowledgeable about herbal remedies and is always putting things together for her clients

    Beeps - I thought of doing the same and then realized I don't have anything green to wear - what the heck? I really like green too! I can relate on the yoga - I hate it but I know I need it for the flexibility. Yes I still dance - I had to take a break from my Tuesday night modern class as I had childcare issues, but I still do ballet & tap on Thursdays and I will be able to start back with modern in April.

    Jen - Irish Zumba sounds interesting

    I am feeling better so I may attempt some exercise at home tonight, we'll see. I am really looking forward to St. Patrick's day dinner - my mom bought a sick amount of corned beef for family dinner Sunday & I can't wait! Boiled dinner is one of my favorites. I will have to work my meals around it this weekend so that I can indulge without doing too much damage. Have a great weekend everyone!