2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    omg, the amount of food I packed into my gullet, today, is OBSCENE!!!!!!!!!!! And, I still have to get through "book club" tonight.

    Holy crow. *perfect* diet all week, and then today hits and it's like BINGE-CITY.

    I'm pretty mad at myself.....so demotivating.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey chicks. Sounds like everyone is doing well.

    Abi - I hope you keep feeling better.

    Beeps - We all need to indulge every now and again. I know you'll get back on track.

    Ris - I enjoy running with friends but rarely do it. I do also enjoy running solo. Long runs bore me though so I prefer them with friends. Part of why I probably have totally been slacking on long runs lately...... Great job on your work!

    Kelly - Great job! Sounds like you're making progress! And I LOVE that flat tummy feeling. Something I have not had in a while, but I'm getting there. Another option for speed work I do on the treadmill is: 1. Run at a comfortable pace for 0.25 mile 2. Run at the speed you'd like to run at for 0.25 mile (for under 30 minute 5k would be minimum of 6.3) 3. Run at comfortable pace for 0.25 mile 4. Run at desired speed plus 0.1 mph (so 6.4) 5. Comfortable pace for 0.25 mile, 6. 6.5 mph....and so on and so forth. You could even shorten the intervals. It gets distance done quickly too.

    Jen - Glad you're back and glad you had a great week. You're killing it on the workouts! And of course I always love reading about your food.

    Amy - Sounds like you're getting a plan down. As for "overtraining" I think it's probably hard for chicks like us who are just trying to stay in shape, get relatively stronger, and just look good in general, to overtrain. I think listening to your body is key.

    Chloe - I think I felt a little tight in the waist by 8 weeks. I went back and looked at my belly shots (I took them weekly from 13 weeks on) and my tummy didn't APPEAR larger then, but I remember feeling larger. As for constipation, it is something I have always struggled with and pregnancy didn't make it any better, worse rather. I think mine is mostly from dehydration. I drink a lot of water, but for some reason I think my body "needs" more. Towards the end of my pregnancy (about 36 weeks) I was measuring small and they did an ultrasound and realized my fluids were low. They told me to cool it on the running and also to drink more water. I was drinking something crazy like 20+ glasses a day. But my fluids went up by the next week. Anyways, drink a lot of water. You can also try an OTC stool softener at night b/c if you're constipated, most like you'll get hard stool which will cause hemmoroides, which I also had through most of my pregnancy. Those were my worst symtpoms of pregnancy, so I'm not complaining too much. I'm glad you're otherwise feeling good!

    Everyone else, I hooe you're doing well!

    AFM, I had what I thought was a so-so week and weekend, but I actually feel really good today. Not bloated or gross, just a little tired. My parents were in and we drank our fair share of wine for sure, but I didn't drink ridiculous amounts of wine, which is typical. We also enjoyed the great weather Saturday with some walking and I even did some weights and a quick 2 mile run yesterday. I didn't eat prefectly by any means, but I practiced portion control for the most part. All in all, a decent week. I got all my strength in and ran twice, but did not complete a long run. I'm just proud of myself for spending an hour in the gym yesterday instead of sitting on my @ss on a dreary day like I wanted to.

    I also realized yesterday how I must be training more effectively. I did 28 minutes of weights: Blugarian split squats, kettlebell swings, one armed rows, and back rows. After, I took a quick break and then ran 2 miles on the mill. I had a protein shake and then began to relax and started feeling just really run down and tired. So I ate some more, and some more. Not large amounts of food and not bad food, but my body NEEDED food. And my body was TIRED. I used to "strength train" for 45 minutes and then get on the elliptical for 45 more and never felt like that. So I think I'm doing something right. My legs are super sore today. It's great. So I am enjoying strength training again. I have my 10k this weekend, so even though I should really be runnning more like 8-9 miles, 6.2 will have to do. Maybe I'll run home from the race....we'll see.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Here's an interesting article that ran in my local paper, today:

    "Personal trainer Ryan Morrow of Healthy Rhino demonstrating the Princess Leia Press in Edmonton on Thursday, February, 28, 2013. Video by Bruce Edwards, Edmonton Journal.

