Lose 5 Pounds a Month February 2011



  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Argh, just need to distract myself for a minute... Typing is better than eating!! I walked by a co-workers desk and she was eating something crunchy, and it just really hit me how much I miss that texture!! I am a huge fan of salty crunchy foods (chips), and no matter how hard I try, veggies just aren't the same thing. When I was single, every once in a while, if I had a really bad day, I would buy a big bag of chips and a container of dill pickle dip and that is what I would eat for dinner. I've obviously come a long way from that, mostly because I have a husband and kids at home, and I would be way too embarrassed to eat that for dinner in front of them. (Hey, whatever motivation works, right?) Anyway, I guess I either need to get over it, or find a reasonable alternative, or figure out a way to 'treat' myself once in a while. Anyone else struggling with these kinds of demons? Any advice?
  • Ralu19
    Ralu19 Posts: 15 Member
    I am totally with you there - chips are also my weak point and i love the crunchy texture. I rarely crave sweets, but chips...my strategy is to stay away from them. Never buy them, never even look at them...otherwise i cannot control myself. What helps me when i am in a craving mode is to contemplate that 100g of chips have around 500 calories, and i need to work out for about an hour to burn as much. Sometimes this works and i decide it is not worth it :tongue:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Jenn, What is this ... marriage. I guess I missed that some how. That is great. When Where??? I want details.:happy: :flowerforyou:

    Good luck everyone. PHYLJEN:smile:

    Oh Phillis,
    You have missed a lot! It has only been a few weeks now, but he did finally put a ring on my finger. Check out the January thread for the details and a picture of the ring. Sadly, now I am focusing on booking the venue instead of exercising and eating right, but I do have a date set. March 4th, 2012, which is a Sunday and that happens to be our 10th year together. Our kids will be the flower girl/ ring bearer. Everything else is still open. :smile:

    So glad you are back BTW!
  • I'm definitely in!! I actually have the goal of 6 pounds on my blog, so this is perfect!

    Feb. 1 - 250.6
    Feb. 8 -- 249.6
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Evening all, just a quick note to say HI:flowerforyou: , and Spring us just around the corner (29 days I think the weather man said)...YEAH!!!!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Dm I know just how you feel I used to eat a small bag of chips a day at work : ( now Im eating a banana and a frappacino so that had quite a few calories but its not too much over the 400 per meal ya know.. Its really hard to work in a truck stop filled with salty crunchy stuff and pizza and doughnuts lol and chocolate and hardly anything good to eat unless you want to eat a sandwich that is good for 2 weeks after you thaw it ugh! can you say preservatives much gross! ya its hard but I stick with my banana as much as I can hahaha
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member

    Terri, just remember that hibernating animals eat lots before going to sleep, but then they STOP... They don't keep eating all winter long... :laugh: Good luck getting that stress and boredom-eating under control.

    Yes but they wake up in the spring thinner!:laugh: :laugh:

    Jumped on the scale this morning just to see and was up 2 pounds from yesterday :noway: :ohwell: :explode:
    I need to get outside. It is -12 again this morning. The good news almost 40 by Saturday. (that's above 0):smile:

    Just read this interesting article in Women's Running Magazine.

    It was about improving you NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis...aka metabolism while not working-out). DId you know people who fidget burn another 352 calories per day...the same as a 3-4 mile run. By increasing you NEAT factor (standing, walking, fidgeting) you'll burn more calories daily, boost your metabolism and more easily maintain your weight. Small frequent moves make a significant impact on overall daily activity.

    Here are 4 ways to increase your NEAT factor (can you share more)

    1. Set a time every 45 minutes get up and move or do a set of squats.

    2. Park farther away from the entrance and take the stairs

    3. SIt on a balance ball instead of a chair to activate your core muscles

    4. Stand up and walk around every time you are on the phone.

    What are some ways you can think of to improve your NEAT factor?

    Have a great day!

  • Ok I just got on here to give myself a motivational pep talk!!! I know I can do this!! I just need to stay focused on me in that bikini looking good! LOL! I want this more than anything and I am going to achieve my goals. I don't need the bag of chips or candy bar...but I do need to lose this weight!!! Ok...that should do it!! Hope this helps me get through the busy day!
  • bahecasmart
    bahecasmart Posts: 2 Member
    Is it too late to join?

