Over 40 Fitness



  • mobri1130
    mobri1130 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm at 1200 calories a day also. I don't have a lot of free time for working out...have a full time job and I went back to grad school. Given the limited time I focus on cardio. It burns the most calories which increases my 1200 limit. I eventually want to add some weight/strength training but for now cardio is working best for me and the extra calories it affords are helping me through this.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Eating at 1200 calories is no way to live your life. I keep mine artificially high with lots of exercise.
  • 4saw
    4saw Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 40 and most of my weight is in my middle. To kick up my metabolism I eat every two to three hours. I eat between 1350 and 1520 calorie a day but I eat a lot of food because most of my diet is lean meats, fruits and veggies and whole grains. I still have a junk food meal once a week and two desserts a week so that I don't feel I deprive myself. I also make mostly the same dishes I did before with healthier substitutes. I agree with the others here, you need to find a way to cut down on your stress. It builds cortisol mostly in your mid-section and causes weight gain. No matter what you do if you are stressed out all the time you will have a hard time losing weight.

    I agree with this person. I found an article that helped with stress. Go to http://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g201405/ Wish u health & happiness.
  • bimpski
    bimpski Posts: 176 Member
    welcome to the world of peri-menopause where your body goes to hell in a handbasket! damn hormones.
  • mkmfrog
    mkmfrog Posts: 49 Member
    I am 46; will be 47 in July. Also, am perimenopausal.

    In August last year, I cleaned up my nutrition and really limited my alcohol intake. At our age, IMO, it is not only how much we eat, but what we eat. My body didnt know what to do with all the preservatives and gluten in processed foods...so it just held onto it. In the first mth, I lost 5 lbs and 10 inches from detoxing and no longer being bloated.

    Now, if I can't pronounce all the ingredients on the box, I dont buy or eat it. I make most of the food I eat. 80% clean....i do have a couple of cheat meals week.

    As for alcohol, I limit myself to 2-3 drinks every other weekend. Sure,I may have the calories for a drink, but again..its not how much I eat or drink; its what i eat or drink. Alcohol is a killer for our over-40 metabolisms.

    Since August 2013, I have lost 17 lbs, 30 inches, 8% body fat. I started maintenance last month because I didnt want to get any smaller. Never, ever have I said that! HUGE!

    IMO, nutrition is the key..with strength training being the second most important and cardio being third.

    You will find that whole, non-processed foods have less calories, are more filling --- so you can eat more. I eat 5 times a day- 10-30 grms of protein each meal & 10-30 grms of carbs each meal.
  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    I am literally floored by all the awesome sincere and honest responses! You guys are so amazing I can't even tell you how grateful I am that you took the time to give such great perspective. I am going to read all this again and click those links and start to focus on truths and not guesses! I just filled in the info on the site and listened to what it said! I guess blind faith leads us places at times. I'm glad to know a few things 1-that it can take weeks to stabilize my metabolism and 2-I'm not alone. Number 3 would be not to tell my mom that she's not crazy I can still have kids :) she's been bugging me for years not to give up hahaha but that's a whole 'nother story. I'm definitely in peri menopause and recently had a Mirena put in and I was blaming that device for my bloating weight gain and general fatness when the truth is maybe that doesn't help the matters any but I'm also really not doing everything I can be to get myself back in shape. I feel like I already gave up but you all helped me see that it's not a lost cause I can be strong and fit after 40! You are all fabulous human beings you know that?!? (group hug)
  • mkmfrog
    mkmfrog Posts: 49 Member
    I agree, this is a very positive and supportive thread! Friend me if you'd like. My diary is only open for my friends.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm 39...the only thing I've really noticed so far is that my body likes being around 18-20% BF at this age and I have difficulty getting it lower than that and really leaning out. I'm in a healthy BF% but I used to maintain easily at 12% with 15% being kinda "fat". I put a lot of weight on in my 30s and lost 40 Lbs of it, but I still have a bit of a spare tire and like I said...I get to 18% and it's like hitting a brick wall.

    If you look at BF% charts, the older you are, the higher the level of BF% is considered healthy...it sucks, but I'm thinking it means it's just much harder for me to lean out to 12% or so pushing 40 than it was when I was 25...body just likes a bit higher BF%. At this point I've just been happy to lose those major pounds and focus on my nutrition and fitness and I'm just letting everything else kinda fall where it may...and I'm watching my beer intake.
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I am 53 and post menopausal. I gained 13 lbs in the past few years and I told myself that "oh well...every women gains weight at my age. No big deal." It was a big deal and I suffered a heart attack in January. I have had 2 failed back surgeries and I have not exercised in years. My doctor told me that I needed to lose 10 lbs and to get off my butt and walk. I reminded him that I live in chronic pain every day due to my back and he told me that I needed to walk and walk fast. I am not going to lie...he hurt my feelings and I pouted for a few weeks. I then made the decision to get healthy. I am on 1200 cals a day and at first it was hard but I have adjusted. Feel free to check out my diary. It took about 4-5 weeks before the scale reflected any weight loss but my cloths were fitting better. My metabolism was nonexistent and I had to figure out how to jump start it. I have never eaten before noon and I had to start eating breakfast and drink lots of water. I get up every morning and power walk to Leslie Sansone Walk at Home videos. I found her videos on Youtube. I feel better than I have in years. I also bought 2lb & 5lb weights and strength train. I still hurt but I am getting stronger.

    Hang in there and find an activity that you enjoy doing and go at. Stay strong and stay positive. :)
  • redmichelle67
    redmichelle67 Posts: 49 Member
    I eat 1450 calories and work out 5 days a week ans I'm 46.. i, loosing weight but im also getting ill cause I'm. Hungry. A lot ,, i kill someone if i only ate 1200 calories. . Good luck :-):flowerforyou:
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I am 46; will be 47 in July. Also, am perimenopausal.

    In August last year, I cleaned up my nutrition and really limited my alcohol intake. At our age, IMO, it is not only how much we eat, but what we eat. My body didnt know what to do with all the preservatives and gluten in processed foods...so it just held onto it. In the first mth, I lost 5 lbs and 10 inches from detoxing and no longer being bloated.

    Now, if I can't pronounce all the ingredients on the box, I dont buy or eat it. I make most of the food I eat. 80% clean....i do have a couple of cheat meals week.

    As for alcohol, I limit myself to 2-3 drinks every other weekend. Sure,I may have the calories for a drink, but again..its not how much I eat or drink; its what i eat or drink. Alcohol is a killer for our over-40 metabolisms.

    Since August 2013, I have lost 17 lbs, 30 inches, 8% body fat. I started maintenance last month because I didnt want to get any smaller. Never, ever have I said that! HUGE!

    IMO, nutrition is the key..with strength training being the second most important and cardio being third.

    You will find that whole, non-processed foods have less calories, are more filling --- so you can eat more. I eat 5 times a day- 10-30 grms of protein each meal & 10-30 grms of carbs each meal.

  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    this sucks! I did not sign up for this old stuff… I'm very resentful… aging gracefully is going to be a challenge!
  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    I did the BMR thing, and sadly it said just over 1200 calories.. what does that mean? I'm destined to starve? I can eat like a truck driver and normally I just burned it off, or watched what I ate & flushed with water the next day and I was fine. Now, forget it. The pounds stick to me like glue! I have been super stressed for the past year + on and off, so I know that is a factor, but I want to be one those people that "just can't eat" when they're stressed.. me, i'm the complete opposite. OY VEY this is going to be hard…. I'm normally not a good 'focus' person. I'm kind of all over the place. Never sit down, but hardly accomplish anything. its tough!! i look so busy then at the end of the day I feel so incomplete, like what the hell did I do today???? I guess this is just a cycle in my life I have to learn how to manage better. I'm not used to this "me" at all…. I gotta find some peace…
  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    I am 46; will be 47 in July. Also, am perimenopausal.

    In August last year, I cleaned up my nutrition and really limited my alcohol intake. At our age, IMO, it is not only how much we eat, but what we eat. My body didnt know what to do with all the preservatives and gluten in processed foods...so it just held onto it. In the first mth, I lost 5 lbs and 10 inches from detoxing and no longer being bloated.

    Now, if I can't pronounce all the ingredients on the box, I dont buy or eat it. I make most of the food I eat. 80% clean....i do have a couple of cheat meals week.

    As for alcohol, I limit myself to 2-3 drinks every other weekend. Sure,I may have the calories for a drink, but again..its not how much I eat or drink; its what i eat or drink. Alcohol is a killer for our over-40 metabolisms.

    Since August 2013, I have lost 17 lbs, 30 inches, 8% body fat. I started maintenance last month because I didnt want to get any smaller. Never, ever have I said that! HUGE!

    IMO, nutrition is the key..with strength training being the second most important and cardio being third.

