I am sad...just started working out again and my clothes are

So I have been at the gym 5 days a week eating very clean, lots of cardio, lots of water and my clother are GETTING TIGHTER....I am so sad today I dont understand. Has anyone else gone through this? I know it is normal to gain weight when you first start but my clothes have never gotten tighter.

Arg...two weeks of hard work and I dont even feel good enough to get out of my PJ's :(


  • nades33
    nades33 Posts: 14
    So I have been at the gym 5 days a week eating very clean, lots of cardio, lots of water and my clother are GETTING TIGHTER....I am so sad today I dont understand. Has anyone else gone through this? I know it is normal to gain weight when you first start but my clothes have never gotten tighter.

    Arg...two weeks of hard work and I dont even feel good enough to get out of my PJ's :(
  • Lo153
    Lo153 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm sorry you haven't gotten the support and encouragement that you were looking for :(

    I have definitely heard of people having this problem before... even having to buy clothes one size bigger at the beginning of a weight-loss program. Seems so counter-intuitive.

    Could it be water retention or added muscle? How does your energy level feel?

  • JessicaN1979
    JessicaN1979 Posts: 142 Member
    Well good luck on your weight loss. It is very hard and we all need support. I have a problem of even finding the time to work out. What is the best exercise to do at home that burns the most calories that I would not need a video for?

    As for your tight clothes, maybe it is just water weight and hopefully next week that will pass. I wish I had a better answer. I know during that "special" time my clothes are tighter LOL.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Well I have been working out and eating good stuff and drinking my water and the scale is going down but some of my jeans are still tight as crap. I feel like you do, like they are getting tighter. I don't understand why either but I am going to keep up with everything I am doing and not give up. I hope you don't give up either. I know it is very discouraging. Maybe we can help keep each other motivated. You may be able to help me more than I can you since you know more about this stuff but I love having great friends that help keep me motivated.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Water water water:flowerforyou: I know you've been a competitor in the past so you probably already know the importance of drinking plenty of water, but just a reminder that it's so important, perhaps adding more in will help out to flush your body.

    You shared in the past your clothes didn't get tight but this time it might be showing up in different ways...by added inches rather than lbs. Have you grabbed your tape measure and tried going that route this time instead? Sometimes we can so easliy get caught up in the scale it's a nice change to be using the tape measure.

    Best to you,
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Here's a bump to your question:flowerforyou:

  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    my clothes always get tighter right aftfer I wash them... Maybe it's a little of that? Not sure.

    Ps- I PROMISE nobody is ignoring your questions because of your photo. There have been a million and one amazingly buff people on this website since I've been here, all of whom asked and answered questions with no problems, so you really can't judge us all based on a comment by 1 person. It's more likely people simply don't know the answer to your question/s. Be patient, we'll answer the best we can.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Sorry I have never seen your posts before or I would have tried to help, I am new, been here about 2 weeks and I don't care if you are trying to lose 2 pounds it is important to you. We even have people who are trying to gain weight. Weight issues are weight issues and they are very BIG to the person having them. I had a similar problem happen with my thighs. My waste, hips, everything else went down but my thighs which were huge to begin with anyway were getting bigger. I was going ot Curves at the time and she said it was a good thing because those muscles carry a lot of our weight since they are the largest major muscle group. So look at it as your body trying to support itself and give yourself a hug for emotional support. <<HUGS>> :flowerforyou: Don't get discouraged and feel free to PM me when you need a friend I will always respond. :happy:

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  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    I have never had this problem of my clothes getting tighter after I have been working out and my first inclination was water weight or if it is your TOM. But, since you have heard that already, I also thought about too many complex carbs. We are supposed to eat that over simple carbs, yes. But, if you eat too many, your entire system can get bogged down. It happened to a very healthy friend of mine just recently. Her course of action was seeing a doctor and she had to take some different medicines.

    I hope this was helpful. Don't give up, get out of those PJs and get moving, it will get better.