    Do you need to take a day off between lifting weights?

    Many personal trainers will tell you, yes, but that’s old-school thinking, says Ryan Morrow of Healthy Rhino , the antithesis of your average personal trainer.

    “Attitudes like that come from the bodybuilding days of Arnold Schwarzenegger and the boys … guys who trained four to eight hours a day,” he explains.

    “People think they’re working so hard, but they’re not. The average person doesn’t train that hard and only trains three days a week, so they don’t need a day of rest in between.”

    Morrow puts his clients through a full-body, functional workout every day, varying the amount of time they spend on each exercise.

    Unlike other personal trainers, he also doesn’t recommend running at all, especially if you’re running to lose weight.

    “First of all, because it’s hard on your body, and second, if you understand the science, because you promote your body to actually store fat when you do.

    “If you want to run, sprint instead,” he advises.

    Trying to make workouts as fun as possible to keep clients engaged and motivated to keep working, he creates his own exercises or varies traditional exercises and gives them playful names.

    The Princess Leia Press, for example, combines a side plank with a shoulder press. Lie on your side with forearm under your shoulder and feet together. Push hip off the floor and hold for as long as you can keeping the body straight and stiff, core muscles engaged. Add a free weight to your hand and lift your arm until it is vertical while holding side plank.

    Morrow doesn’t recommend repetitions or sets, choosing instead to time exercises — repeating the motion for 30 or 45 seconds, resting for 15 or 20 seconds before starting again.

    Beginners can keep their knees on the ground to help their balance."
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, Chloe, others know more and I am late to the convo but I was watching Juno last night and she was complaining about the constipation too, so I think it is pretty common, I heard your body produces a hormone that has that effect. It's a problem for me anyway, and I drink fiber-wise, it has probiotics in addition to soluble and insoluble fiber so it helps keep me regular. It's made by some crazy pyramid scheme of a home business called Melalueca. My mom has a friend and she keeps me supplied:tongue:

    I had a fun weekend, went to Nuggets game Friday, stayed in Saturday (Sons of Anarchy), and went to the Art Museum and for mexican food for a friends Bday Sunday. I did have some St. Patty's day beers before Mexican food:drinker:

    And, Abi, I didn't have anything really green either, just a printed shirt that had green in it, and I like green too!

    I got my gym bag packed, I am excited to workout tonight but I am still waffling on what to do!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Here's my 2-week plan:

    1, Stop weighing every day. Weighing day is going to be Wednesday.

    2, Reevaluate calories after 2 weeks.

    3, Do 3 weight-training work-outs per week - do 1 cardio work-out per week.

    4, Drink more water - am wanting to get to a grocery store and find some "crystal light" to help with this.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I BOMBED this weekend. It's a shame because Fri I was down a pound - but I didn't record since Mon is my new weigh in day. I stayed away from the scale today. Sat I had pei-wei (and I'm eating left over now) then went to a party and ate hot dogs and chips and 4 beers. Sun I went to anothe rparty and frito pie. I stayed away from the cake though! LOL. And no workouts. I got up this morning and tried a new hiit DVD. I chose a premix with 10 excercises one round each. It was awkward and I don't think I burned as much as I should have. Next time I will choose 5 exercises 2 rounds until I have learned the moves.

    I LOVE Juno! So funny. But yes, it is common Chloe, because of the hormones. If it really bothers you, consult your Dr. Try to get 25 grams of fiber. Apples have alot of fiber.

    2 week Challenge (I didn't do one last week)
    1. 6 hours of exercise - including 2 runs
    2. under 40% carbs for the week - going try out carb cycling

    ***I should read before I post!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps--I hope you recovered from your binge on Friday! What happened?? Sounds like good two-week goals!

    Ashley--sounds like a good weekend! Just keeping things reasonable is an accomplishment when the family is in town.

