Lose 5 Pounds a Month March 2011 Challenge



  • caroleeb
    caroleeb Posts: 5 Member
    Ok, so starting weight on 03/03/11- 198

    So excited to be under 200, ready to turn that energy into more weight loss.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    March 1: 215.6
    March 4: 214.8 (Down .8 and very very happy with it!)

    I am hoping the 3 extra days in March that February didn't have will help me reach the 5lb mark this month!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning all....see a lot of faces adding to the challange, really nice to see

    Jenn, I hate to sound like I am giving you a free for all at your mom's birthday......but it IS a special event....celebrate with your mom...don't be so overwhelmed by your diet that you don't enjoy this milestone with your mom...she will only be 60 once and having lost my father, I would do anything to celebrate just one more birthday with him.......my main advice is PORTION CONTROL.....have a little of everything.....your hard work can not be ended with one evening....I think of it as myself not being on a diet but trying to live a healthy lifestyle so one evening here and there will NOT break my new healthy living.....hope this helps..:flowerforyou:

    Thanks again Bru for the BMK challange this week, I hope everyone enjoyed the extra push, I know I did......didn't have a big weight loss this week but I sure did get a lot of exercise in ...so THANKS!!
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I also would like to join in this challenge - SW 209.2 :)
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    woops lol I had icecream last night and gained a pound But Im still under my start weight for march and I have till sunday for my weigh in : ) lol
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Hey gals!

    I have definitely fallen off the bandwagon as far as MFP goes. However, I have been doing really well with exercise. My eating has been back and forth (as usual) but I am trying to get it under control. I hope I make it back here more often this month!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Morning all....see a lot of faces adding to the challange, really nice to see

    Jenn, I hate to sound like I am giving you a free for all at your mom's birthday......but it IS a special event....celebrate with your mom...don't be so overwhelmed by your diet that you don't enjoy this milestone with your mom...she will only be 60 once and having lost my father, I would do anything to celebrate just one more birthday with him.......my main advice is PORTION CONTROL.....have a little of everything.....your hard work can not be ended with one evening....I think of it as myself not being on a diet but trying to live a healthy lifestyle so one evening here and there will NOT break my new healthy living.....hope this helps..:flowerforyou:

    Thanks again Bru for the BMK challange this week, I hope everyone enjoyed the extra push, I know I did......didn't have a big weight loss this week but I sure did get a lot of exercise in ...so THANKS!!

    Timbotina, I just love your profile pic of the family Just wanted to mention that. It is really cute.

    Jenn< Enjoy the 60th Birthday party with your mom. Sounds like fun. I am going to be 60 in august on my birthday so I guess I'm old enough to be your MOM! :laugh: but I still feel like a spring chick.

    I have been doing 30 day shred. I'm on day 4 today. First three days my shoulders called out in pain... today it is my legs. But I am not giving up.

    Bru, Did my first hour of the week today. YES I am getting a slow start but it was a nice Friday afternoon walk. Beautiful day here in Cairo. It's been a while since I felt safe to walk on the streets. I only had to pass one army tank on my walk.:happy:

    Sounds like everyone is doing good and encouraging each other. WAY TO GO.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I peak at the scale also lol
    Here is to hoping it will stick :drinker: forget that ice cream, you can still do it!

    Keep thinking "pool" season that should keep ya on track.

    Angel food cake is a great idea, the cake is already ordered but I will keep that in mind for the next time, thanks!

    LOVE those ideas, I'll weigh before I go for sure. Appreciate the ideas so much! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to ONEderland! Congrats

    Thank you for your advise and the nice note. It is true that I need to keep things like that in mind because I wont want to look back and have regrets. PORTION CONTROL! :heart:

    I have just gotten back into healthy eating myself so your not alone. Welcome back, I missed you!

    Your still a Spring Chick, 60 is the new 30!

