jscheuf Member


  • Make sure you are stretching. Also, is it on the same side your dog is walking? When I run with my dog my right leg hurts because she runs so close to me that I have to adjust my running form so I don't trip over. But that's not really good because then I end up putting more strain in myself.
  • If I waited for my muscles not to be sore I would never work out. I find that the next day my muscles are sore but then the day after that they are even tighter. I find the more I work out the better it gets. The first couple times are really hard but you kinda just have to push through. As Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels…
  • I'm training for a half marathon and feel like I start to get shin splints also. My husband is a big runner and says to be sure to really stretch your legs after a work out. That has seemed to help me, along with icing them.
  • I am currently looking for a heart rate monitor to get also to help with calories. I don't really know much about them and how accurate they are for calorie counters but I still would like to try one. When I was working out with a personal trainer she wanted me to get one so I could tell if I was in my target heart rate. I…
  • Sadly I don't have the best answer for you because you need to figure out what works for you. But I love work out videos and classes so that's where I would tell you to start but only if that is your thing. I'm sure at your local gym you can find toning classes or ab classes etc. I also really liked Jillian Michaels 30 Day…
  • I am 5'6" for those of you that asked.
  • Thanks everyone! Whenever I have a rough day I will be able to look at this again to get the motivation I need to keep pushing through!!
  • Do you ever use the recipe builder? I store the recipes I use a lot in there and can usually get a pretty good estimate of how many calories it is.
  • Congratulations! That is great motivation. Thanks for sharing!!
  • Great Job! Keep up the good work!
  • I want to live a healthy lifestyle so someday when I have kids they will grow up being healthy and not have to struggle with weight like I did. Above everything else, I think it is soooo important to find someone positive that will show you how far you have come. When I complain b/c my 4 mile run is slow my fiance will…
  • Good Job! every little bit counts and use each pound as motivation for the next one!
  • Thanks for the inspiration!!! I am getting married in 8 months and really want to lose 20 pounds before that. I really wanted to get down a lot before our engagement pictures but we are getting those done next week so I guess I just have to be happy with the 10 pounds I have lost for those.
  • I'm really glad you posted this. I am on day 6 of level 1 and the scale says I gained a pound. I know I am getting stronger and that I am building muscle but it is discouraging. It is go to know that if I just keep with it I will see weight loss later on in the program. Thanks for the encouragement!!
  • Awesome!!! Great Job. Very inspirational!!!
  • Great job! Thanks for posting!
  • You look GREAT!!! I also have to say thanks, you have motivated me a lot. I am getting married in April and I really want to get down to my goal weight by then. Seeing your wedding picture has motivated me soooo much. Right now I am about where your before pictures were and Im excited to work my butt off to get to my goal…
  • My personal trainer told me to use cocoa butter every day to help keep skin tight. That on top of toning your muscles should be good!
  • I always do really bad when I just say I am going to lose weight, or get in shape. I need a specific goal I am working towards. The first time I did really well and lost 40 pounds was b/c I wanted to run a 5K that was raising money for something I really believed in. So if you are not trying to diet but just get healthier…