    Amy--sounds like a fun weekend! I had Mexican food on Sunday too, but I made up for it with some cabbage and colcannon later :-)

    Kelly--it's so hard to be good at parties! But it sounds like you have a good plan to get back on track.

    My weekend was pretty good. I kept to my goal of logging everything, although we ate out a lot more than usual so I don't really know how accurate my estimates were. There's a good chance I underestimated the calories and went over, but I don't think I was too bad. But I got in some good workouts on Saturday and Sunday which have given me some renewed motivation. I did a great hill workout with a friend on Saturday and was so pumped up when I got home that I did a kettlebell workout. I meant to swim at the gym on Sunday but I forgot my goggles, so I did weights instead. My body definitely has that good kind of sore feeling today.

    Here are my two-week goals:

    1. Exercise every day, even if it's just walking (but try to do more than just walk)
    2. Log everything
    3. Start cutting back on empty calorie foods. I've been giving into my sweet tooth lately, so I'm going to work toward limiting myself to 100 calories a day of dessert-type stuff (though that will have to start after I finish the pie I made on Friday since even the skinny version is 250 calories a slice).
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Ris- love the limiting sweet calories, I might have to steal that!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I find that if I "finish off my meal" with a piece of gum, rather than any other "sweet treat", I have a WAY higher likelihood of keeping my calories in check. For me, one cookie, unfortunately, turns into 6 cookies before I manage to catch myself with the "wth???"
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Ris, this weekend just turned into a *kitten* show, in very short order. I chalk it up to:

    1. being very tired....the time change last weekend really did affect me (very negatively) this year;
    2. being too lazy....I didn't like my weigh-in on Friday, so I ate french fries and gravy for lunch. Dumb, because I knew that book club was that night. So, yes, at book club I snacked and snacked and snacked until 11:00 pm! So dumb.
    3. eating out....my daughter had 4 ice hockey times this weekend. So, no cooking. Fine, I KNOW the "right choices" to make at fast food joints. Yep, Saturday I made good choices during the daytime, but come night-time, I just caved. Sunday, I made good choices during the daytime, was VERY VIGILANT to make sure I'd make good night-time choices....and then the pizza came and, forget it....on top of the HEALTHY calories I ate (to make sure I'd make good choices), I THEN ate 3 slices of pizza! Dumb - might as well have just NOT eaten the healthy stuff, eat the crap and at LEAST the calories are lower.

    So, I know EXACTLY what happened....but, felt truly powerless to stop it once the train had left the station....Friday through Sunday = 3 VERY bad days of dietary choices.

    Lucky me, the scale was broken at the gym today! Good thing, since I WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE STEPPING ON IT UNTIL WEDNESDAY, ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lol - I already tried to *break* my promise of going back to only once-per-week weigh-in.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    When I am thoroughly and totally in the habit of ONLY weighing myself once-per-week, I'm always pleasantly surprised at the number.

    I am now eliminating ALL contests that have weekly weigh-ins that are based on some kind of "average for the week", because it sets me up to:

    a) weigh too often; and
    b) unable to stop weighing too often.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps - We've talked :wink: But I like your idea of the gum after a meal!

    Ris - Glad your motivation has been renewed!! Gotta love that sore feeling!! Great work!

    KC - Just pick up and move forward! Your plan looks solid. I would be interested to hear how carb cycling goes!!

    Amy – Your weekend does sound fun!!! Glad you are excited about working out tonight! What did you end up doing? I’m in the same boat. I need to find a program :huh:

    Chloe – Gosh, I don’t remember about the constipation thing, but man, my boobs sure did hurt for sure!! Hope you get some relief soon!

    Better – Fantastic about more effective workouts! Those Bulgarian split squats are no joke! Do you do them with one leg elevated? I did today and man, by the end my cheek just about cramps, lol!

    Well, after feeling so terrible in my clothes prior to last week, I ate well all last week and even logged over the weekend, YAY!!! I even celebrated St. Patrick's Day at home with corned beef & cabbage - turned into reubens (which were DELISH) and green beer (Miller 64) and stayed under my calories!!! I food prepped ALL DAY and am ready for the week (I go back to work tomorrow) :grumble: I feel fantastic and AM NOT going to mess up this streak.

