2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I have heard a lot about TRX, and thought it includes bands? I Googled it and see it is "suspension training". So Beeps, are you doing all those exercises with bands as resistance? Sounds fun. Great job!

    Yesterday was the only nice day this week and I thought maybe I'd get my long weekday run (5 miles) in instead of the planned 4. Then I got 4 shots of Novocain at the dentist and almost blew off my run until I jogged around the house and realized I wouldn't bite my tongue off. So I did the 5 and I'm happy for it. My leg/hip is bothering me a bit, so I'm going to take a rest day today. Also I'm having dinner with my friend tonight. She's pregnant so I shouldn't drink much. Tomorrow I have off work so I'll get 4 miles done somehow. It's supposed to rain/snow all day so I may be milling it during nap time.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Abigail, that is TERRIBLE that the nurse commented on your weight gain!!!

    With my first, I gained over 50% of my body weight. I'll admit, ice cream soothed my morning sickness - the Dr. explained it was the protein in the ice cream. I gained 12 pounds. I don't remember the the seconf trimester, but during the third i gained 3-5 pounds a week even though I was only eating chicken and vegetables. I cried everytime I got weighed. Of course it turned out to be water weight from preeclampsia and I lost all but 5 pounds in three months.

    Yesterday was a success on hitting my macros. I will go to the store to get more low fat protein rich foods.

    Beeps - Edaname (or however spelled) will fit perfectly into my macros. Do you just steam it or add stuff to it?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Abigail - what programs are you thinking of trying next?

    Better - I think it's awesome that you did a "test run" around your house and then just WENT FOR IT! Awesome job on getting your run in!

    kclynch - I buy the pre-bagged "edamame" beans in the frozen section from Costco. Then, I just poke holes in the plastic bag covering, pop it in the microwave for 3:30 (minutes) and BOOM, steamed edamame beans which are filling! My kids love 'em, too....I know they always put sea salt on them at resto's, but they really are just fine on their own.

    I gained about 24 lbs in my first pregnancy. Probably 34 lbs in my 2nd and, my third, well, I hadn't even lost any of the baby weight from #2 (was prego, again, when baby was 5 months!), so I have no idea how much *true* weight I gained with baby #2, BUT, at the end of that pregnancy, I would not even LOOK at the # on the dr's scale because it was GINORMOUS. Ugh. I should never remind myself of THAT #!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Because I've never tried TRX before yesterday, I really didn't have any familiarity with it. In truth, it is just long bands, with zero flexibility (i.e. they aren't stretch-y bands - they are a strong-weaved band), hanging from a ceiling anchor (or, in my gym's case, a wall anchor).

    They have handles which can be used by holding them, or alternatively, by putting your feet in them (for example, for planks, or push-ups, or glute bridges, etc.) And, the straps can be shortened or lengthened to fit in with whatever exercise you are doing.

    I *know* there are lots of TRX work-outs that you can find online or in book stores, but, for me, without being shown THE MOVE, by a personal trainer, I'd have NEVER gotten into the right positions to do a particular exercise. I think I do learn best in a "monkey see-monkey do" type atmosphere. The read and then give it a whirl isn't my specialty.

    I am looking forward to another TRX session tomorrow. Then, that will be it. But, at least if there are "planks" in one of my weight-training work-outs, I can hop over to the TRX and use it for that. Or, if I want some "glute activation" work before squats/deadlifts, again, I can walk over to the TRX and use it for that.

    It's like a brand new "tool" in my tool-kit. That is all.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Beeps I agree with you, I don't think I would like to do TRX without an instructor to watch my form to make sure I was doing it right. But, it is a good workout.

    I like to sprinkle some crushed red pepper on my edamame, I love spicy stuff though.

    So I decided to just keep my cals at 1500 for the 1st trimester, unless I feel its not enough at some point, but I don't think I will. Then probably go up to 1800 for second trimester. We really aren't telling many people until after the first ultrasound, but I am thinking I need to tell my instructors at the gym. Yesterday my spin teacher kept coming over and turning the knob on the bike bc she thought I didn't have enough intensity. I do have to say though my back is killing me and I feel like I am about to get the worst period of my life with these cramps, but after working out last night I felt much better. Tonight I plan on getting in a walk on the treadmill, maybe 3 or 4 miles. I also ordered Tracy Andersons pregnancy DVD. There are 9 DVDs, one for each month with workouts, I figured that might be something nice to add in also.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Let me know, Chloe, when:

    1. your boobs feel like they ache and are busting out of your shirt;
    2. you don't feel 'well' ever, at all - not morning, not noon, not night;
    3. you want to stuff a ball down your pants so that EVERYBODY will *know* that you're pregnant, since your "bump" hasn't arrived yet.

    When you can show some/all of THOSE symptoms, THEN I'll know, for sure, that you are PREGNANT!!

