Ralu19 Member


  • March 1 - 152 March 7 - 153.2 March 17 - 153.1 Not the best of times for me :frown: I am doing well with training, but not that great with eating. I keep craving carbs and made some bad choices last week. Uffff...plus i feel like i'm getting sick again.
  • March 1 - 152 March 7 - 153.2 My weight is going in the worng direction :explode: but it is TOM this week...so i hope it will get better in a couple of days. It is very frustrating really - i even saw 150 for a few days but then it started climbing up again. Ufff! :grumble: Hope you guys are doing better. Have a great…
  • Hi, everyone So, starting weight: March 1 - 152 I hope that all of us in the "150 Race" manage to go under and enjoy the 140s this month! :smile: 55tolose, don't worry about the slight increase, it is for sure just water retention. It will be gone as quickly as it happened. Have a great week everyone! :tongue:
  • Count me in for March too! I'll post my starting weight tomorrow.
  • Feb 1156.20 Feb 8155.54 Feb 14 --- 152.40 Feb 21 --- Bday weekend... Feb 28 --- 151.8 well, i almost made the 5 pounds this month. All in all i am quite happy about this month - and tomorrow is a new start. Congrats everyone on your losses and see you at the next month's challenge!
  • Hi, everyone i did not disappear but i've had a nasty cold for the past week...the upside is that i barely ate the last few days. I had gained one pound during my weekend trip (well, i did enjoy a nice breakfast, a couple of beers....and a few other things), but even that is gone now. today i trained for the first time…
  • hi, everyone just checking in :wink: it was hard to get out of bed this morning (5 o'clock as always), but today is my last work day this week - took friday and monday off, i'm going to spend my birthday weekend in prague with my boyfriend. :tongue: i'm a bit stressed about being away from home, especially when celebrating…
  • Happy Valentine's everyone! :smile: :heart: I decided to post my weight today because i am quite happy about my loss :happy: Feb 1156.20 Feb 8155.54 Feb 14 --- 152.40 Feb 21 --- Feb 27 --- i was very good during the weekend - the only exception was a glass of red wine yesterday but it seems it didn't do my any harm - it…
  • I am totally with you there - chips are also my weak point and i love the crunchy texture. I rarely crave sweets, but chips...my strategy is to stay away from them. Never buy them, never even look at them...otherwise i cannot control myself. What helps me when i am in a craving mode is to contemplate that 100g of chips…
  • Hello, everyone. My weigh in this morning: Feb 1156.20 Feb 8155.54 Feb 15 --- Feb 22 --- Feb 28 --- One pound less after the first week. I hope it goes down after TOM is over. I was a good girl this morning, woke up early to train for an hour before going to the office. Wish you all a great day! :smile:
  • Hi, there count me in for the race to 150! :)) i am totally in...and i really need some motivation. I've also just lost and regained the same 2 pounds....several times. :frown: my next weigh in is tomorrow - not expecting much because it's TOM and ,though i stayed within my calories this weekend, i did enjoy a couple of…
  • Hi, everyone. I am also in! I've been losing and gaining the same few pounds since December. Feb 1156.2 Feb 8Feb 15Feb 22Feb 28
  • Hello, everyone! I'm in as well! July SW: 158lbs (72 kg) GW: 152lbs (69kg) I would really really love to get below 70, I've been losing and gaining back these two kilos for the past weeks. So, good luck to all of us and have a great weekend!
  • Hi, everyone! It is a very rainy and cold day here in Vienna, Austria. Hard to believe it is actually june. So, my goal for june is to lose at least 5 pounds. I generally work out a lot (almost every day), but without dieting, the number on the scale will not go down. That's why I am planning to reduce the carbs to a…
  • Hi, everyone! i am also in! :smile: SW: 158 GW: 152