    Still don't know what I am doing program wise, but today I did the Ultimate Butt Workout (http://www.fitbodyhq.com/workouts/the-ultimate-butt-workout/) today and all I have to say is I totally prefer lifting heavier lower reps for strength than I do lower weight, higher reps for endurance! This workout $ucked *kitten*! My butt hurt, but I suppose that means it worked, lol :laugh: ! But they have other workouts too and I may try them out.

    So goals:
    1. Log weekends (week isn't a prob)
    2. 3 strength sessions
    3. Continue to log weekends

    Everyone has great goals set up!! Let's Do This!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did the 5x5 workout-heavy lifts for squats (65 lbs), bench press (55 pounds) and barbell rows (50 pounds). I have lost a lot on my squat, and it was never very good, but I want to try, my goal is to squat my body weight and I think I can get there. Bench press was only down a little bit and rows felt ok. I wanted to hit the treadmill but I didn't have my ipod, so I jumped rope for a bit.
    I came home and made a pile of chicken stir fry with mushroom, green beans, zucchini and onion.

    My low back felt a little tweaked so I think I need to add some core exercises. I did some supermans, it feels ok now.

    What about those giving something up for Lent? How's that going?

    I am home and cannot find my ipod anywhere! it's driving me crazy! How can I run without an ipod?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    On the sweets....I tend to really like to have a little treat at the end of the day. I keep dark chocoalate kisses and can actually keep them in the house. THis is big stuff for me. I have been known to binge and things like these. I can have 1 or 2 and be done. Unfortunately I prefer them with a glass of red, which is harder to have just one of. We all have our vices....

    Jen, I do my Bulgarian split squats with a leg on the bench (behind me). I am still sore in my butt but even more in my thighs. Stairs and sitting on the toilet are tasks.....still today. :wink:

    Got in an upper body workout last night and am feeling a little sore although not as much as last week. Last night's circuit was: incline chest press with dumbells, dumbell pullovers, pushups (15 on the bench and then 10-10-10 on the floor), and tricep dips on the bench with just bodyweight. This weekend I'm going to to go Play It Again Sports and look for a rack and bar. I am determined to fit it in my 8x12 gym. I can't really get serious about lifting with my equipment. I have dumbells up to 25 pounds, and that's it. My husband says he wants to get "fit" before Bonnaroo so he may start lifting. We'll see. I hope he does; it would be fun to do together.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Hi jen! I'm glad you are creating your own STREAK and that you are determined to KEEP it! I think I may follow suit....logging weekends will *also* be very key, to me.

    Plus, my husband leaves today for a biz trip until Saturday....so, I *have* to be very vigilant in my late-night snacking. As in, if I FEEL the URGE to eat, I just have to race to the bedroom, grab a book, read for a bit and then go to sleep. NO LATE NIGHT SNACKING!! (Usually the response to missing hubby in evenings....)

    Amy - I like it that you are aiming for a specific strength goal (i.e. "squatting your own body weight on the BB")....they say THAT is a better tactic to "goal-setting" then something on the scale. Nicely done!

    Better - I'm impressed that you can do all those push-ups from the floor....still my nemesis....but, I am getting a *bit* better as each month goes by!

    So, I started bodyweight training for my daughter, yesterday. She's totally into giving it a try. We will be working on FORM, a TON, before adding any sort of weight. Her FORM, as you can imagine, is TERRIBLE....and, she doesn't have the "life experience" for me to explain things in any quick way, for her. So, we'll keep working on FORM, doing only 1 set of the exercises, until I'm comfortable that she's actually "getting it". And then we'll go from there.

    I'm totally excited for her! I believe she'll be MUCH stronger heading into next year's ice hockey season. Mind you, I *also* believe diet is seriously a big part of the battle, and we haven't yet gotten to where her diet is completely in-check.

    Baby steps....
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Abi- I actually used to drink that Smooth Move Tea when I had tummy issues before, but I thought it wasn't safe for preggos, but apparently it is, so I will be going with that when I have issues, thanks!