  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Mmmm I love edamame. I just steam mine, or sometimes dip it in soy sauce.

    Chloe--I've read different things about upping your calories in the first trimesters. Some books say you don't need to at all, others say add 300. I don't think it's necessary to add a full 300, just eat enough so that you maintain your current weight. My strategy was to add 100 calories to my maintenance calories (so a total of 1710 calories) so that even if I didn't hit that number exactly I would be getting enough calories, and I ate back my exercise calories. And you should definitely say something to your instructors at your gym if they're pushing you. If you don't feel comfortable telling them you're pregnant, it will probably work to make up some other reason why you can't exercise at full force (your back hurts, you're sick, etc.).
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ugggh I need to jus t confess what I did...I am feeling guilty. I ate my normal dinner and evening snack and was done by 630. Then an hour later I was hungry again so I proceeded to eat a half bag of popcorn and two spoonfuls of peanut butter putting me 500 cals over. And now I feel stuffed, yuck!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Chloe - I kind of had a night like that and I have NO "pregnancy" as an excuse!

    I got home too late for supper, so I just made 2 slices of toast - with peanut butter and honey, my *new* go-to carb filler. An hour later, I sat there with dry-roasted peanuts and ate 1/3 OF THE JAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Well, now I'm on the MAJOR "fast" trail since weigh-in/measurements AND photos are TOMORROW (or Friday if I'm still bloated).

    So dumb.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    But, today is my 2nd TRX session, so I'm super-duper excited about that! At least that's one hour of fun!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't seem to be able to get away from logging.
    I started reading the Leigha Peele Fat Loss Troubleshoot and am thinking that I might try that, she has a diet plan and exercise plan and it seems reasonable. Maybe I could do a 12-week thing before Memorial Day, I think I am going to Vegas for a friends bachelorette. No tickets yet though. I haven't read far enough though, so I don't know how long she recommends a person to do it.
    It really drives home the point about minimal deficiencies when you are already at a healthy weight. it is so discouraging. So, maintenance cals for me is like, 1490 and if I could do 1200, it would take 12 days to lose 1 pound, only I can't do it, I have a half bottle of wine, or three beers and my whole deficit for the week is gone! And I just keep gaining and losing the same 10 pounds. I either have to think long term, or just accept the upwards creeping of the scale, or maybe just focus on the fitness goals and nutrition goals and stop the cycle... it's weird, but I can't get past wanting to fit into my wedding dress. I know I wasn't doing anything so different then, but once the weight is there it doesn't budge...
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Chloe and Beeps--my whole weekend was kind of like your nights. At least popcorn, peanut butter, and peanuts are relatively healthy things to snack on if you're going to go over!

    Amy--you are definitely right about how small our margins are. For people who are seriously overweight they can probably lose a good amount of weight just by adopting healthier habits, but that's not necessarily true for us. I think we're all pretty healthy most of the time but that doesn't mean we're all losing weight. I guess at the end of the day you just need to figure out what it is you really want and how much you're willing to sacrifice (on a long term basis, as you don't want to keep repeating the cycle) to get there!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Amy - hmmmmmmmmm.....you sound EXACTLY like I did at the end of 2011. I was pretty fed up with gaining/losing the same 10 lbs! I think that described the last 4 years of my life! It was *that* which brought me to weight-lifting!

    Mind you, 2012 didn't turn out as planned. In fact, by August, 2012, I was up another 4 or 5 POUNDS from where I started 2012. So, crap, now I have 15 f*cking pounds to lose.

    And, in September, 2012, I just said, "enough is enough"....if I have to STARVE for 3 months to get the weight off, then I'm going to take that 3 months (which is going to come- and go- anyway!!!!!) and just DO IT. And, that is what brought me to "venus" which is what brought me to "fasting".

    I am down 15 pounds from where I was in August/September, 2012.

    And, whadda-ya-know?? I'M STILL NOT HAPPY, lol.

    But, it isn't because I'm gaining/losing that same 10 lbs....it's because, at this weight, I realize I *still* need to drop ANOTHER 10 lbs to REALLY see the definition in my body, to really feel "lean", to really feel like all this weight-training, and nutrition-planning, etc., is TRUE and is for THE LONG HAUL.

    And now, the weight is coming off EVER SO SLOWLY. If I *thought* it was slow in 2012....holy crow, it is MICRO-SLOW now!

    (I've lost a little more than 2 pounds since january 1st. 2 f*cking POUNDS - big whoopeeeeeee!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Anyway, I'm writing this to say, Amy, that you really just need to figure out WHAT YOU WANT.

    If you REALLY want to fit into that wedding dress - so be it! IT IS WHAT YOU WANT!!!

    Then you really have to have laser-beam focus on HOW TO GET THERE.

    I must admit that, since january debauchery holiday, my laser-beam focus has been more like wet-noodle focus.

