Over 40 Fitness



  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    Oh and PS i work out at the Y… so its a heck of a lot different than the other gyms I've attended. I'm a lot more comfortable there than anywhere I've ever been… I just do my thing and leave. I dont even know why I mentioned kids at the gym. Its a non issue for me.
  • trishfit2014
    trishfit2014 Posts: 304 Member
    I am 46 and post menopausal. I eat less than I did in my 30s but I also have changed how i work out. I used to max out cardio (trained for marathons) now I weight train. I love barbell training-lots of squats, deadlifts, benching and OHP. I look better now than in my 30s but weight more.
  • fitandfortyish
    fitandfortyish Posts: 194 Member
    ....more fit people can sometimes work against us mentally. Believe me, if I were in your shoes I would be thrilled to be at the gym, and while I look great for my age I know I can't keep up with them....

    I agree with this comment though. Quite often I look at profile pics on MFP and see women in great shape and get all sad/depressed/mad that I can't/don't look like them. Then I notice some are in their 20's early 30's. Some haven't had children -- yay belly flab. They still have great skin elasticity--I'm noticing wrinkles on my knees. It totally puts me into a funk.

    But we (over 40's) can achieve fantastic results too. There a bunches of women over 40 and over 50 who look absolutely amazing.

    On a side note about keeping up with younger women. I row and competed in a million meters challenge that ended in April. I made the 1 million--it was a lot of rowing. THEN I read a story about a 71 year old woman in the UK--who in the same time frame as me, rowed 2 MILLION meters. Talk about trying to keep up....omg.
  • mkmfrog
    mkmfrog Posts: 49 Member
    mkmfrog you're totally right, and I didn't mean it to sound weird about the kids at the gym thing. I think what I meant was sometimes its a bit overwhelming for us agers to get into the swing of working out and seeing younger, more fit people can sometimes work against us mentally. Believe me, if I were in your shoes I would be thrilled to be at the gym, and while I look great for my age I know I can't keep up with them. I didn't want to feel like I was insulting the younger generation by saying what I said, so I tried to add a disclaimer, which I guess worked against me. Did all that make sense? I'm really not thinking clearly lately. Please excuse me.

    Im not looking to spot reduce. I am looking to get in total shape, meaning I want to be strong fit and active going forward. I don't need to have rock hard abs, or a killer butt, but if thats what happens along the way then I'll take it. :)))) My goals have changed recently and I'm just looking to find my way now… I want to find something I love to do every day and have it fit into my crazy life.

    You have received ALOT of great advice here. And I get you trying to figure out what pieces to try out. As our bodies are different, what works for some, may not work for others...but I definitely see there is some repeating advice: 1) up the protein...it should be equal if not more than the carbs; 2) strengh training, and 3) be mindful of what you are eating.

    I can't keep up with the 20-somethings...but I am not trying to do what they do either. My lower back prevents me from doing high impact aerobics (so I modify the moves to low/medium impact) and my upper back right now is preventing me for doing heavy lifting (mainly with dumbbells). I am still strong and in great cardio shape.

    Each of us has own reasons for going to the gym. Please do not judge your insides by their outsides. Just stay your course and walk your truth!
  • I don't feel hungry on 1200 calls but I do feel greedy. I want to eat more, especially sweet and fatty stuff - but I can't honestly say I feel truly hungry. I feel so resentful! Especially when I don't lose any weight and I've stuck to the calories and been to the gym every day. I'm 52 this year so proper old!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I don't feel hungry on 1200 calls but I do feel greedy. I want to eat more, especially sweet and fatty stuff - but I can't honestly say I feel truly hungry. I feel so resentful! Especially when I don't lose any weight and I've stuck to the calories and been to the gym every day. I'm 52 this year so proper old!

    You may not be eating enough. 1200 calories is pretty low.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member

    I agree with this comment though. Quite often I look at profile pics on MFP and see women in great shape and get all sad/depressed/mad that I can't/don't look like them. Then I notice some are in their 20's early 30's. Some haven't had children -- yay belly flab. They still have great skin elasticity--I'm noticing wrinkles on my knees. It totally puts me into a funk.

    But we (over 40's) can achieve fantastic results too. There a bunches of women over 40 and over 50 who look absolutely amazing.

    On a side note about keeping up with younger women. I row and competed in a million meters challenge that ended in April. I made the 1 million--it was a lot of rowing. THEN I read a story about a 71 year old woman in the UK--who in the same time frame as me, rowed 2 MILLION meters. Talk about trying to keep up....omg.

    Oh man! I have begun noticing wrinkles on my knees too! What the heck! I hate that!
  • rsoice
    rsoice Posts: 212 Member
    Just remember, old age ain't for sissies!
  • swilkinson0705
    swilkinson0705 Posts: 40 Member
    I pray I can get to where you are Amy. I suspect your activity level is pretty high. I'm jealous! ;)
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member

    Additionally, the point I'm really hoping to be at is stronger. Like, weight training strong. I can't seem to find much on the weight training front in regards to older women. Maybe someone here has a link or two they can point me to some gym machine workouts I can follow.

    I'm 45 and I lift 3 times a week with free weights...things like squats, deadlifts, bench press, etc. you can do anything at your age! The only concession I make to my age is to listen carefully to my body and not push it too hard when it's telling me to take it easy. Of course, young folk should do the same thing. Don't let age hold you back from lifting!

    This....There is no difference between "lifting for younger women" and "lifting for older women"...I'm 46 in five days, and I have started with Jillian Michaels and a set of tiny dumbells did Chalean Xtreme, P90X, P90X3 and now doing Cathe Friederichs with a olympic Barbell and need more plates every now and then... if I slack on exercise or start eating too much carbs and processed crap, I gain at the speed of light....
    You need to make peace with the fact that this is a freaking ongoing battle..... Good luck!
  • ElidaBravo
    ElidaBravo Posts: 41
    Hi there,

    I used to have flat flat abs, even up to a few years ago. I think the belly weight gain & bloat is common with women in their 40's. For me its partly due my fluctuating estrogen and my stress hormones, the other part was inactivity and horrible diet.

    I started taking a few supplements that seem to help me deal with stress and they help with appetite control.

    I also dont eat past 6pm, which i feel helps me feel less bloated in the morning.

    I sometimes wear a Squeem waist compression girdle....yes a girdle! Dont laugh or roll your eyes, that thing helps to train you to breath with your ab muscles sucked in. People wear them in the gym to help shed water weight. I have been using it this past week for a few hours per day, while i putz around doing chores and errands. It helps motivate me, helps me not eat too much at dinner....supports the back.

    I also am on the MFP suggested 1200 calorie program and its tough. I will stick with it only because i have 30 pounds to lose.

    Anyway, just some feedback, you got loads of great replies, i hope it helps!
  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    At this point I think this thread has become a place where us 40-50 and even 60 somethings can come to talk about our journey.
    I do appreciate all the advice, but I've come to a place in my life recently where family comes first and my toning up has become second. Its important to note that while today I'm not ready, tomorrow I might be, and this thread has shown me that I'm not alone. I've made some new friends, and hope to make more along the way. I have to get back to yoga 1st, then I'm dusting off Jillian next. Her workouts have always made me feel and look good. From there, I'll bump to some weight training. I was gun ho about begin in shape for summer, but it looks like I'll be a little doughy on the beach this year, but if this is all I have to give up for what I have to do in the coming months, I'll take it. :)
  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    Ahhh I've found my thread!!! LOL I will be 46 in August and have cleaned up my diet big time! Around 44-1/2 yrs old I noticed my body changing, and not for the better. I've always been active and have lifted for years, my son calls me the cardio queen because my endurance level is through the roof. Still my body was getting softer, my GYN says I'm not premenopausal yet, hormones are in balance so I started to freak out thinking what's going to happen when I do head down that road. I use to have tricks I used to drop a few pounds here and there but they weren't working. NOTHING was, so I did a lot of research and although I knew how to eat clean I was having more cheat meals then my body can now handle. I had to make a choice to clean it up, no processed food, etc. I still have some fat to lose, my BF % is higher than it has been but it's finally going in the right direction. My goal is to be in the best shape of my life so when menopause hits I'm ready! I have a lot of friends in the fitness community and most are my age or older and they all tell me they really haven't had an issue with their hormones. If your diet is in check, you're fueling your body to function at its best. Phew... I said a lot more than planned, I'm Tamra by the way. Feel free to add me.
  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    Did your GYN test you?
  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    If anyone here is interested, I started a group for 40-50 year olds quite a while ago. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/13060-40-to-50-year-olds

    Thanks buddy!

    Love your screen name. You play, or a fan?
  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    :) awesome!

    I have to admit the first person I thought of was Jerry Garcia when I read it.

    I wish I could play! My son plays. Its such a sweet sound. You must be very good playing for so many years. I hope my son keeps up with it. I'm always telling him no matter where you are, how many friends you've got, or what is going on in your life, your music is always with you..

    Thanks for the link to the group. I think its going to prove very useful to me. I'm fighting age like the plague but I'm really hoping to find some peace.

    Have a great day Jerry
  • Resolve2B
    Resolve2B Posts: 86 Member
    :) awesome!

    I wish I could play!

    I was going to talk about knee wrinkles :grumble: but I would rather comment about playing guitar....You can! I started when I was in my early 50s. I knew NOTHING about guitar...didn't even know how to hold the darn thing. A musician friend of mine helped me pick out a beginner guitar. 2 years later I bought a lovely quality instrument and now, 10 years later, this weekend my duo partner and I are playing a 2 hour gig at a coffeehouse...and getting paid to do it. I have pretty basic skills but enough to satisfy my much more competent partner. Here is a link to our website. http://www.reverbnation.com/deepblueduo

    Like everything we're talking about here...if you REALLY want to accomplish something and are willing to work hard, you can do just about anything!!
  • Resolve2B
    Resolve2B Posts: 86 Member
    At this point I think this thread has become a place where us 40-50 and even 60 somethings can come to talk about our journey.
    I do appreciate all the advice, but I've come to a place in my life recently where family comes first and my toning up has become second. Its important to note that while today I'm not ready, tomorrow I might be, and this thread has shown me that I'm not alone. I've made some new friends, and hope to make more along the way. I have to get back to yoga 1st, then I'm dusting off Jillian next. Her workouts have always made me feel and look good. From there, I'll bump to some weight training. I was gun ho about begin in shape for summer, but it looks like I'll be a little doughy on the beach this year, but if this is all I have to give up for what I have to do in the coming months, I'll take it. :)

    With regard to "family first", I am here to tell ya, that never changes unless YOU decide to carve out some "you" time. I'm speaking as one who STILL struggles with that so I can't say I've been any more successful at it than you are. A lot of what you are saying resonates with me even though we are decades apart in age. I too am one who has a hard time enjoying exercise. I also set goals like "look good by summer" and then find that the time flies and I arrive at that point NOT being in the shape I want to be in. I think that kind of goal-setting can be counter productive for some of us.

    One thing I would suggest (amidst all the great advice that probably has overwhelmed you) is that you find something that will give you the biggest bang for your exercise buck. I'd also suggest that strength training is "that thing".

    If you only have a limited time, just get on those machines at the Y and do the circuit. That's how I started (at the Y) and when I was older than you are I got GREAT results. I know many pooh-pooh those machines but for those of us just starting out they are great and DO give results if you continue to challenge yourself by increasing the weights as soon as you can do so. When I got in the best shape I've ever been in I did so at the Y using the track and the machines. I walked (brisk pace) 20-30 minutes on the track to warm up, did 2 circuits of the weight machines (3 rounds once I got stronger and when I had time) and then walked another 20 - 30 minutes. I lost weight and WOW did I tone up. I will add one note though...I used the dumb bells (that were in the room with the machines) to do bicep curls and tricep extensions in each circuit instead of the machines that specifically target those muscles). I just felt the dumb bells were more effective.

    Because I was doing both upper and lower body machines in the same workout, I only had to get to the gym 3 times a week. It wasn't always easy to get there (in fact getting there was the hardest part) but once I was there I worked hard and when I walked out I felt fantastic.

    Since i stopped going to the Y I have not been able to develop consistency in my workouts. I believe I have a great home workout plan that would be very effective if I did it consistently but I let everything else of the day get in the way. Hmmmm....maybe even if I haven't helped you, I might have just talked myselfl into going back to the Y!!

    Anyway...you sound like you are floundering. There are SO many options and opinions about how to get the job done. I hope you can find something that gives you what you need!
  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you for that reply. I appreciate it very much. Thats what I was doing, then it kind of all fell apart. I'm up some lbs and now feeling worse, so I have to smarten up and make time for myself.
  • conklil
    conklil Posts: 81 Member
    I'm 43 and hypothyroid. I'm finishing losing the weight I gained when my body went all wacky bo-bo. What works for me is:
    * Eating a lot of protein, more than my carb intake.
    * MFP is set to 1500--because that's what Body Media is set for and since they sync, it was easier to have them match. I customized my macros. I often eat 1300-1500.
    * I pack all my food and water and take it with me--meals and snacks. No excuse to eat something bad.
    * Working out hard. I love the gym and it's stress relief, so that works. And when I don't really feel it--I just have a light day. But going always makes me feel better. I lift heavy, do HIIT and yoga (and I always stretch after working out). Sometimes I do spinning.

    In spite of all the icky I've been through to get here, I'm about to pass my low weight of my pre-thyroid self. And I feel like I'm getting in the best shape of my life. Hang in there, it'll happen! :)

    I am 48 and also have hashimoto's hypothyroid. Feel free to friend me. I'm 5'1" and doing about 1100 cals a day and finally losing. From looking at this thread, I really should add more weight training. I walk everyday for about 4-5 miles (about 4 mph). I only have 5 lb weights but should up to at least 10 lb.