help!!!! binged last night

suzyq1319 Posts: 14
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hello, I am newbie, I had a bad night last night. I tend to binge a night. Even when I go to bed, I would wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning like clockwork just to have a snack and I go right back to bed. I don't know what is causing this. Last night I went crazy eating anything I could get my hands on. I feel sooo sad.I'm pretty upset right now. I know that today is a new day, but I feel like a failure ;( Please any advice?


  • mazza53
    mazza53 Posts: 11
    oh boy i know how that feels and it sucks, all i can say is that the trick seems to be to try and see it as a one off rather than a failure just keep telling yourself that its behind you and don't look back. try the old technique of putting those thoughts in a box then locking it and put away the key.
    Start afresh today and look forward not back that is what seems the hardest thing to do, i know if i binge once its to easy to turn it into a week long binge rather than a day :-( Good Luck xx.
  • merbee
    merbee Posts: 142 Member
    I did that about 2 weeks ago. Was upset at the scale for not moving for about 2 months. Strange where the head goes when you get frustraed !!!! Myself, I was so disgusted with myself after working so hard to lose weight that I woke up the next day and found new resolve in it. It happened - I know why it happened - and did something about it. I got rid of the scale. Took the battery out and put it up on a shelf. I will not let the numbers on it dictate my mood. As far as night time eating - I did that too. I used to get up and head for cheese of all things. what's a little piece of cheese right? Ya - the weight came on. Unfortunately - I am an all or nothing kind of girl - so I got rid of it. Identify why you binged and do something about it. Identify what foods you are attracted to in the middle of the night and get rid of them. Not forever - especially if you have a family - but long enough to prove to yourself that you can do it - or don't need to do it. Good luck
  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    Its ok to have a bad night, as long and you dont keep having bad nights. I wouldn't be keeping anything in the house worth getting up at 2 or 3 in the morning.
  • amtrust
    amtrust Posts: 178
    In other people's posts, they've mentioned B.E.D. (binge eating disorder). Some have mentioned Overeaters Anonymous....and something else. I'll go back and see. Perhaps it will help. I, too, tend to binge. =( Very frustrating and depressing. But, you can't let it stop you from trying.
  • suzyq1319
    suzyq1319 Posts: 14
    Thank you for the support ladies! Really. The funny thing is I binged on foods that I normally don't like. go figure!
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Its ok to have a bad night, as long and you dont keep having bad nights. I wouldn't be keeping anything in the house worth getting up at 2 or 3 in the morning.

    Good advice!
  • cubisme11
    cubisme11 Posts: 2
    Don't beat yourself up!
    Don't be sad, instead take control and analyze why you are doing this at 2 or 3 in the morning.
    Are you maintaining a balanced calories/carb/fat/protein intake?
    What are you snacking on?
    Try keeping two bottles of water next to your bed. When you wake up, drink one and try to go back to sleep, if you can't go back, then drink the second one. I find that helps keep you full through the night.
    Today will be better.
  • amtrust
    amtrust Posts: 178
    Here's the link to a post. Perhaps it can help...

    Also, I'm I've been reading about the Eat Clean Diet and also Dr. Amen's "Change Your Brain, Change Your Body." They seem that they may be beneficial. I'm checking out books from the library about it....and also reading about it online.

    Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member

    I was having similar problems. But then I joined this group and it helped. Finding support always helps. Accountability too. Don't beat yourself up. We are all here because we all need help and encouragement, and someone to pick up when we fall (because we are going to fall).
  • I went way over board lastnight like 500 calories over my limit because i drank beer thats what put me way over,but im gonna stop thinking about it and move on:) you should do it too!
  • jodieunited
    jodieunited Posts: 112 Member
    i had takeaway lastnight too :(
  • suzyq1319
    suzyq1319 Posts: 14
    Thank you all for the support ! I feel better already :) Drinking water has always been such a struggle for me. I drink about 3 cups a coffee a day and I 've been pushing water but, rarely get to 8 glasses. I just listen to my body and I don't feel thirsty. I think it's emotional too. Recent death in the family and I am recently divorced.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I have Night time eating disorder (NES) and it IS real. Stress, hormones, the body's brain and chemistry can be the problem. Here is a good article explaining it but there are a ton others.