    Here is my weigh in results, which I am VERY pleased with. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Mar 1: 159.2 (up from 155 Feb 1)
    Mar 4: 155.6 :noway: I'll take it!
    Mar 11:
    Mar 18:
    Mar 25:
    Mar 31:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Great weigh-in Jenn! I guess you didn't want to get left behind in the race to 150! Speaking of which... we should all make it there this month!! BUT WHO WILL GET THERE FIRST?! Let's go, Ralu, 55, Jenn, and BJ!

    Since I didn't get to my 'official' scale at the end of the month, I decided to use my 'last' weigh-in as my end of Feb / start of March weight. I finally weighed in again today, and I am down 0.75 pounds. I have a feeling I went up, then back down, as last week was pretty atrocious for me. Just starting to get back on track...

    Here are my weigh in results...
    Mar 1: 152.75 start weight
    Mar 4: 152 (down 0.75)
    Mar 11:
    Mar 18:
    Mar 25:
    Mar 31: goal 147.75

    I booked my trip to go see my sister in May. We are planning to run a 10k while I am there. I reached the point in my C25k program where I quit last summer (Week 6, Day 2 - once all the intervals are done, and the runs are just 25, 28 and 30 minutes - ugh!). I skipped my W6D3 run yesterday, and was worried that I would quit again, so I booked my flight today, then went straight to the gym for a 25 min run! YAY!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I've decided I peek at the scale too much lately and it's freaking me out. So I need to lay off and get in a routine with my eating and exercise before I start that habit. Checking the scale worked really well for me when I was at this back in the summer. But it's just upsetting me lately, and I know I need to get a handle on myself before I start concentrating on numbers. Makes me wonder why though because I was always an advocate for checking the scale more often then not. in the summer it helped motivate me to keep at it. Now with winter and heavier clothes to hide the work I haven't been doing over the holidays I'm finding I need a different approach. I love that scale when it's nice to me, I just can't look at it until I'm over own mental blocks.

    March 1st~ 163.8
    March 8th~
    March 15~
    March 29~
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Woahh, theres loads of posts already on the thread..and its on the 4th March! Sorry I'm a little late to join lol I couldnt find the thread :blushing:

    Anyway my weigh in on the 1st March was 127.5lbs making it a 2.5/3lb loss for February which I'm happy about..at least I'm losing something right? :laugh: Even though this is 5lbs a month, I'm gonna put my goal as 2.5 cause its realistic for me atm :)

    SW 01/03 - 127.5
    GW 01/04 0 125
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks jenn : ) that icecream will not get me down lol Im gonna just keep going.
    Thats one of the reasons it has taken me so long.... from about september of 2009 till I started mfp this in july of 2010 ti took me that long to lose 20 lbs almost a year! because I would say none at all I was all or nothing and it drove me nuts and I would end up pigging out for a week! Not anymore. one bowel and im done for a while till I crave it again lol .

    Dm Great start weight! one whole pound less than me : ) The race to 150 is on! Im so in. and im rocking the race this month. When I peaked at the scale on the 3rd I saw 150.0!! Lol then I had my icecream mishap and thismorning was at 151.0 lol so we will see haha I started this month at 153.4 so Im really happy with how im doing

    :drinker: :drinker: Here is to sundays weigh in:drinker: :drinker:
  • angiezee
    angiezee Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in, I lost 6 in Feb, and I really want to lose five this month. We can do it!!!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Wow - so many great successes already this week! Jenn - awesome weigh in! Donna - way to go on the C25K!
    Phyljen - so glad you got to get out & enjoy a nice walk finally in peace.

