Exercise for People with Back Pain

Hi all, can anyone suggest exercises to start off with that are good for people with back pain? I have scoliosis that I have been to the doctor for. It's not bad enough for surgery, but the last time I tried to start an exercise routine I could not bend for three days, and it was not an intense workout by any means.


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    My suggestion would be to get your Dr or a physical therapist to give you exercises because of your back issue. If you did a workout that wasn't intense and couldn't bend for three days, that's not something that you want to get amateur advice about.

    Personally, I have lower back pain from an injury 20 years ago. I work through the pain. I use heat, ice, rest, drugs, whatever I can to manage it.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I have a back problem and I do intense workouts. Talk to your doctor to see what kind of workouts he or she want to doing. Your doctor may tell you walking, if so, you can do indoor walking workouts. Leslie Sansone has some good indoor walking workouts. You can view her workouts on collagevideo.com. Walmart sells a lot of her workouts.

    You might want to seek stability ball workouts. That's good for the back. I've used a stability ball for the first time with my Supreme 90 Day program. It felt good against my back.

    If you know how to swim, swimming should be good for you to do as well.
  • Ahhh swimming! Why didn't I think of that, yes there's no way swimming would hurt my back. Thx!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Ahhh swimming! Why didn't I think of that, yes there's no way swimming would hurt my back. Thx!

    You are welcome.
  • I can sympathize, I had scoliosis surgery and an injury that has caused severe arthritis. I strongly recommend seeking professional help. Physical therapist or occupational therapist. By strengthening my core muscles I am trying to keep my flexibility. Low impact and strength training are wonderful ideas.

    Swimming is also a great way to keep active.
  • rachelmarie1
    rachelmarie1 Posts: 201 Member
    Hey, I simply Googled exercises for scoliosis and found this website: http://www.iscoliosis.com/articles-exercise.html I hope this helps you some. Good luck and be careful. Start out slow and don't push yourself to hard. :flowerforyou:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Hey, I simply Googled exercises for scoliosis and found this website: http://www.iscoliosis.com/articles-exercise.html I hope this helps you some. Good luck and be careful. Start out slow and don't push yourself to hard. :flowerforyou:

    Starting slow and being careful not to push yourself too hard helps. Or it helps me, anyway. If you can find a medical professional to help you so much the better. If you can't, listen to your body and ease off when you get numbness, tingling, or pain. I'm finding I can walk increasingly long distances and even jog for part of the time now, but if it starts hurting, I slow down!
  • liswar
    liswar Posts: 25
    Yoga and/or Pilates! Under Dr's advice, mind you. I know a great online yoga class, so you can download & do it when it suits you: Google Namaste Yoga, or Dr Melissa West. If you go this way, I would also recmmend a few "real person"classes at least when you start, to ensure you are doing the poses correctly. Good luck!
  • RuninGirlCas
    RuninGirlCas Posts: 8 Member
    I have kyphosis/scoliosis but did not have surgery. If you are not getting surgery are you wearing a brace? You should start doing any and all exercises to strengthen your back and all the supporting (areas...legs, butt, core). Wearing that brace all day leads to weak muscles. I would also recommend some yoga for the pain and strength training. The link below is to one site. I've taken her workshop before and it was great.


    I usually run as my main workout activity but if my back is really hurting I'll switch over to a more low impact work out such as elliptical. Also you can walk on the treadmill and increase the incline to intensify the work out.
  • I have a 12 degree roto scoliosis curvature in my 4th Lumbar Vertebrae. I went to a chiropractor for some time, and she gave me some exercises to do. Mainly to increase flexibility and strenghthen core muscles. But unfortunately exercising enough to actually have an impact on weight loss is out of the question at this point. I'll check out that link about the exercises. Going to get a membership to the Y and start swimming. Thanks for the support everybody.
  • This is a video with exercises that are good for scoliosis, hope it helps:
