2 week challenge



  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I agree, the hangover was not worth it. That's what I'm telling myself this morning. UGH! I hate drinking, I just don't want to anymore. Haha. For me any amount I drink will make me feel bad, but I still do it to be social. *sigh* I did pretty well all last week. Even had my Valentine's dinner all fit in perfectly. Last night we went to dinner at a friends house - drinks, fried appetizers, carby dinner, dessert. Not feeling like much of a rockstar today, HAHA! I can try to log it, and I may later, but it seems really overwhelming right now. All I can do is move ahead.

    This week my anniversary is on Thursday, we're going out to dinner for that. Then Saturday my sister-in-law is a hosting a sort of fondue party, where you cook your own meat in platters of hot oil - not waistline friendly, LOL. My plan is to have one drink, try to limit snacking (chips/dip) and sweets and eat a moderate amount of whatever I can find that is a little easier on the digestive system. This week may end up being a wash calorie wise, maybe I won't lose, but I won't gain either if I stick to the plan on the days I'm not going out.

    Goals are to stay the course I've been on:

    1. Stay under 1500 cals/day on days I'm in control of my eats
    2. Work out 5 times a week
    3. Stay hydrated
    4. And I'm bumping my protein goal up to 90g a day, minimum.
  • lindzkam
    lindzkam Posts: 3 Member
    To lose 2 lbs and to eat only ONE, HEALTHY snack between lunch and dinner.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Where is everybody? Its been quiet on here the past few days!

    I had my first successful day eating within my 10 hour window yesterday. It felt good. I also got in my TRX class and a spin class. My arms are so sore from the TRX...and I love it! Tonight I will run on the treadmill and stick to my 10 hour window, It actually may even be less than that because I will be able to eat dinner earlier.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member
    Chloe - nice to read you are giving the "eating window" a try.

    I'm totally pissed off at my brother right now....we headed to OLDcity Saturday night and my mom said that my bro's kids had the stomach flu on TUESDAY. So, Sunday morn, bro calls me and asks me if we're coming over, "yes" and away I go with my 2 kids. We get there, kids are playing together and THEN he tells me, "oh, my kids STILL have the stomach flu".


    We drove home yesterday morn, my daughter had a hockey event in the aft, and by 8 pm she was barfing. Husband was barfing by 4 am this morn, and son hit the toilet just before school started. I am at work, but haven't eaten anything since about 6:30 pm last night and I don't feel great (although I don't feel nauseous).

    People. People. People. Keen your nasty infections germs AWAY from my family....hell, now we've transported this friggin' flu BACK to OURCITY.....thank god I have a nanny.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Hey everyone! So I got a nasty stomach bug about a week and half ago. I was in bed for 3 days then had to prep for my daughters party on Sun. Last week I was busy with Partent Teacher Conferences then went to Vegas on Friday!!!! It was fun.

    I stuck with my goal of staying off the scale for 2 weeks. When I finally stepped on, the day after having been super sick, I was actually down 4 pounds. I didn't record that of course. I did step on last Friday, and was still down .8 or .6...now I can't remember! I was surprised though because I had eaten out for 2 meals on Thurs. I ate so much in Vegas, I'm worried about the scale. I'm trying to fast until 11:00 today but I already have shakes, so we'll see if I make it. I read up on the LP stuff, I'm not going to lie, it confused me. One of my friends is having amazing success with it and I really want to try it.

    Chloe- glad you are not feeling puffy this week. That is the best feeling. and great job with your window and TRX.
    Better- good job with your run
    Schmozzy- Happy Anniversary

    Everyone else- I can't see your posts but I'm sure you are doing amazing.

    Oh, Jen, congrats on the video. Di I read that you are leaving your job after this year? Will you go somewhere else or do soemthing else?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member

    1. fast one day each week (today it is!);
    2. keep to alotted calories on every day (other than fast day, which can be lower than 1,350).
    3. permit my "binge" day on Sunday during oscar ceremonies.

    That's it. I need to tighten up the diet piece....I'm not worried about the exercise piece.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Great goals everyone! Mine are going to be pretty lame this time around. I had a nice weekend (we had Monday off) and I got in lots of exercise, including a great 15 mile run yesterday. Unfortunately, my knee didn't enjoy the run so much and is pretty sore today, which isn't great timing because I have a half marathon on Sunday. So my goals are:

    1. Not to mess up my knee further this week;
    2. Run, walk, or limp 13.1 miles on Sunday;
    3. Rehab my knee next week.

    I'm going to try to stick with my calorie limits this week, but I'm not going to log this weekend as I'll need to carb up for the race, and it will be hard to track anyways since I'll be traveling.