    You will find that whole, non-processed foods have less calories, are more filling --- so you can eat more. I eat 5 times a day- 10-30 grms of protein each meal & 10-30 grms of carbs each meal.

    Did you find it hard to make the eating change? I cook all the time. I don't make fattening meals, but I sure do eat a lot. What a great accomplishment for you! congrats! well deserved! I'd be stoked if I could lose just 5 lbs or lose 10 and gain 5 in muscle instead! This is why I'm thinking I'm doing this all wrong. It shouldn't be this hard to lose a small amount of weight and gain some muscle. All the physical and mental changes lately are making things super out of reach for me lately! ack!
  • i_am_mumma_mia
    i_am_mumma_mia Posts: 6 Member
    I also have to stay at or around 1200 calories to lose. Try eating more protein, it will fill you up longer. I used to have a drink (or 2 or 3 ) every night because that was how I dealt with my stress. It is still an effort but, I now try and do something else in the evenings to relax me, shower/hot tub/ walk/ read in bed/ hot tea are some of the things I do now. The red wine will definittely put weight on you, especially in the mid-section. I never thought I could give up alcohol during the week, but I find it to be easier now! I have also found when I don't drink, I sleep much better and in general feel so much better all day! Good Luck!

    I too have given up on drinking during the week, something I really enjoyed and relaxed me. Also after looking at my calorie breakdown I also realised I lacked protein which I'm making an effort now to increase. I stick to 1200 calories and exercise as much as I can - I'm supposed to burn around 600 calories a day in exercise but generally I only burn around 200-500 so I need to work on that :)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    in for advice/ideas...
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I did the BMR thing, and sadly it said just over 1200 calories.. what does that mean? I'm destined to starve? I can eat like a truck driver and normally I just burned it off, or watched what I ate & flushed with water the next day and I was fine. Now, forget it. The pounds stick to me like glue! I have been super stressed for the past year + on and off, so I know that is a factor, but I want to be one those people that "just can't eat" when they're stressed.. me, i'm the complete opposite. OY VEY this is going to be hard…. I'm normally not a good 'focus' person. I'm kind of all over the place. Never sit down, but hardly accomplish anything. its tough!! i look so busy then at the end of the day I feel so incomplete, like what the hell did I do today???? I guess this is just a cycle in my life I have to learn how to manage better. I'm not used to this "me" at all…. I gotta find some peace…

    Having a BMR of 1200 doesn't mean you have to starve. That means you should always eat more then 1200. BMR is how many calories your body burns doing nothing on purpose. It doesn't even include calories burned during digestion. It's just basic body functions like breathing, heart beating, organ function.

    Now if you can find your TDEE (the amount of calories at which you maintain your weight at your current activity level), and eat below your TDEE but above you BMR you should lose weight steadily and healthily.
  • ravenstar25
    ravenstar25 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm 45 and have been struggling. Seems that 1200 calories is leaving me literally starving, but when I upped my intake, I gained weight. Now I have extra pounds and they seem to be gathering in my mid-section. I read that 40+ people tend to gain in the belly, and wonder if anyone else has/is experienced this, and what you did to fight the flab. I have been going to yoga and started light weight training *machines at the Y* and want to get in shape, but can't find the motivation to push forward. Stress is killing me lately so I should be killing it at the gym too, but its just not working out that way. I keep reaching for that bottle of wine although I know that won't help. What I'm really looking to do is kick start my metabolism, and feel good. I don't even care if I lose weight anymore I just want to be healthier and stronger. Any tips? Thanks for listening :)

    MFP is not very good at taking into account the metabolisms of older women. 1200 is close to the max I can eat and not gain weight. I also have health concerns that prevent me from being able to exercise much, although I do what I can. I'm not suggesting you do it, just saying I am finding IF (intermittent fasting) helps me - i.e. keeping a window open during the day to eat all my calories then and not eating the rest of the time. Feel free to research it if you like and make up your own mind, other people on mfp do it too.
  • shelzwillis
    shelzwillis Posts: 12 Member
    I turned 48 this year and decided to get my stuff together and lose this blubber.... I have 50 lbs to lose! Now 40. I started working with a personal trainer and he is teaching me how to eat although very difficult it works.... Lower your carbs...... lower your fruit (the way the sugars break down, it counts as a carb) according to my trainer. Eat 6 mini meals a day....check out the "Lean Shake 25" at GNC. They can replace a mini meal and tast yummy!