    And, I have another mini-holiday coming up next week.

    But, truth is, I'm mentally preparing for the NEXT phase of "losing the last 10 lbs"....and, you can hold me to this, when I get back from Palm Springs, I'm going to apply LASER-BEAM focus to my nutrition plan to get rid of 10 more pounds of fat.

    And then, I'm done.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    (Except I'm not really "done" because then I have to figure out the whole MAINTENANCE game, and, from what I'm reading, that's a whole other kettle of fish - not a fun one - and not any *easier* than fat loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    And here's my post on: ANOTHER TRX DAY!

    Okay, it wasn't as FANTABULOUS as Monday. Which really means that part of what I *loved* about Monday must have just been the "social" aspect. Having someone around to chat with. Having someone monitoring my form and telling me to "suck in here" or "push hard there". I guess I'm lonely at the gym!

    I *did* enjoy today, but most of it was a repeat of what I did on Monday....in part because I couldn't even remember all of the stuff that he taught me on Monday!

    So, I did a "circuit-style" work-out, today, with most exercises being 12- to 15- reps (per side if it is a one-armed or one-legged exercise):

    1. regular squats - *kitten*-to-Grass (3 sets)
    2. 2-armed rows - 1 set then changed to 1-armed rows - 2 sets;
    3. one-legged burpees with narrow push-ups - 1 set;
    4. push-ups - 3 sets;
    5. glute/hamstring activation (flat on back with heels in stirrups, lift butt/hips, draw one heel at a time to bum while keeping hips lifted) - 3 sets;
    6. elevated planks - 3 sets;
    7. overhead squats - 2 sets;
    8. chest flys - 2 sets;
    9. reverse flys - 2 sets;
    10. curtsy lunges - 2 sets;
    11. side planks - 1 set each side - boy, I find these REALLY tough. No, I don't like side planks at the best of times.
    12. triceps - 3 sets
    13. biceps - 3 sets

    I'm probably forgetting something, but this work-out took 75 minutes. Plus, I did a 3-minute warm-up on the rowing machine and I did 10 minutes of stretching/rolling.

    I have decided NOT to rumble-roll anymore this week, because I'm leaving for palm springs on Sunday and my legs are totally dotted with bruises up one-side and down the other from the rumble roller. So, I'll get back to rumble-rolling after I get back from bathing-suit-town.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    That sounds like a great workout. Beeps!
    I know you and Ris are right, it will have to take me wanting the change more than being comfortable with status quo. It is just frustrating because I feel like I am working harder and doing better and yet, getting heavier, so I need to figure out what I want. I guess if I want to fit into my wedding dress I can just lose weight, but the other part, about doing a pull up and running 10k, those seem like the better goals, if I can be ok with maybe never fitting into my wedding dress again, and really, why? I could have sold it and preserved it and not even known that it doesn't fit anymore...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Amy, I think I'm going to try on my wedding dress....sounds like something I won't have a problem with, though. I was skinny fat when I got married, for sure. I probably only weighed 140, but I bet most of the fat was in my thighs/bum, so I bet when I put mine on, the top will be TOO big, now!

    (I did put on a red dress, today, that last time I wore I had to have spanx on....no spanx anymore and it's a little bit hang-y on me, yay!!)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    So, maintenance cals for me is like, 1490 and if I could do 1200, it would take 12 days to lose 1 pound, only I can't do it, I have a half bottle of wine, or three beers and my whole deficit for the week is gone! And I just keep gaining and losing the same 10 pounds.

    Yep.....how I feel too. Losing weight when you're close is so hard.....

    I've been a little MIA. I had yesterday off and been busy at work today. I got 2 miles of speed work done yesterday. Had planned for 4, but the baby had other plans. I may do some circuits tonight. Or maybe tomorrow as I'm off work then so will have more time. Husband is prepping for his colonoscopy tonight so I'll be on solo baby duty once he drinks his drink......

    Have a great weekend if I don't check in tomorrow.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Amy- Based on the stats you once posted, I think you are on the low end of your weight so it going to be harder. I think, for now, you should step away from that lying scale (and dress) and focus on an indurance goal like you talked about. If you want to add in the leigh peele, I am doing it. I just started Monday, so I have no idea how effective it will be, but I have seen several girls on here that are closer to their goal weight, lose.

    Beeps- you are killin' those workouts. There is a groupon for TRX, but it is way to far away. I'm going to keep my eye out something closer.

    So there is something very wrong with my shoulder. It has been on and off for awhile, but almost everytime I do upper body, it bothers me. The joint hurts or feels tight. I don't know. When I shrug my shoulder up, it make a noise. My husband says it's like bone on bone, but I think it's the muscle popping or rubbing againist something. With tank top season around the corner, I don't want to stop lifting. Are there certain moves that might be agravating more?