Over 40 Fitness



  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    this sucks! I did not sign up for this old stuff… I'm very resentful… aging gracefully is going to be a challenge!

    Haha! I feel the same way sometimes... :laugh:

    In all honesty, I can deal with the weight better than my eyesight. I've had 20/20 vision my entire life, never wore contacts or glasses. Wearing readers all the time is so flippin' annoying!! :grumble: :angry:
  • Hello my name is Francesca, I have rejoined MFP and I am looking for a few supporter/friends. SW: 268 lbs; CW: 257.7 1st GW: 244 Final GW: 180ish. Feel free to add me as well: JustMeMyHair.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    I'm in the same boat at 44. I lost weight a few years ago only to gain weight in my middle and now it's that much harder to lose weight. I consider myself pretty active with lots of running and cycling, but I was told start a weight training regimen to boost my metabolism, increase bone density, etc. So far so good, although I still haven't seen a weight loss. Since, I'm petite, I've been given 1200 calories (+ extra activity calories to use) to see a weight loss. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    Maybe you should try and do some yoga? It could be part of your strength training and may help your stress :smile: I am almost 41 and I do find it harder to lose weight now I guess but if I am honest with myself I am so much more sedentary in my general life than I used to be before I had my daughter almost 8 years ago. Back then I used to work at a job on my feet for 8 hour shifts, walk to and from work most days an hour each way and do lots of socialising including clubbing at the weekend where I would sometimes dance until the sun came up :laugh: Now although i get some sort of exercise in everyday I spend a lot of time sitting around in the evenings on my computer. I have a long commute most days and sit in seminars and lectures at uni. I think most of us become more sedentary in our daily lives as we get older (not including actual exercise) although age and hormones do of course also play a part.
  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    My eyes are going too! I refuse to give into the readers but I def need them!
    I love yoga! I started while ago and really enjoy my time doing that. I am out now but love that you all care so much to help a sister out. I can wait to go home and read all this again and get some new ideas. I really just have to focus on getting moving. I had a sedentary lifestyle for so long and I thought being more active id be doing great but I'm not. I have been so stressed so I bet you're right this is working against me. I dunno. Feeling like I need to accomplish anything something ONE thing....
  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    If I'm reading this properly, I need to eat between my BMR and TDEE to lose weight.

    BMR is 1290
    TDEE is 1774
    RMR is 1274
    BMI is 22

    Now that I know all this stuff, how do I use it? I guess I have some googling to do :)

    I have MFP set at 1200, and as I said I'm struggling with that meaning I usually go over… but I don't get over 2000 unless I really blow it, so I think I'm good, but shoot I'm not losing a pound. I call shenanigans! I don't want to lose a lot of weight, just 5 damn pounds and I really hate to think its because I'm old. I think its more because I'm too lazy to get off my *kitten* and sweat.

    Additionally, the point I'm really hoping to be at is stronger. Like, weight training strong. I can't seem to find much on the weight training front in regards to older women. Maybe someone here has a link or two they can point me to some gym machine workouts I can follow.

    I'm so thrilled to hear from all of you, and inspired at all fantastic progress you have made! Kudos to all of you! I guess as time goes on, maybe I'll find the mental capability to become the beast I need to be to get over this hump.

    Loved reading the links, especially the one on stress. Its amazing what being upset can do to one's body!

    Before yesterday I had 3 friends on MFP, today and yesterday I gained 3 more. I think this is just what I needed!! It would be great to have more friends to share my journey. I'm 127, 5'4" (already got shorter I used to be 5'5") and I work out or do yoga 1-3 times a week on a good week, on a bad week, I barely do any formal exercise, but I never ever sit down. I just bought a pedometer because I"m curious how many miles I walk around my house in a day!!! I figured I'd be a twig with all this nervous energy LOL!!!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Step by step instructions for BMR & TDEE in the link I posted to you yesterday - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974888-in-place-of-a-road-map-2k13 Tells you how to set up your goals and customize your settings at MFP.

    I don't pay any attention to BMI or RMR - know your BMR and TDEE and eat in between. Simple. :smile:
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    The people I've known who said they were unable to lose weight eating more than 1200 calories a day were, without exception, either underestimating their caloric intake, or blowing their weekly deficit with a day or two of binging each week. It's all about your weekly total.

    Assuming your calorie count is accurate, I would say try a much more mild deficit, but do it every single day. Well, maybe eat at maintenance on the weekends if you're really going nuts. Just a suggestion.
  • lyoill
    lyoill Posts: 59
    bump, interesting....
  • orangebeachgirl
    orangebeachgirl Posts: 6 Member
    I am in the same boat. I turned 44 this month and it just seems like it is getting harder and harder to lose. I keep debating whether or not I should go to my doctor and have all my hormones tested! I even had the eye doctor tell me she could write me an Rx for bifocals. No thanks, I'll just stick to these crappy reading glasses.

