
natashak Posts: 67
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I havent had a drink for my birthday, which was last week. All my friends have been asking me to go out for a drink. Ive been putting them off because I dunt want to have empty calories, any options of possible alochol drinks that are low in calories, carbs and fat?
-ps i only do hard alochol, no beer, or anything of that sort, and usually only light liquor, nothing dark. Hope that helps


  • I havent had a drink for my birthday, which was last week. All my friends have been asking me to go out for a drink. Ive been putting them off because I dunt want to have empty calories, any options of possible alochol drinks that are low in calories, carbs and fat?
    -ps i only do hard alochol, no beer, or anything of that sort, and usually only light liquor, nothing dark. Hope that helps
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    Its not too bad if you have vodka and diet soda. then you only have the vodka calories to worry about.
    DETERMINED2Drop Posts: 285 Member

    These sites should help a great deal! :)

    Alcohol Item (serving size) & Carbs (g)

    Beer, regular (12 fl oz)
    Beer, light (12 fl oz)
    Wine, red (3.5 fl oz)
    Wine, rose (3.5 fl oz)
    Wine, white (3.5 fl oz)
    Cider, dry (1 pint)
    Gin, Rum, Vodka, Whisky (1 fl oz)
    Sherry (2 fl oz)
    Port (2 fl oz)
    Guinness (1/2 pint)

    CALORIES according to Web MD

    * 80-proof vodka (40% alcohol; the most common type) has 64 calories per 1oz
    * 86-proof vodka (43% alcohol) has 70 calories/1 oz
    * 90-proof vodka (45% alcohol) has 73 calories/1 oz
    * 100-proof vodka (50% alcohol) has 82 calories/1 oz

    Some mixers that won't pack on the pounds include:

    * Diet soda or diet tonic: 0 calories
    * Orange juice (6 oz): 84 calories
    * Cranberry juice cocktail (8 oz): 136 calories
    * Light orange juice (8 oz): 50 calories
    * Light cranberry juice (8 oz): 40 calories
    * Light lemonade (8 oz): 5 calories
    * Coffee, tea: 0 calories
    * Baja Bob's sugar-free margarita or sweet 'n' sour mix: 0 calories
    * Lemon or lime juice (1/2 oz): 10 calories
    * DaVinci or Torani's sugar-free syrups: 0
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    It's the alcohol itself that is so high in calories, and then you add the mix and it can pretty ugly if you’re planning on having a few.

    I went out last night and had two oz vodka for 128 calories. Mixed it with club soda (0's across the board on everything but sodium).

    The two glasses of wine I had however, were 320 calories and 40 carbs! It’s a good thing I had exercise calories because that was really a lot!

    I think it will be fine as long as you drink in moderation. Do a bit of research first and plan your evening. My drinks (brand and everything) were already in the food database; if not though just Google 'calories' and then whatever you are drinking.
  • i dont know calorie count, but most hard alchohol does not have carbs, neither does diet soda. alchohol will lower you metabolism though. have fun.
  • nades33
    nades33 Posts: 14
    alcohol is processed much like sugars this is what makes it a no no when you are dieting....however, dont deprive yourself try limiting yourself to one or two drinks every now and again and drink plenty of water before, during and will have less of an effect the next day....

    vodka is a great choice...I usually do diet redbull...just be aware of the sodium it contains
  • kolbif
    kolbif Posts: 83
    I agree with what everyone said. I had a couple Bacardi/diet Cokes last night and didn't feel too terrible about it. I would agree with drinking a lot of water beforehand as well as working out as much as you can so you have the extra calories to eat up. (drink up, I mean! :laugh: ) I decided to push myself today for drinking alcohol last night, so I went almost 4 miles on the treadmill and burned 550 calories to try to feel better about it.
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