

  • My husband and I are both on MFP and we eat out one meal a week. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is usually made at home. My problem is we eat a lot of wild game and can from our garden, this means most of our food does not have any type of calorie count. The home canned items can vary greatly on their calorie count. Also, I…
  • I try to stay slightly under my daily totals. I am always over on my protein, but I try to stay under on my fats. I have went in and customized my goals to be high protein/low carb. Good luck and keep working on it.
  • I know I have had the same issue. My husband and I are doing MyFitnessPal together. It has been great to do something together, but it irritates him that he can not get access to the recipes I put in.
  • I do understand, I have had the same experience several years ago. I think/hope friends and family only want the best for you so they may be concerned as to why you have lost a substantial amount of weight, especially if it has been over a short period of time. Just reassure them you are eating healthy and being active.…
  • Balsamic vinegar is wonderful on salads. It is a great way to add flavor but not calories. We have even found some strawberry infused balsamic vinegar at a local specialty store. It is great on ice cream or fruit. Yes, ice cream. : ) It is rich, tart and tangy.
  • I can sympathize, I had scoliosis surgery and an injury that has caused severe arthritis. I strongly recommend seeking professional help. Physical therapist or occupational therapist. By strengthening my core muscles I am trying to keep my flexibility. Low impact and strength training are wonderful ideas. Swimming is also…
  • That is so funny. I was thinking the same thing. I am trying to get healthy but it is a lifestyle change, and that ain't easy.
  • Remember food is not "good" or "bad" it is about limiting the high calorie foods. Don't let guilt get you off track. Keep telling yourself you can get healthy. If keeping the log on your "cheat" days helps you stay focused on your weight lose then by all means do it. If it just makes you feel guilty, then let it be.
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