    Oh well, I'm trying to be more diligent in tracking calories and exercising. The ladies on this thread seem awesome and really supportive. Posting to hear more good ideas!
  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    AmyRhubarb you're right, you totally gave the instructions on how to edit MFP and I neglected to remember! I checked out the info on the numbers, but then ah… well.. you know, I messed up. LOL. Thanks for the reminder. Now it means I should go back and re-read it. I appreciate you reminding me because I'd end up wasting time looking for it, and you were already so nice to provide it. :smile:

    catatomi99 you're right on the money with me. I'm blowing it along the way. I really wasn't giving my full effort and certainly not every day. I think it's going to be helpful to my motivation to be friends with a bunch of people who can see my food log! Before, it was just me seeing it, and although I logged all my food, good or bad, I was the only one who saw it, so I gave myself an out.

    orangebeachgi they told me the same damn thing and I refused too, and you know what, I actually regret it. I paid a ton of money for my glasses and when I look down at my phone, its blurry.. so I don't wear them as much as I really need to, and its hard to see my phone without glasses. I haven't purchased readers yet. I'm struggling for as long as possible then I'm getting the damn bifocals. I'm so mad. I don't want to be this old!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Well, I'm 53 and 5'2" tall. I am in perimenopause. I eat 2000 calories per day, and exercise some most days of the week. I do both strength training and cardio. I have been losing pretty steadily for months.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    There has been some recent studies to suggest that stress causes fat accumulation around the midriff... go figure... as always check your macros, and make note of your sleep patterns,,, keys to losing weight are NOT just calorie deficit and increased activity... irregular sleep patterns can also contribute to a slower metabolism... I am currently under a great deal of stress at work... and as much as I am trying to maintain the activity and reduced food consumption... the Stress is keeping me up... and waking me up... I know.. Boo hoo... :)... Just saying... the solution ... look into meditation and mayeb if you have the resources available (cash) find a lifeskills coach to help you develop a little more balance in your work and in your personal life.

    Good luck.. and be patient... and forgiving of yourself...
  • sue_stef
    sue_stef Posts: 194 Member
    I'm 43 5 foot 2
    and diabetic and high blood pressure
    I had to cut out just about everything for a while there I felt like an air fern
    I cut sodium , refined sugar , and cut back on carbs too
    my biggest downfall is getting enough food because of sodium restrictions (I eat between 1300-1500mg a day) the closer I get to 1500 I can tell the next day on the scale no matter how much water I drink
    I started this in December when I got my diagnosis (no Christmas cookies for me sadly)
    since then I have lost 55lbs
    gotten my sugars under control
    and my blood pressure normal
    I'm ok with eating like this forever if it keeps me off meds
    I walk a lot it is how I relieve stress
    I also started lifting a bit 3 times a week
    and body weight exercise too
    I dream of wine
    I wish you much success you can do it
  • bestlife42
    bestlife42 Posts: 36 Member
    I will be 43 in August and definitely see a difference in my weight loss journey in my 40's versus when I was younger. It sucks! It's definitely a learning experience because the same diet plans that I followed in the past no longer shows results. The pounds used to come off easier. I try to analyze it......is it my calorie intake, my stressful week, my hormones changing etc. I'm sure it's a combination of it all but its just a matter of finding the correct plan that works now. It's trial and error for me.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member

    Additionally, the point I'm really hoping to be at is stronger. Like, weight training strong. I can't seem to find much on the weight training front in regards to older women. Maybe someone here has a link or two they can point me to some gym machine workouts I can follow.

    I'm 45 and I lift 3 times a week with free weights...things like squats, deadlifts, bench press, etc. you can do anything at your age! The only concession I make to my age is to listen carefully to my body and not push it too hard when it's telling me to take it easy. Of course, young folk should do the same thing. Don't let age hold you back from lifting!
  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    sue_stef GREAT WORK!!! What an accomplishment. Nothing better than beating the doctors!

    yankeedownsouth where you from? i'm a bostonian.. my friends are implants in Georgia and love it. I started doing the machines at the Y, just going from machine to machine and doing two sets on each. summer is coming though. i want to step it up!

    bestlife42 i've been blaming my hormones for a variety of reasons. i recently got an IUD and it seems that ever since, I'm slowly gaining. I hate to blame the device, so I'm blaming myself and my crazy hormones. I thought we were done with this crap at 16! OY
    Thats where I am now, learning the new "me". Its so frustrating!

    edited to say: BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE!!! :))))
  • anam628
    anam628 Posts: 8 Member
    I really love this thread! :heart:
    I'm glad to hear from so many women going thru this "change" now I don't feel so lost. I really didn't believe my older sister when she said "wait til you're 40". I thought it was just her excuse for getting heavier but OMG did my body change. I haven't figured it out yet and I'm turning 45 in June!!! I weight the same whether I eat healthy or not, whether I exercise or not... I just haven't found anything that works so far so I signed up for this and hopefully something will change. I'm starting to log all my food and exercise and maybe....maybe I'll get to my normal weight soon. Or maybe that's no longer my normal? :sad:
  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    It's crazy isn't it? I don't even know where to begin but man everything is changing all at once! I'm seriously losing it... my poor husband.....
  • sprungerj1
    sprungerj1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hitting 40 sucks. It's so hard to loose weight but I keep trying. Hormones and mood swings are my worst. Exercise does help, Good luck to all.