

  • There is a 5.30 AM? I only thought there was one 5:30 in the day....AM for me starts at 8...1am-7am doesnt exist for me, lol. Maybe if I try getting up earlier would do me some good..lol...would be hard for a bed-o-holic like me :D xx
  • Its my motivation, I have loads of gorgeous clothes that ive kept but cant fit into anymore...Im keeping them and am determined to fit into them once again, lol. xx
  • Love this dish, so fatty apparently though...I shallow fry some chicken in a wok, whilst cooking the patak's sauce in a pan...once the chicken is done, empty the remaining oil (if any) away and add the patak's sauce and some boiled rice. It comes out in a kind of risotto looking mess but tastes fabulous...we call it…
  • I think thats my biggest 'But' aswel, other than my actualy butt (bottom) x
  • Ive heard it takes 29 days to create a habit. Doing something each day for 29 days to create a habit the quickest. But I can't remember where I heard that so It could be just goole garb. x
  • I think i probably would too...I usually work out at about 11, after I drop my son off and done my facebooking, lol. x
  • Well done. Sounds good. Im pretty much trying to do the same thing. I was a size 10/12 (9/10st) before I had my son and because I did nothing about it straight after, its just kept piling on and I'm now size 18/20 (17st). I've got the baby belly and Bingo wings and I don't really feel like much of a "MILF" at the mo. My…