Lose 5 Pounds a Month March 2011 Challenge



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Jenplus_ so glad the party went off wonderfully!! It sounds like everone had a blast and that you were able to stay focused but still enjoy yourself. We have to eat well but still live life to the fullest. We'll find a good medium!!

    Bowling was fun. My oldest had so much fun hubs and he stayed behind and bowled a few extra games when I took the littlest home.

    I went to the gym at 7pm last night. Started the couch 2 k program, or at least as close to it as I could get. 20 minutes alternating between jogging at 4.8 and running at 6.2 switching every 60 to 90 seconds. It felt good, but tiring so I'm excited to see if I can up it to 30 minutes today.
  • crystalfaith
    crystalfaith Posts: 23 Member
    Just doing a quick weigh-in for this week...I am at 151.4lbs this morning! Thats down 1.6lbs from last week! yay! I'm definitely happy with it. Hope to keep it going for next week! Hope everyones having a great weekend! :)
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Quick weigh in today, Not as good as it was on the 3rd :sad: but its still a loss which could be worse I guess.
    I'm back at my febuary end weight again and at my darn weight that for the life of me I can not get and stay under! It was the first time in 6 years that I was under this specific weight and it didn't even las a whole week :noway: :grumble: Do I sense sabotage? :huh: Naahh Im going to exercise at the gym tons this week and I will get past this!!!!

    March 1
    3/6-- 152.4

    Thats a 1 pound loss :happy: So that still means Im on track for a five pound loss this month
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I had a ball at the Ball last night! (New pic is from last night) The hors d'oeuvres were yummy! I started out being good with just some strawberries, asparagus, cucumbers & zucchini. But then they were walking around with puff pastry filled with brie and drizzled with raspberry sauce! So I had a few of those - YUM! And CJ was my DD so I had a lot of grey goose & pineapple juice. Then he started getting me doubles! :laugh: The theme for the Mardi Gras Ball was Bombay Dreams. I had the Moroccan Rubbed Chicken, chickpea Ginger mashed potato & curry grilled asparagus. It was S-P-I-C-Y! But good. I also had a spinach salad with goat cheese & mango ginger vinaigrette. Then I couldn't pass up the Vanilla bean raspberry cheesecake mousse, but in all honesty I should have. It wasn't THAT great.

    I was planning to finish my BMK challenge today, but I could only get 15 mins of walking in on the treadmill this morning. The couch won for me this afternoon. I was out TOO late & up too early so I napped on & off today. So....I'm just watching my sodium today to get my day 3 done of that and have 20 calf raises left, so I'm going to do those here in a bit. I'd call it a successful BMK challenge for me this week even though it is a little bit short. :ohwell:
  • phatycake
    phatycake Posts: 216
    Can I join late? I hope so!!! This is awesome =]
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Great job tothose who've weighed in well. I was happy to drop back down to 162 today. "Thank goodness! After being really really on track I needed to see a loss! Now I'm ready to keep pushing to get back under 160.
  • blackbyrd61
    blackbyrd61 Posts: 34 Member
    Boy has it been a hectic day! My husband & I started the 6 wk body makeover about two wks ago and it calls for a lot of cooking! and cooking is not my thing ~ not at all! well maybe just a little light cooking. But I've cooked 7 different types of meat and fish today and yesterday was an afternoon of cooking vegetables and non-sugar desserts! Whew....well at least I won't have to cook again until next weekend. Hope I can keep up with this. I've been telling my husband I'd do the makeover with him forever & forever finally came, but in some ways this is a little more time consuming than I had planned :) So far I've lost 5 lbs so I guess I won't complain too much if I keep losing at this rate! Today was my weigh in and I lost 3 lbs this past week ~ Yippee~
    Have a great week everyone!

    1 Mar ~208
    6 Mar ~ 205
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    Checking in one week of March is down.

    Slight problem my with weight as I have changed scales - so they do mesasure differently as one is mechanial and new ones are digital so

    1/3/11starting weight ..214lb
    7/3/11 current weight 215.2 - but on the old scale it is stil 214!!!

    on the other challenges - sodium - lowest over last 7 days was 453mg - only went over 1600mg twice the rest of the week it was under 1300mg.
    And I havent manged to walk an hour a day, but over the last week I have walked 17 miles.

    how's everyone else done?
  • Ralu19
    Ralu19 Posts: 15 Member
    March 1 - 152
    March 7 - 153.2

    My weight is going in the worng direction :explode: but it is TOM this week...so i hope it will get better in a couple of days.

