

  • Welcome I am in North East England, always good to say Hi to a new fitness pal fan :-)
  • oh boy i know how that feels and it sucks, all i can say is that the trick seems to be to try and see it as a one off rather than a failure just keep telling yourself that its behind you and don't look back. try the old technique of putting those thoughts in a box then locking it and put away the key. Start afresh today…
  • congratulation that's great well done !!
  • Haven't been here long myself so am sure someone will answer you queries better than i can, as far as i know the calorie allowance is based on your weight and what you enter as your goal. Good Luck
  • Thats amazing !! a big Congratulations !!
  • welcome I am from the North East and been on site just over a week, love it, you will find it a great resource for support too.
    in UK newbie Comment by mazza53 June 2010
  • Hi newbie here I have kicked off June badly, today we went to the seaside and of course its been fish and chips and an ice cream and now i feel such a failure as i had been doing a lot better of late. Just this morning when i got up i felt less bloated and much better after just a week of eating less than i usually do.…
  • I am from County Durham, just joined a few days ago and loving this site I have a lot of weight to lose so need all the support i can get .
  • Wow Robin you have done amazingly well and sounds like you have really got your head together so the rest is bound ot come off in time. I like you am not one for attending meetings, i joined Slimming World abut 3yrs ago and loved the plan but the class consultant i found patronising as she was forever saying how she lost 3…
  • Thanks Claudina , what a lovely name you have.