

  • Positive mind=positive body :bigsmile: Tomorrow is always a new day, try to make tomorrow better then today.:smile: I know we can all do this with each others help! keep up the good work!
  • you should take in something after you will burn it off just make sure it is clean. try 3 egg whites with low sodium salsa. Plus before bed is the best time to take in protein, this is when your body repairs and builds. More muscle = leaner body and more calories burnt through out the day:)
  • sleep is number one...your body needs it to get to where you want it to be. Are you drinking enough water throughout the day? And like others have said do not go below your calorie requirement this will only make things harder to get weight off and keep it off. Alo with cravings...try taking Fish will feed your…
  • alcohol is processed much like sugars this is what makes it a no no when you are dieting....however, dont deprive yourself try limiting yourself to one or two drinks every now and again and drink plenty of water before, during and will have less of an effect the next day.... vodka is a great choice...I usually…
    in alochol Comment by nades33 January 2009
  • I have also had this usually would occur when my shoes were too tight...try loosening them. have you recently gotten new ones? That maybe it or maybe you need new should get new gym shoes about every 6 months or so....
  • I guess I need to change my profile picture to have someone comment on anything I post.....THIS IS NOT WHAT I LOOK LIKE ANYMORE PEOPLE!!!!!! I am here for support and motivation...JUST LIKE YOU....I am at my heaviest EVER and I am trying to get in shape for my wedding. I am an ex fitness competitor that has packed on…
  • Just get right back to it tomorrow and don't stress about it. The more you beat yourself up about it your body will believe what you have just feed it is much worse for it then it actually is. I hope that makes sense.... I am not saying to be upset but the past is in the past and you can only work on what you do tomorrow.…
  • I am going through the same thing and I am so frustrated I want to cry. none of my pants fit this week and I have been working out really hard and eating well....ARG Hang in have my support ;) I know we will start to loose again and we just need to be patient...but it seems cruel...
  • So I have been at the gym 5 days a week eating very clean, lots of cardio, lots of water and my clother are GETTING TIGHTER....I am so sad today I dont understand. Has anyone else gone through this? I know it is normal to gain weight when you first start but my clothes have never gotten tighter. Arg...two weeks of hard…
  • Thank you very much for your warm welcomes everyone! I am very excited to be here, it is a great sight with a lot of great people!
  • I am a figure competitor and I have gained 25 lbs in the off season this time...I am looking to stay motivated and shed my unwanted pounds so I can feel like myself again :) I have been over eating and indulging the past 6 months...its time to get serious again :) However no more competitions for me...there is NOTHING…