sgrmag99 Member


  • Just started CF last week, and I'm crazy sore and intimated but not giving up. I was hoping to reach body and mind transformation. So far, so good. Better than sitting on my *kitten*!
  • wow dude. you look great. kudos. excellent job. keep up the good work!!! you must feel awesome!! well done brother
  • Thank you for that reply. I appreciate it very much. Thats what I was doing, then it kind of all fell apart. I'm up some lbs and now feeling worse, so I have to smarten up and make time for myself.
  • :) awesome! I have to admit the first person I thought of was Jerry Garcia when I read it. I wish I could play! My son plays. Its such a sweet sound. You must be very good playing for so many years. I hope my son keeps up with it. I'm always telling him no matter where you are, how many friends you've got, or what is going…
  • Thanks buddy! Love your screen name. You play, or a fan?
  • Did your GYN test you?
  • At this point I think this thread has become a place where us 40-50 and even 60 somethings can come to talk about our journey. I do appreciate all the advice, but I've come to a place in my life recently where family comes first and my toning up has become second. Its important to note that while today I'm not ready,…
  • Oh and PS i work out at the Y… so its a heck of a lot different than the other gyms I've attended. I'm a lot more comfortable there than anywhere I've ever been… I just do my thing and leave. I dont even know why I mentioned kids at the gym. Its a non issue for me.
  • mkmfrog you're totally right, and I didn't mean it to sound weird about the kids at the gym thing. I think what I meant was sometimes its a bit overwhelming for us agers to get into the swing of working out and seeing younger, more fit people can sometimes work against us mentally. Believe me, if I were in your shoes I…
  • I loved being 44, its the numbers after that which are bugging me
  • 45 soon to be 46 and I too, was looking for friends to commiserate with…. there's so much to talk about at this age!! I've felt so crazy alone in my struggles lately, and found some new friends here, and am grateful to know I'm not alone. Add me if you like I'm struggling just to log my food lately but know that in time…
  • I agree! I'm so glad I started this thread! You gals (and guys!) have been great
  • I love Jillian. I've done all of her DVD's at one time or another, and always get results. It certainly depends on my level of dedication though! Those DVD's aren't doing me a bit of good on my shelf lately. I wish I could rub one against my belly and make it all go away :) I ran into a swimmer for fitness person…
  • The last few posters really entertained and enlightened me. This thread has made me so happy! You're all so supportive kind and wise. I'm thankful for your input and look forward to continuing our talks. There's so much we are going through! I am the oldest of all my friends by ten years and nobody is even close to…
  • It's crazy isn't it? I don't even know where to begin but man everything is changing all at once! I'm seriously losing it... my poor husband.....
  • HA! I'm totally in… this one is perfect for me. Now: 127 Goal: 122
  • sue_stef GREAT WORK!!! What an accomplishment. Nothing better than beating the doctors! yankeedownsouth where you from? i'm a bostonian.. my friends are implants in Georgia and love it. I started doing the machines at the Y, just going from machine to machine and doing two sets on each. summer is coming though. i want to…
  • AmyRhubarb you're right, you totally gave the instructions on how to edit MFP and I neglected to remember! I checked out the info on the numbers, but then ah… well.. you know, I messed up. LOL. Thanks for the reminder. Now it means I should go back and re-read it. I appreciate you reminding me because I'd end up wasting…
  • Hells yeah. I'm down. Count me in, too!
  • I just posted a thread getting fit after 40 myself. I'm in the same boat. Friend me if you like. I'm 45 5'4 and 127 looking to get to a steady 125. Not just the number, but a strong healthy fit 125. I'm determined…
  • If I'm reading this properly, I need to eat between my BMR and TDEE to lose weight. BMR is 1290 TDEE is 1774 RMR is 1274 BMI is 22 Now that I know all this stuff, how do I use it? I guess I have some googling to do :) I have MFP set at 1200, and as I said I'm struggling with that meaning I usually go over… but I don't get…
  • WOW now that is amazing!!! Good for you!!! You look fabulous, and I'll bet worked really hard to get where you are! You deserve to be proud. Happy Fitversary!!
  • My eyes are going too! I refuse to give into the readers but I def need them! I love yoga! I started while ago and really enjoy my time doing that. I am out now but love that you all care so much to help a sister out. I can wait to go home and read all this again and get some new ideas. I really just have to focus on…
  • Did you find it hard to make the eating change? I cook all the time. I don't make fattening meals, but I sure do eat a lot. What a great accomplishment for you! congrats! well deserved! I'd be stoked if I could lose just 5 lbs or lose 10 and gain 5 in muscle instead! This is why I'm thinking I'm doing this all wrong. It…
  • I did the BMR thing, and sadly it said just over 1200 calories.. what does that mean? I'm destined to starve? I can eat like a truck driver and normally I just burned it off, or watched what I ate & flushed with water the next day and I was fine. Now, forget it. The pounds stick to me like glue! I have been super stressed…
  • this sucks! I did not sign up for this old stuff… I'm very resentful… aging gracefully is going to be a challenge!
  • I am literally floored by all the awesome sincere and honest responses! You guys are so amazing I can't even tell you how grateful I am that you took the time to give such great perspective. I am going to read all this again and click those links and start to focus on truths and not guesses! I just filled in the info on…
  • Funny you brought this up! I recently added calories too. I was struggling at 1200, and not losing an ounce. I started working out more regularly and I've been starving, so I just started eating! I haven't lost any weight, but I feel better.
  • Just checked that site out. Love it. So much better than looking at unachievable beauty. Thank you for posting.
  • I've done the shred a couple times, and have gotten great results. Both times I quit when I was happy with how I looked, and then blew it… so I'm doing it again, but this time I'm sprinkling in the T25 workouts for the cardio aspect. I suck at cardio. At 45 I really struggle to get through T25 but it feels great to survive…