    Beeps--I think that the frozen greek yogurt does taste a lot better than regular greek yogurt, but it's probably because there's more sugar. It tastes pretty much like any other frozen yogurt--so better than normal yogurt, but not as good as ice cream.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    It was a little quiet yesterday. I think many had the day off, myself not included. I was well under my calorie limit yesterday (and no booze), but pretty low on protein. So far so good today. Although I very much dislike my co-worker that has pretzel M&Ms on his desk. I've had 14 today. I think I'll be doing my 5 mile run on Thursday. I considered Wednesday morning, but it's going to be really cold and I don't want to run 5 on the mill. BOR-ING. Tonight I may do my "total body workout" and I'm not really sure what it will be yet. Part of the plank series for sure. Probably pushups, walking lunges, KB's, and the like.

    Ris, good luck on your mini on Sunday! Obviously you are capable of running that far. I hope your knee holds out.

    Beeps, I hope the bug stays away. Our house has been sick for like a month. I've just been congested but never got full fledged sick. Eric is currenlty using an inhaler, nose spray and codeine cough syryp, and my daughter's cough is mostly gone. I am very congesty while running, which I've always been, but more so recently. So lots of spitting and snot rockets. I'm quite the lady when I run.

    Everyone else, great goals!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I completed my 16 hour fast. 46 oz of water has been consumed. I plan on spending my lunch hour making a shopping list so I can cook tonight and be prepped for the rest of the week. I plan on going low carb/low sodium for the rest of the week. Oh, and I have no 2 week challenge. I will have a plan/challenge starting next week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member
    Ris - I even went to book club and they had 'greek yogurt with honey" and the ladies were all RAVING and I just didn't even try it.

    Better - do you have kettlebells at home? This is one thing that my gym has zero of is kettlebells....lame, right?

    kclynch - yay on the fast! 46 oz of water?? That doesn't seem like very much....I down about 46 oz of water before I even go to work in the morning! I like the low carb/low sodium plan, though - I think I'll copy that.

    Oscars are on Sunday! that's a total junk-food fest in my house....followed by BARELY a week of recovery before I have to do month-end photos/measurements, etc.

    Yeesh. I think February is gonna turn out to be a bust, but I *do* have 9 days to try and make it WORTHWHILE.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member
    PS - I'm VERY grumpy and VERY sleep-deprived.

    PPS - I have cancelled my attendance at restaurant club tonight because I think going home and catching some zzzzzz's has to take precedence. Bummer - I haven't seen this group of friends since mid-December. :sad:
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    That was at 11am Beeps! I am up to 76 oz and it's 3:20. Go sleep. That's what I did last night. I was out by 9:15!!!! I hope tomorrow you wake up happy and well rested.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I ended up eating about 300 calories worth of those damn M&Ms yesterday. Had I cut them out, my day would have looked much better. Oh well..... I still had 2 glasses of Malbec with dinner. But not a terrible day. I ended up working a little late so no workout last night. Beeps, yes, I have a kettlebell. Just a 15 pounder, but it does the trick. I have a video that came with it and it's pretty good. They're freaking expensive. My husband bought it for me as a gift (yes, he's awesome) and I think the bell and vid were like $50 or something.

    I started this morning off right with a 4 mile run. Daphne woke at around 4:30 and my husband went to binkie her, couldn;t find the binkie, started grumbling and b*tching, and when he finally got back to bed, I was wide awake. I told myself if I was awake at 6, I was running. I was supposed to do 5, but only had time for 4. I'm glad I don't have to squeeze it in tomorrow after work. But, I'm alreayd sort of dragging....need more coffee......

    I need to take measurements again. I don't think I've done them since December or January. Maybe I'll do that this weekend.

    Happy Hump Day!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Omg! Seems like so much has happened...I've been MIA a while. Sorry friends! Things I randomly remember from reading...

    CONGRATS Jenn! That is super exciting and I will buy it even though I don't even do exercise DVDs :)

    Girls is a good (albeit awkward) show.

    I wonder if I really am 5'5.5"...

    For me, things have been nuts. I was in Seattle last week and ended up being put in charge of a new research initiative which is going to take up a lot of time and energy for the next 5 or so months I am at my job. Which leads me to the next piece of news...I was admitted to Notre Dame's doctoral program in economics! I am hugely excited because although I applied to 14 schools I wasn't *sure* I would get in anywhere (econ phds have acceptance rates of 3-10% usually). I was out a bar Friday night when I got the email and started crying (in a happy way).