    I am sad to say I still haven't kicked it. Even after taking what has been suggested a combo supplement cocktail of Relora, 5 HTP and melatonin. I was also prescribed Trazadone and Paxil @ one point but do not think either of them helped. Well, the trazadone is amazing for sleeping but I still wake up. Usually, just 2 times a night now rather than the 4-6 times before.

    Anyways, don't beat yourself up about it. I know that is easier said then done. When I wake up and realize I didn't binge all night, I am in cloud 9. I am so proud of myself! When the opposite happens, I am bummed big time. But, I just tell myself to try harder to eat all my calories throughout the day and lay there in bed and try to make that decision NOT to get up and eat. That is so hard when you brain is foggy and the auto response of "food food food" is pretty much controlling you. But, it can be done. To me, it is more of an agitation thing then a hunger. I am just agitated beyond belief when I wake up in the middle of the night and the only thing that calms me is food.

    Like I said, if this happens to you frequently, I would do some research on NES. At the very least, it will let you know you are not alone and far from a bad person because of these episodes.

    I have recently had to create a food category for my "binges". My goal is to one day be able to delete that category and sleep throughout the night.

    Best of luck to you. Feel free to read my blogs on this issue or view my diary. Some of the strange things I eat in the middle of the night are just that, strange. But when you are half awake, you tend to grab anything. :laugh:
  • suzyq1319
    suzyq1319 Posts: 14
    I am so glad that I I have joined this site. I feel a lot of support from all of you. Thank you for taking the time to reply.
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    I am so sorry for both of your losses. That is hard to take. And we eaters go to food when sad or upset.
    Talking with family and friends and also exercise have helped me through bad/sad times. It gives us an outlet for our stress and raises the endorphans to help us feel better for a while.
    Go, talk with family and friends--and you all can take a walk while you are talking.
    Hugs, BJB
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    Hi there.
    I don't know if i can add anything to the great advice you've been given so far by others.
    I've been there before and it feels so bad, doesn't it? It might help to figure out the source of the binge. In my case, I tend to binge when I am tired---or I focus on something that i don't like about my body. It's amazing what self discovery can do.
    Journaling is helpful.
    I wish you the best, we are here for you!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • summersk
    summersk Posts: 59
    I am not sure if this advice will help out any at all, I have never woken up in the middle of the night to eat so I don't know what that is like. I have and sometimes still binge. I have learned that if I think of myself as on a "diet" and deny myself any food type that I am not allergic to that that is the one food I will crave and eventually go totally overboard on. So I've learn not to deny myself anything, I just have to eat less of it at one time but I can still eat it. Also I struggle with major depression and am no longer on the medicine to help it, because while I never had lows on the meds, I also never had any high points either. And with kids you need to be able to have those high points! Exercise and my family have been my support net, they always catch me when I fall and help me back to my feet.

    Also, my husband (who is also on this site) recommends that you try cutting down your coffee intake. When he drinks a lot of coffee it makes him crave sweet stuff, caffeine has that effect. And one more small piece of advice that might help: I have learned that if I'm not drinking enough water a lot of times I feel hungry and not thirsty, even though my body is really craving water not food. I have found that if you get one of those big 32oz cups with a straw in it you drink enough water without even realizing that you're doing it. If you can get one of those, instead of thinking about 8 glasses, you only need to aim for about 3. That will more than cover you for the day.

    Good luck and remember, we're only human and ALL humans make mistakes it's our nature! :wink:
  • I see you've lost a great amount of weight already! Way to go! I'm very inspired by that! You know, you're only human =) Everybody has their nights.. I know I do! Drink lots of water to flush out your system and move on to a brighter and better day! If you have to make a new category in your food for late-night munchies, go for it! Keep fresh fruits&veggies or healthy snacks out where they're easiest to reach. Don't beat yourself up for an evening of goodies. You got it! =)
  • dete101
    dete101 Posts: 7
    HI I think we ALL have days like this, we are only human after all!!! If I have a bad day I've learnt not to beat myself up about it, but to just draw a line underneath it and start a new fresh day! I find its worked for me. Keep going... I'm new to this as well only my 3rd day! I'm just taking one day at a time!!! lol!!! good luck x

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  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    Don't beat yourself up for it. Today is a new day so start fresh and move forward:)
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