    It is very frustrating really - i even saw 150 for a few days but then it started climbing up again. Ufff! :grumble:

    Hope you guys are doing better. Have a great start of the week! :smile:
  • shrinkingviolet23
    shrinkingviolet23 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone, I started this last week and I've already lost 4lbs so you can definitely count me int this challenge!
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm in Lose 15 in febraury want to lose another 10 in march.
  • kitta3
    kitta3 Posts: 84
    I'm in!
    I didnt make my goal in Feb, so I am here to redeem myself, and more :)

    March 1st- 190.5
    March 5- I missed this weigh in... I was out of town, getting fitted for a wedding dress!
    March 12-
    March 19-
    March 26- (goal 185.5)

    This weigh in for me on saturday, may be bad.. I havent had a good week this week.. but I'll try harder the next
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Kelly---- you look beautiful. glad you enjoyed yourself, so back to eating healthy and working out!!
    congrats on the weight loss
    Timbotina--- your daughter looks lovely. am guessing it is from the pageant and it was a success
    am in the same boat as you. my weight is going in a wrong direction too. let's work harder and make the next weigh better

    March 1 196
    March 7 198:frown:
    March 21
    March 28
    March 31
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Kelly---- you look beautiful. glad you enjoyed yourself, so back to eating healthy and working out!!
    congrats on the weight loss
    Timbotina--- your daughter looks lovely. am guessing it is from the pageant and it was a success
    am in the same boat as you. my weight is going in a wrong direction too. let's work harder and make the next weigh better

    March 1 196
    March 7 198:frown:
    March 21
    March 28
    March 31

    Yep, pageant successfull, she was 1st runner-up..she was a little shy for some reason, soooo not like here, but we'll take it...She wanted to do another pageant today, HA!!! ...

    Thanks again Bru for he BMK challange, are M or K (HA!) going to follow suit with another one?? Did pretty good until the weekend..why must life happen, HA!! Anywho, weight up 2lbs but hoping if I push water it'll help.

    Hope you are all ready for the week, have a happy Monday all!!:flowerforyou:
  • Good morning everyone. :flowerforyou:

    After 2 bad weeks of terrible eating, and gaining 3.2 lbs, I was back on track last week and had a great weigh-in this morning. :bigsmile:

    March 1 - 181.6
    March 7 - 177.2

    4.4 lbs down so I'm very happy not to mention how much better I feel not eating girl scout cookies, cake, ice cream and pizza. :laugh:

    Good luck everyone and I hope you all have a successful week.

  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I hope everyone had a great weekend.

    Mine was pretty typical - my 5 year old's ballet class, dinner at MIL's, grocery shopping, plus a few tantrums from my 2 year old... :ohwell: I went to the gym on Sunday, and did my C25k Week 7 Day 1 workout (run 25 min), immediately followed by a yoga class. I haven't been logging my food as much as I should, but my primary goal right now is to keep up with my running. My trip is booked - the 10k is May 14th. The countdown is on: 69 days away...

    Jenn, sounds like a great party for your mom... We did something similar for my mom's 70th birthday last year, and will probably do another one this year for my MIL's 70th. It's great that you managed to compromise and indulge a bit on what you wanted, and give up a few things as well.

    55, I'm trying to get past the same numbers, so I know how you feel. :grumble: No sabotaging ourselves. Let's keep eating healthy, and exercising, and we'll drop into the 140's before the end of the month, with no turning back. :drinker:

    Looks like we have a new contender in our race to 150... I see Crystalfaith just weighed in at 151.4!! Great job!

    ifychudy, I hope your ankle is feeling better.

    Tina - what a pageant beauty! That is too cute. Nothing like getting to be a princess for a day!

    Reese, glad you had fun bowling. I should take my girls out sometime to try it. Wow - you must really be getting a workout with the C25k with jogging and running, instead of walking and jogging/running.

    Kelly - you look so happy! (Was the pic taken before the double GG's or after?! ha ha!) So glad you had fun at the ball!! Sounds amazing!

    Blackbyrd - be sure to enjoy each of those meals and the fact that you didn't have to prepare them all individually throughout the week. Even though it took a lot of time on the weekend, it's certainly worth it! Look at that great weigh-in! Maybe you can get hubby to help you in the kitchen this weekend, to make it a bit more fun.

    Lisa, way to go getting back on track! GREAT weigh-in!! Only 1 week in to the month, and you're almost at the 5 lb goal already!

    I didn't put much effort into the BMK challenge last week, but looking forward to seeing this week's challenge!
  • JeanHaynes
    JeanHaynes Posts: 55 Member
    I am in for another month. My starting weight for March is 186 (which is 5 pounds less than my starting weight for February was). :smile:

    I am just getting a over a bout of the flu which account for about half of my weight loss so far, but I have lost 3 pounds and I am now at 183.
  • pahnke_p
    pahnke_p Posts: 11
    I am in!!

    I've got the food planning and eating down no problem.

    Now, it's time to move on to the exercise. I have so many opportunities to work out (and for no cost), I MUST get MOTIVATED!!
  • kao1970
    kao1970 Posts: 22
    Im in:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Im in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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