    My Feb. 2 WI was 257.5
    Feb 9 WI

  • nonie11
    nonie11 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in, can I count the 2# I lost this week?
  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
  • Argh, just need to distract myself for a minute... Typing is better than eating!! I walked by a co-workers desk and she was eating something crunchy, and it just really hit me how much I miss that texture!! I am a huge fan of salty crunchy foods (chips), and no matter how hard I try, veggies just aren't the same thing. When I was single, every once in a while, if I had a really bad day, I would buy a big bag of chips and a container of dill pickle dip and that is what I would eat for dinner. I've obviously come a long way from that, mostly because I have a husband and kids at home, and I would be way too embarrassed to eat that for dinner in front of them. (Hey, whatever motivation works, right?) Anyway, I guess I either need to get over it, or find a reasonable alternative, or figure out a way to 'treat' myself once in a while. Anyone else struggling with these kinds of demons? Any advice?

    I'm with you on the crunchy snacks. I miss them soooo much. :sad: I could eat the whole bag in one sitting. Embarrassing to admit but hey, that's what got me to MFP in the first place. Candy, cakes, pastries and things like that are no problem to do without but I'd so love to sit down with bag of Doritos right now. Guess I'll go get an apple instead. :grumble:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I did my Couch to 5k workout today: Week 3, Day 3, so week 3 is complete. Tomorrow is yoga.

    I weighed myself while I was at the gym, and even though I'm a day early, I'm posting it as this week's weigh-in because I'm so excited: 153.5!! :drinker: This is officially my lowest weight since pre-babies SIX years ago! Ok, now, I have to tell myself something: do not sabotage this!! Last summer I made it to 154.75, then promptly gained 5 pounds. Silly me! This time I'm actually thinking about the 140's like they are do-able, and not 'oh, as if I could ever weigh that!' so maybe it'll be ok this time?

    Feb 1: 155 pounds
    Feb 10: 153.5 pounds (down 1.5 pounds)
    --> 3.5 pounds to go by Feb 28

    Ok, 150 pounds racers... where are you ladies at? I need to check in on the competition... :wink:

    So glad that I am not the only Chip-aholic out there. Today I went the 'reasonable alternative' route, and I picked one of my next favorite salty crunchy snacks: Rosemary and Olive Oil Triscuits. I don't trust myself to eat them at home, because I would eat WAY too many, so I packed 4 to bring to work in my lunch bag and ate them with babybel cheese and grapes.

    Jenn, glad to hear you've got a wedding date picked! Very nice that it has special meaning to you. How old are your kids? Having them be in the wedding procession is a great way to involve them and make them feel it is their special day too!

    Tina - thank you for the message of good cheer that spring is on its way. I've had enough of winter. Mostly due to driving related hazards - flat tire, lost control of car on ice and smashed into a snowbank, got stuck in snow in a parking lot and had to be towed out, etc. :grumble:

    55, I used to like bananas, but they no longer like me. It's the one fruit that I find actually filling, and now I can't eat them anymore. And toasted peanut butter and banana sandwiches? mmm, I miss you most of all! :sad:

    Terri, thanks for sharing the NEAT tips. I guess I need to get fidgeting.

    Chelsi, you're already half-way to your goal! You're doing great, keep it up, and you will get there. You're going to rock that bikini!! You can do it, you can do it!!

    Lisa - mmm, if you're a Doritos fan, you need to try this: Take your favorite Dorito flavor, squash them in a bag until they are tiny crumbs. Use it as a shake'n'bake coating on a boneless skinless chicken breast, then bake. Presto: Dorito Chicken! It's one of the family's favorites. We use Zesty Cheese Doritos. Try not to squash more Doritos than you will need, since you will need to throw out the leftovers after being exposed to raw chicken, and we all know it's a sin to waste Doritos! :bigsmile:

    Never too late to join - welcome to the newcomers!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I am not going to weigh in this week, so my next weigh in will be next Friday. Today I am eating healthy so far, and I have been keeping up on my daily lunch break walks but I am finding it hard to give healthy living my attention lately. I think that will get better once I find my wedding venue, but for now I feel like I'm in a funk. Checking in with you all sure help a bit with that, so I will try to make that happen more. :flowerforyou:
  • Lisa - mmm, if you're a Doritos fan, you need to try this: Take your favorite Dorito flavor, squash them in a bag until they are tiny crumbs. Use it as a shake'n'bake coating on a boneless skinless chicken breast, then bake. Presto: Dorito Chicken! It's one of the family's favorites. We use Zesty Cheese Doritos. Try not to squash more Doritos than you will need, since you will need to throw out the leftovers after being exposed to raw chicken, and we all know it's a sin to waste Doritos! :bigsmile:

    OMG, that sounds soooooo good!!! I love extra crispy shake n' bake, but doritios, YUMMY! Can't wait to try that :bigsmile:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Tip for you chip people:

    I bought some yellow corn tortillas the other day, sprayed them with Pam Olive oil & baked them for 10 minutes in the oven. They turned out SO CRISPY and only 80 calories for 2 tortillas. I used them in tortilla soup, then taco salad, and with some salsa for dipping too! So maybe if you baked your own you might satisfy some cravings! :smile:

    :drinker: My water drinking helped get me back to ONEderland after the sodium fested superbowl buffet! :laugh: So I should have a decent weigh in on Monday. I hope anyway! :blushing:

    I need to get back to doing Jillians 30 day Shred as well. I never made it past level ONE! :laugh: I have the Mardi Gras Ball next month and I want to look HOT for CJ :smokin: He of course will look amazing in his tuxedo! Its March 5th - so I need to get at it! Only 23 days! I had all intentions of starting it on February 1st, but then I was still sick. Today I can actually say I think my bronchitis has finally cleared up - my lungs felt pretty good at my Zumba class last night. Hopefully I can get that 5K run done on Saturday as well! :bigsmile:

    Tonight I'm going out with my girlfriends to celebrate one of the girls' birthday. I'm going to try to be good! Maybe if I get home at a decent time I can let Jillian kick my *kitten* since I'm not going to the gym tonight. Hmmmm....

    WELCOME NEWBIES!!! Awesome to have you all here!

  • Lisa - mmm, if you're a Doritos fan, you need to try this: Take your favorite Dorito flavor, squash them in a bag until they are tiny crumbs. Use it as a shake'n'bake coating on a boneless skinless chicken breast, then bake. Presto: Dorito Chicken! It's one of the family's favorites. We use Zesty Cheese Doritos. Try not to squash more Doritos than you will need, since you will need to throw out the leftovers after being exposed to raw chicken, and we all know it's a sin to waste Doritos! :bigsmile:

    YUMMY!!!! Thank you so much for this idea. I bake chicken all the time and kinda get bored with the same old seasonings. I will definitely try this over the weekend. :bigsmile:
  • us05
    us05 Posts: 54
    Well.. I just realised I weighed myself on 31/01 and was 92.4 kilos... weighed myself this morning and i am 90.5kg :) Thats a loss of 1.9kg, which is 4 pounds....

    This has motivated me to even push myself even more!!!

  • I weighed myself while I was at the gym, and even though I'm a day early, I'm posting it as this week's weigh-in because I'm so excited: 153.5!! :drinker: This is officially my lowest weight since pre-babies SIX years ago! Ok, now, I have to tell myself something: do not sabotage this!! Last summer I made it to 154.75, then promptly gained 5 pounds. Silly me! This time I'm actually thinking about the 140's like they are do-able, and not 'oh, as if I could ever weigh that!' so maybe it'll be ok this time?

    Feb 1: 155 pounds
    Feb 10: 153.5 pounds (down 1.5 pounds)
    --> 3.5 pounds to go by Feb 28

    I think this is so neat!!! You know its different this time when you keep looking forward!!! I am so happy for you and I hope you see the 140's soon!!!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    We are all disappointed this morning because of the results of the speech our our president last night. What a stubborn man.:devil: Why won't he just STEP down??? Anyway. enough politics of the day. We will see what happens as the day progresses.
    As for me I am happy about one thing. I lost 2 pounds last week and that is the best news of the day. :happy:
    Feb. 1 - 140
    Feb. 4 - 139
    Feb. 11- 137

    I want to go and make some valentine cards for my school kids.:heart: It will keep my mind off the problems over here.
    Hope that school doesn't get canceled for next week.
    Take care and Pray for PEACE IN EGYPT if you don't mind. Thanks, PHYLJEN
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