    Beeps- I need to get with you on staying off the scale. I have been fluctuating around 148-152, before I found out I was pregnant I was around 145-149....so I am calling it a 3 lb gain so far and I know its not from the baby. It is from the huge amount of damage I keep doing on the weekends. I thought once I couldn't drink I would be better, but now I just turned to cookies and sweets!

    Amy- So yea I gave up sweets for lent, supposedly, but I found out I was pregnant like 5 days into and I figured if I had to give up my wine there was no way I was doing chocolate too!

    So like I said this weekend was pretty out of control, well I should say Sunday was out of control. Friday and Saturday were ok. I am just really confused as to how to figure out my calories. I feel like I am eating so much. Right now I have it set at 1500 and I have been adding in my exercise cals that I get from a heart rate monitor, which averages to about 300 cals a day. So that give me 1800 cals a day about.

    My 2 week goals:

    1) Keep the weekend under control with sweets and snacking
    2) Get in all my planned workouts (hasn't been a problem so far)
    3) drink more water and limit the diet pop
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Yeah I definitely need to find something small that satisfies my sweet tooth. I brought some hot chocolate to the office, so that should do the trick if I can stick to one cup a day. I finished off my pie last night, so at least I won't have that temptation at home…. On Amy's question, for lent I couldn't think of anything to give up, so instead I decided to floss every day (what our minister said he did for lent one year). I have a permanent retainer behind my bottom teeth that makes it a pain to floss, so I tend to skip it a lot of the time.

    Beeps--glad to hear your daughter is getting into the bodyweight training! It's a nice thing you can do together.

    Jen--nice work on the food prep! And excellent two week goals.

    Amy--glad to hear you're getting back to the stronglifts! I think lifting goals are great, and probably won't drive you too crazy. And I hear you on losing your ipod. I became so dependent on it at one point that I wouldn't run without it. But I run without it pretty regularly now, at least on my short runs. Sometimes it is nice to run without it, it's a good way to clear your head. I like to think it works your "mental endurance."

    Ashley--sounds like a great workout last night!

    Chloe--great two week goals! And around 1800 calories a day sounds about right if you're exercising, though I don't think that there's a "right" answer that everyone agrees on for the first trimester. Some people say to add 300 calories to what you have been doing regardless of exercise, and others say you don't have to add anything until your second trimester. But if you're not hungry at the end of the day then I don't think there's any need to force yourself to get to 1800 or anything. Your baby is super tiny right now and will get what it needs as long as you're not starving yourself, so just do what feels right to you.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I did a little abs-class at the office over lunch....nothing to write home about, but I did it!

    Chloe - I must confess that I'm glad I wasn't a 'calorie-counter' when I was pregnant....actually, I was never a 'calorie-counter' until my 40's. There was SOME relief in being "wilfully blind"....until my "metabolism" seemed to say "GOTCHA" - I just didn't pay attention....if my clothes fit, that was enough! So, I totally applaud you for giving it a try during pregnancy. Please just don't lose sight of the fact this is a VERY UNIQUE time in your life, likely not to be repeated too many times....so, enjoy it, too. (And, if you "enjoy" calorie-counting, then keep it up!)

    Ris - did we settle on an accountability challenge to do with each other?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    ...hey, remember when I posted on this thread, maybe even a year ago, about that chick in the blue top who kept popping up on the "ads" portion to the right of these posts???

    Well, she's disappeared. But, some chick in a white sports top has replaced her!!

    Again, I have NO idea what they're advertising (I never bother to scroll down....), but hell they look VERY GOOD.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    So my sister (who is on MFP) and I are doing a pre-vacation challenge. (She's going to FL too...the whole fam and al the kids....) We were talking about running, working out, blah blah blah and she decided we needed a challenge. She made us rules, a spreadsheet and everything. 100% logging starting Monday up until 5/10. It's based on a points system and there will be a prize! Hopefully some motivation to move the scale some. I have really been losing and gaining the same 3 pounds since i quit nursing in November.....