RachelN76 Member


  • Don't wait. Do that right now. Don't wait a second longer. There's a big world out there waiting just for you.
  • I have migraines, taking Topamax as a preventative at the moment, but it's becoming less effective, and to say I'm gutted is an understatement! I don't think I have any food triggers, but lights will get me every time. Flickering computer screens, fluorescent tube lights, halogen car head lights, flashing lights of any…
  • Hi, I had a little look at your diary, and it does look as though you eat quite a lot of processed foods. I wonder if changing these for regular cooked meals might help. It would certainly reduce the sodium levels, and help you get more veggies in. For example, I saw one day you had a ready made macaroni cheese. Well, you…
  • I started the Couch to 5K and a bit of running etc when I was about 160lb, and a BMI of about 32. So I'd already lost a bit (the last time I lost weight that is?). But the pain! Oh my word, I can't tell you about the pain. Not my knees, not my breathing, not my feet. All fine. But my shins. Started within about 30 seconds…
  • Sorry, missed my username in the post, it's RachelN76, thanks.
  • I have about 60-80lb to lose, I'm not sure yet, I guess I'll know when I get there. But I would love to be a part of this too.
  • Jasmine rice is fragrant and delicate. Mmmmmm. Basmati for everyday rice. Brown basmati is my favourite, nutty and delicious.
  • I've been veggie for over 25 years now so it's pretty second nature now. I got fat just because I like crisps, chocolate, and cheese too much, not because I don't know what I SHOULD eat! I totally agree with Pixiewishes that Hansas is amazing! We used to go there a fair bit when we lived in Leeds. I now tend to just buy…
  • Thank you for that. I'll go with that. And thank you also to those who said diet is the most important factor as well. I need to make sure if I'm only having 1200 calories that they are good quality calories and well balanced. I'm not usually very good at that. I know what to do, it's just the actual doing it, where I fail…
  • Oh yes, I have reserves on board! Of that there can be little doubt!! LOL So, I'll stick with the 1200 for now. Try to exercise. See what happens. I'm sure exercise is the key. That's what I need to get a grip of. Thank you so much everyone.
  • Evenings are totally my worst time. When the children are in bed, and I'm tired, but it's not bed time. And I'm bored. I comfort eat when I'm sad, happy, depressed, worried, tired, bored - everything! I can be perfect during the day, but I don't know what happens to me in the evenings.
  • I do have a lot to lose. I'm 4'11" and 186lb. I know. Not sure of my body fat % but I know it's NOT GOOD. I have those body fat scales upstairs, and last time I dared to check I'm sure it was around the 46% mark. But how accuracy they are? Who knows? I will check again later after I've made the kids tea. So maybe 1200 -…
  • Right, IIFYM says that my BMR is 1568 calories. And a TDEE of 1723 (based on being lazy and sedentary, on the basis that I can add in exercise calories later but I can't take them out once I've eaten them!). So, I need to eat about 1600, but exercise and exercise well right? Because I need a deficit of at least 500 and if…
  • If it's always a PMS thing, you could try evening primrose oil. It's supposed to help regulate female hormones, although there's no great evidence base to support this. Personally, I'm giving it a three month trial for PMT. I'm a couple of months in and haven't made my mind up yet, but MAYBE it's making a slight difference?
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