    So that is taking up a ton of energy right now as I work, wait to hear from schools and try to get my crossfit workouts in. As a result, I am not really 'cutting' or logging. I just bring myself to prioritize food right now and that's okay for now. Next week is a fresh start and hopefully I'll be able to focus! Europe in a month from tomorrow!

    Missed you gals, hope all is well!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Wow Kate that is awesome news! I come from a very big Notre Dame family....lots of good history and memories with that school!

    Ashley- Giving up sweets for lent has actually given me huge peace of mind just knowing I can't touch it makes me not stressed about it. Does that make sense? We have tons of candy around the office lately too!

    Beeps- Hope you are feeling better and got some rest!

    I had a good day yesterday. My eating window was 10-7, so 9 hours. This morning I am struggling a bit, I have a headache and I am hungry. I am going to force myself to wait until 10 though to have my hard-boiled egg. and then my salad for lunch. Going to Yoga (which I am really looking forward too) and Barre Ride tonight. I probably won't get to eat dinner until around 730, but I am just going to heat up some left over tilapia tacos I made the other day.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member
    kclynch - I made it to bed by 8:45 pm last night....slept like the dead until about 4:00 am, and then tossed and turned. But, all-in-all, I feel quite well-rested today!

    Better - pick a 'good' day to take your measurements - you know, a day when you are feeling good, strong, healthy, and happy with the way you look! Report back.

    chui- CONGRATS on getting into grad school. That is awesome news! Where in Europe are you going? For how long?

    Chloe - there's nothing wrong with eating when you are hungry - or when you have a headache. You'll adjust to the eating window eventually (I believe) - you don't have to do it 7 days out of 7 to be a "convert" you know!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member
    I haven't lifted since Friday, and today I am going! That excites me! I will only get 2 lifting sessions in this week, so I need to make them count!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Chloe, I know what you mean. If I make the decission NOT to eat something, I'll be fine. It's deciding to eat the ONE that gets me in trouble. Because then it turns into 30. The M&Ms are gone. BUT! I did refrain from some sort of Girl Scout cookie that was in the kitchen at work. I read the nutrition label (70 cals a cookie) and decided today I will be "good". So no cookie for me. Enjoy yoga! I was super stressed earlier and thought "I could use some yoga in my life". I may try to attend class agian after the mini. I do miss it. I have a hard time just free styling it. And all of the videos I have or that are on my cable on demand are cheesey, easy, or I don't like them.

    Beeps, good idea on measurements. I am interested because my weight has been up over the last month. I saw a dip in January from my mini detox and then not drinking for 2 weeks. I am curious to see what the scale says tomorrow after 3 weeks of gains (2 pounds total, so not horrible....). I am interested to see my measurements as I have been doing zero strength training for the last month plus. I've been doing very little "toning" type work either. Just the running. I have been doing my PT exercises which aren't easy, but not super tough. They are making me stronger though. The 4 miles on the mill didn't hurt me which is abnormal. And excellent.

    Kate, that's awesome about school! Congrats! And I am worn out just reading your post...Whew! You are busy. I saw your status though and it sounds like, as usual, you are being realistic about goals. Life happens and if we get so wound up in the intricacies of calories and burns and defecits and eating windows, it can drive us nuts. I know because I obsess over these things daily and sometimes we just have to take a step back and do what we can.

    That's all I can see on my page. I hope everyone else is doing well!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Congratulatons,Kate! That is awesome news!

    I really need to lift, but I am EXHAUSTED today. My 3 year old slept with me. Well, on me, last night. I had an early meeting and had to be up at 5:15. BLAH. Beeps, I plan on going to bed at 8:45 tonight! Hopefully, tomorrow I will lift.

    Chloe, glad you found some classes that you like. I feel like I am always in a workout rutt and would enjoy going to a weekly class, but I can't make the commitment, yet.

    Ashley- I have girl scout cookies in my car. I must resist.

    I have decided to start LP on Saturday, mostly because I know I will have time to cook. I have already adjusted my calories and macros just to get an idea of how I may need to adjust my eating. The low carb week will probably kill me, but it's only a week.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member

    Chloe--nice job sticking with your eating window!

    Beeps--have fun with your lifting!

    Ashley--I think yoga classes are WAY better than the videos. I think that it helps to be in a nice quiet yogo studio to get the full effect. I haven't gone in a while but I always finish a class with a kind of peaceful feeling that I don't get when I do a video in my basement. And nice job resisting the girl scout cookies!

    Kelly--sounds like you've had a long day! What is LP again? I'm sure it's come up before but I can't remember the term.

    My week has been uneventful so far. All this lifting you ladies are talking about is inspiring me though, so I'm going to try to lift tonight when my hubby goes to play basketball.