Lose 5 Pounds a Month February 2011



  • blackbyrd61
    blackbyrd61 Posts: 34 Member
    WooHoo! I did it!!! 5 lbs this month and I still have tomorrow.....although Sundays are my weigh-in day

    1 Feb ~ 213
    6 Feb ~ 210
    13 Feb ~ 210
    20 Feb ~ 209
    27 Feb ~ 207

    Read most of the posts and everyone seems to be doing good! keep it up and remember that when it seems like we're not doing so great, just keep moving forward, it can only get better!

    Have a great Sunday!

    SW: 218 (12/28/10)
    GW: 160 (12/28/11)
    ***5 lbs a month***
  • blackbyrd61
    blackbyrd61 Posts: 34 Member
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Feb 1: 139
    Feb 9: 137.6
    Feb 20: 138.6
    Feb 27: 137.4

    Meh. There's still one more day, but I think that's gonna be it for February. I've been maintaining.

    55tolose>> Congrats on making your mini-goal and new pants
    Bru>>I'm with you on being ready for March. Here's to spring and better things!
    Congrats Kitta3 and everyone ending the month with a loss!
  • i need so0o0o0o0o much hel pand support my family says im fine at the weight i am but my bmi and self esteen say differetn. i need some ideas on fat burning exercises cuz i dont have awhole lotta money so its goitta b something i can do at home pls help me get my life back. 3 kids destroyed my body lol and im only 23
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I managed to lose *drum roll* 1lb all month :(

    Must do better.
  • So far , I have lost 1 lb this month but I plan to refocus for March. I have a dress to get into by April 1st , so that is my motivation.
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    Today's weight 176, looking forward to March's challenge
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Well today is the last day of the month. How did you do? I knuckled down this past week actually show a 3.4 pound weight loss for the month. First month in a long time with a loss.

    Here the the link for the next month. Hope to see you all there!


  • Feb 1
    Feb 7
    Feb 14
    Feb 21
    Feb 28

    Total loss of 1.8 pounds....better than the other direction!!!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Feb 1st 200.8
    Feb 7th 199.8
    Feb14th 196.6
    Feb 21st 195.6
    Feb 28th 196.8

    Darn Chinese food last night! But that's ok, it will be off in no time! 4lbs, I'll take it! See ya next month all!
  • you all are doing so well - I'm just holding....hmmmm
  • JeanHaynes
    JeanHaynes Posts: 55 Member
    I am in. My current weight is 191.

    I am down 2 pounds from when I posted this to 189! :smile: 3 more to go in the next 21 days. It is do-able!

    Weighed in today down one more pound to 188 :)

    Last day to lose any weight for the month and I lost one last pound to 187. I was a pound short of the 5 pound goal for the month, but any loss is a good loss.
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    congrats every one!! I didn't make the goal but a loss is a loss. 3lb loss for february. see you tomorrow with a starting wt for March

    Feb.1: 199.0
    Feb.14: 196.3
    Feb.28:Goal 196.0
  • :sad: :sad: :sad: Very bad month for me. Had lost 3.2 by Valentines Day but went off track after that and put it back on and then some.

    Feb 1 - 181.4
    Feb 28 - 181.6

    I've regrouped, refocused and recommitted and had a heart to heart talk with myself yesterday after a crazy eat-fest weekend at the beach. You'd have thought being at the beach would have been super motivation to stay on track but NOOOOOO. Not for me.

    I'm putting this month behind me and looking forward to the March challenge.
  • Feb 1
    Feb 8
    Feb 15 ---- 250.2
    Feb 22 ---- 248.2
    Feb 28

    Well, I only lost 2.6lbs, but that is a little over half of the planned loss, and it's not a gain so it will do quite nicely! Slow and steady wins the race :)
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Feb 1: 177
    Feb 7: 178
    Feb 14: 182
    Feb 21: 178
    Feb 28: 178

    Didnt reach my goal this month, I had a bad TOM so that really through things off.
    Hopefully March will be better.....
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    Feb 28th weigh in: 175

    This is a great article on how different forms of sugar are processed in our bodies. Scroll all the way down to read the Drs. comments, thats the good stuff. I recommend that everyone frequent Dr. Mercola's website often and subscribe to the newsletter. I did the free Nutritional Typing test and downloaded the free cookbook - it's over 300 pages and free!!!


  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Food-wise, most of last week was too embarassing to log or admit...

    As for exercise, I'm starting to make a comeback. Although I missed my yoga on Monday, my run on Tuesday, and my run on Thursday, by Friday I made it to the gym and instead of yoga, I did Thursday's C25k run. Then I did Saturday's run on Sunday, so I would still have a rest day between. And, now I can get back on track this week with my regularly scheduled days.

    I know it's the last day of the month today. I'm planning on going to the gym tonight, but I hate evening weigh-ins, so I may try to weigh in again tomorrow... There's no way I made goal this month, but I will be happy with any loss, however small.

    55, sorry to hear of your diet-challenged hubby. Mine is pretty similar, but not quite so bad. What I find even more distressing than his being overweight and his poor food choices is the 'lesson' my kids are learning: veggies are yucky. Congratulations on meeting your mini-goal!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: You're ahead of me now, but I will catch up in March, I promise! How is your new exercise routine coming along?
  • Ralu19
    Ralu19 Posts: 15 Member
    Feb 1
    Feb 8
    Feb 14 --- 152.40
    Feb 21 --- Bday weekend...
    Feb 28 --- 151.8

    well, i almost made the 5 pounds this month. All in all i am quite happy about this month - and tomorrow is a new start. Congrats everyone on your losses and see you at the next month's challenge!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Great job this month! I know not everyone made the 5 lb goal and a few maintained but March is here lets get going :love: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Ralu19>> We weigh the same!! Horay for us :drinker:

    DM>> Thanks :smile: He has decided to try to eat through the day instead of eating 6 tacos all at once or 3 hamburgers all at once and have that be his only meal (he works graves and sleeps through dinner since he has to stay up in the day time hours because I work the day shift and school in the day on my days off of work) Its really hard for him to find time to try to balance his meals but over the past 4 days he lost 7 pounds! lol : ):smile:

    Haha first I had to catch up to you and now you have to catch up with me but I know you can! We are so in this together:glasses:
    My workouts have been amazing I have gone 3 times in the past two weeks once on like a thursday and again two days last week and Im going again tonight! working out at the school gym when I put the kids to bed is working out soooo well! Its pretty exciting.
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