Friends tell me to stop losing weight.

Hey Everyone,

Over the past few weeks in particular i have seen a lot of friends and family who i have not seen in a while- and many of them including my best friend have told me to stop losing weight. Now the thing is, I am not small.

5 feet, 135 pounds. Still considered overweight! My question is, when people say that to you and you are not at your goal how do you respond. It is an awkward comment (compliment?) in the first place because often times they are much thinner than I am. However, I suppose after being obese for so long people get used to you appearing a certain way?

I just thought it was really uncomfortable. Any advice?



  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    It's really hard to deal with friends and family who tell you to stop losing weight, or that you are fine the way you are, etc. I think a lot of people don't know what else to say when it is brought up. They think that the polite way is to disagree with you, it makes them feel less uncomfortable than to agree and say "yes, you do need to lose weight." I have the biggest problem when it comes to my roommates. Recently I just don't bring it up. It's difficult when they cook something and insist you eat it (I hate that haha). I either insist that I do not want it, or go over the top and joke that I'm not eating anymore. Nope, not anything, ever again. Usually they get the hint haha.

    I had to find people who were in the same boat as me - mainly my mom (who has, herself, lost 94 pounds). If they are not trying to lose weight themselves, I don't talk to them about it.

    Hope that helps a little!
  • I do understand, I have had the same experience several years ago. I think/hope friends and family only want the best for you so they may be concerned as to why you have lost a substantial amount of weight, especially if it has been over a short period of time. Just reassure them you are eating healthy and being active. Let them know your reasons for wanting to be healthier. Hopefully once they understand the underlying reasons they can be supportive of your accomplishments.