    BMK update: I have 2 days of controlling my sodium done....glad I started those early in the week! I have 2 one hour walks done, and 20 calf raises. I need to get going on those calves! Should do a few now, but I'm headed to bed. Saturday night is the big Mardi Gras Ball! I'm so excited! I'm getting up early & going to the gym & then I will be enjoying my night with CJ!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    After doing 5 days of 30 day Shred and eating healthy for those five days... for the most part, I stepped of the scales today and gained a pound. What the HECK? I guess I should measure and look at those numbers and see if I find some results because the pound results are making me crazy!:sad:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    After doing 5 days of 30 day Shred and eating healthy for those five days... for the most part, I stepped of the scales today and gained a pound. What the HECK? I guess I should measure and look at those numbers and see if I find some results because the pound results are making me crazy!:sad:

    Yes, Phyljen, measure because you are small already so you are not going to loose a lot of lbs so measurements are encourageing...also if you have any access to a "body fat" scale that too is helpful...it roughly tells you your BMI, % of fat, etc.so even though the pounds don't move, you may be loosing fat (gaining some muscle)

    Kellly, have a GREAT time at the ball....wish I could go, LOOVVEE getting all dolled up.

    So glad to see everyone off to a great start..will be rooting you all on to the 150 race!! Good Luck!!!!

    Well, another busy day for me with my son's activities and I am on call today so headed into work for a little before all the fun begins...enjoy the weekend all!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    we are going bowling today. I'm soo excited my oldest *who will be 4 next week* has went once. But my 2 year old hasn't. We got the tiniest ball lined up and the bumpers to be set up so it should be fun. I'm looking forward to getting out of the house for something other than a trip to the gym or grocery shopping. Hopefully the weather breaks here soon so that we can get off our butts and getting moving on a more regular basis!! Happy Saturday all!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I just wanted to update you all about my mom's 60th party that way today. :happy:

    She was SHOCKED and so happy, my sister (who she has not seen for 6 months) came from out of town and she really had no clue it was happening. When we all jumped out she screamed and then cried, a joyful cry of course. Guests hung around for about 4 hours and then just the family ended up talking and drinking and laughing for another 4 hours, we ended up ordering dinner also and just had so much fun being all together again. My kids ran around crazy having a ball and we talked about everything from when we were kids to now that we are all adults and starting families. I know how much this meant to my mom and am so glad we pulled it off! All my mom's friends and co-workers said how great it was that we (my sister, sister-in-law, and I) did this for me mom and were really touched by the album and slideshow we did. It felt really great.

    I tried to be reasonable, but still enjoy myself with regard to eating. I feel a little guilty about the chips and hot wings but I made the choice to drink water and diet soda instead of having alcohol to save on some calories and I did skip the fries and had a salad with my burger. Even though I went over on calories I didn't do as much damage as I could have, and I had a really nice time with the people I love the most.

    :flowerforyou: Just wanted to share because I told you guys how freaked out I was about it. I'm so happy that I feel ok after all is said and done. I still struggle with taking my own advise to not stress over JUST ONE DAY! Tomorrow I am taking an extra long walk and plan on keeping my calories at 1300 and I think I will be just fine on the scale. But even if I'm not the same number it was so worth it anyway.
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Kelly, enjoy yoursel you deserve it, dmgaloha and kkmama congrats on the weight loss and keep it up, 55 I just knew you will have a loss

    come sunday, phyljen I agree with timbotina, you need the tape measure to monitor your progress because speaking from experience I

    haven't had a big loss in a while and am still overweight but am toning and people don't believe what i weigh and they said that i look

    good. jennplus congrats on a suuccessful birthday surprise for your mom, am glad you enjoyed your self. Congrats to every one for

    being here I enjoy reading your posts. It helps to keep me motivated

    My week has not been good exercise wise, I still have ankle pains. I try to eat good sometimes but most times I don't. I am hoping to start exercising again soon and Monday is my weigh. Happy sunday everyone
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Sorry, kinda blew the BMK challange this weekend, between work and my sons activities I was only home about 2 hours yesturday and today is my daughters pageant, so I'll have to get some exercise in tomorrow..hope you are all enjoying your weekend.....fingers crossed my daughter has good luck today....