

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning all,
    thanks Barbie. That helps a lot. I trust your info cause you have suceeded. Off to help Heather again. Have a good day ladies.
    Vicki M.
    ps still weighing each morn and working for me.
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Well well well, I sure got lazy while being sick! :angry: :grumble: I got on the treadmill and wasn't even close to being motivated. Only mustarded up 21 min. Not a whole lot of calories burned either, just 116. That's 116 more than I started with though. Hopefully I will get back into the swing of things soon.
    I don't know if anyone realized it or not, probably did though, I got sick by catching a cold. Well I wouldn't have if I didn't smoke all my adult life! :frown: Anyway, I have been quit now for 8 days :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: . I think it is going to make it harder for me to lose weight, but I'll just have to see about that. Lot's of excercise, water, and determination is the name of the game now.
    I am so far behind in reading the posts, that I have decided to just start over. Well I am going to go for now. I hope everyone has a good day with lot's of sunshine and a few smiles
  • AllisonMO
    AllisonMO Posts: 68 Member
    Good day to all! I am pleased with having met my May goals. My June goal is modest, with seeking only a three pound loss, as tomorrow we are flying to Budapest for a lower Danube river cruise. I am worried about over-eating on the ship, although I know we will be doing lots of walking.

    UK sisters, any words about Durham? I am considering taking a summer study course in September at the uni on "Sacred Landscapes." with lectures on holy places. A nice place to be?

    May we all have a refreshing June and make progress in all portions of our lives@

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Well well well, I sure got lazy while being sick! :angry: :grumble: I got on the treadmill and wasn't even close to being motivated. Only mustarded up 21 min. Not a whole lot of calories burned either, just 116. That's 116 more than I started with though. Hopefully I will get back into the swing of things soon.
    I don't know if anyone realized it or not, probably did though, I got sick by catching a cold. Well I wouldn't have if I didn't smoke all my adult life! :frown: Anyway, I have been quit now for 8 days :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: . I think it is going to make it harder for me to lose weight, but I'll just have to see about that. Lot's of excercise, water, and determination is the name of the game now.
    I am so far behind in reading the posts, that I have decided to just start over. Well I am going to go for now. I hope everyone has a good day with lot's of sunshine and a few smiles

    Hang in there, Donna! Take it slow and you'll get into the habit!

    Good for you for quitting smoking! I quit in April. I did put on about 6 pounds but they are coming off and I know that my ticker will be right again soon! BTW-I read that you would have to gain an additional 50-100 pounds to offset the benefits of quitting smoking and we KNOW that won't happen. :noway:
    One thing I did was to take a short walk when I got the urge to smoke and that did help. Lots of water and gum, too!

    Raining again here today--I don't think this is ever gonna stop!:tongue:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,523 Member
    Good morning ladies! Cloudy here but warmer, no longer fear for the plantings. Finished mulching last night, now all that remains is daily water and pestcheck.:huh:

    -Teri you made me smile! Yes losing the same pound 3 times counts! I count it every week ;):laugh:
    -Robin wall building? Somehow I don't think your talking about a latticework decorative wall...:noway:
    -BirdieM you are so right! Somewhere along this journey, my BAD consumption days are almost what GOOD days were before!!!! Have to confess tho' that fish never appeal, I'd ALWAYS go for the ice cream, maybe nowadays only one scoop instead of a jumbo double monster butterscotch fudge sundae... with whipped cream and nuts:):bigsmile:
    -Welcome Anne!:flowerforyou:
    -Kackie All those inches lost? Inspiring! I AM trying gutt'n'butt again.:drinker:
    -MacMadame- Hate June Gloom too!:indifferent: Congratulations on finding the Full AquaBike solution to you training needs/dilemma. Your determination is awesome and almost scary!:devil:
    -Viv the Lenten experiment was that from Ash Wednesday thru Maundy Thursday I drank no booze Monday-Thursdays. Not so much the cals in a glass or 2 of wine or beer, but the calories I consumed AFTER drinking. The first week was WAY harder than I expected or wanted. :noway: Now its no big deal, and it will be my normal routine. Sure look forward to Beer Friday, though!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    -ainslie 3 x the recommended sodium a couple of days? :sick: Bet that explains a LOT. Congratulations on the checkup!:smile:
    -VickieM Not sure why they put sodium in cheerios?:noway: Natural preservative? Tastes good? Not much to savor in plain oats, I'm thinkin'. :grumble:
    -Donna56 Con VERY Gratulations! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: The first 8 days are the hardest. Glad you are realistic. Yes quitting smoking does make it harder to lose weight, because all of a sudden you have 15% more oxygen in your bloodstream, getting 15% more "benefit" from every calorie you consume. BUT quitting will also make exercise easier and healthy foods taste better. It is the MOST important thing you can do for yourself and your loved ones. It took me pneumonia, 8 days in hospital, 4 weeks on oxygen and 5 weeks lost work to stop smoking. Its been OVER TEN YEARS and I can't tell you how glad I am for that pneumonia!:laugh:
    -Kathy pmjsmom Walking, water, gum, great advice! Great job!:heart:

    Sunshine wishes to all:glasses:

    Gratitudes 1-that the General is feeling so much better this morning. Last night he was whining and his breathing seemed labored until he fell asleep:brokenheart: . Was contemplating a trip to the emergency vet all the way up til midnight.:sad: 2-that DH Joe loves the dogs so much he wasn't even annoyed (or didn't show it) when the General dribbled a little on the bed last night in his post-anaesthetic sleep. 3-to BJB :flowerforyou: for a new appreciation of my rectus abdominus, I've always hated it, now maybe that I'll appreciate it a little. 4-to Barbie for "getting out the mat and lying down is the hardest part...." Threw mine down on the floor this morning, and threw my body down after it. :tongue: 5-for the washing machine and dryer, in the house, on the same level as we live... and I can't help it, have to give one more: 6-tea.:love:

    Gutt'n'butt, 2nd try, day 2.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I am struggling right now. my hormones are going crazy. I am really grumpy and I am getting really tired of all night bouts of hot flashes. :devil: (I wonder if I burn more calories when I am flashing/) I don't feel like exercising but I do anyway but I just can't really get my heart rate up. so it is frustrating. I know thta that this too shall pass. :smile:

    Donna, congrats on quitting. I did jumping jacks everytiime I wanted a smoke when I quit. Anything that gets you moving and breathing will help the urge pass.

    I am soooooo sick of the gloom and rain. I want some sunshine!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!

    Vicki, once you start monitoring sodium you will really start reading labels of any processed food. Its very enlightening. I set my goals for 2000 mg and I go over probably once a week on splurge meals. I get frustrated by things like fresh raw vegies that have sodium like spinach, carots and celery. Really? sodium in raw vegies? (I just don't worry about it )

    Barbara - the "wall" is actually a 20 foot long raised planter bed made of retaining wall block. it is 3 feet high. I have half of it built (its a great calorie burn when I buy the block and have to bring them into the back yard as well as actually building the wall)

    To all of the wonderful women on this thread - Thankyou for being there for me. I couldn't do this without you. You all hold a special piece of my heart and I am honored to call you my friends. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Thanks Robin about the sodium tip. I thought that but wanted to make sure. I have never had problem with swelling or water retention or anything like that so never worried about it. Do you think the hormones affect your heart rate. i went out last night and changed batteries on my HRM cause it just did not seem to be registering my calories. Seems like heart rate gets up sometimes but is very crazy. If not the batteries then maybe hormones. Never thought about that affecting it. I also wake up with hot flashes. I dont have sweats just very hot feeling that is very uncomfortable. does not last long thank goodness but enough to wake me up. I find when I exercise and eat right it is better but not always. I was on hormone replacement years ago but got off. I really dont like that route. I take vitamins and natural things but does not always do the trick. I could kick myself for not getting this weight off in my 30's or 40's when it would have been easier. But that is water under the bridge I can just move forward. I am glad you are on this site. Thank you for your wisdom.
    Vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Donna one calorie at a time is all it takes. 116 is better than nothing. just keep trying. We are getting older and we just cant do all we used to do even though we think we can. push yourself but dont hurt yourself.

    Allison is that you in the orange top in the picture. You look so thin.
    Have a good day ladies.
  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    Oh Robin wouldn't that be wonderful if those flashes really did burn calories!! :laugh: Every time I eat I get hot :noway: so what's with that??! At dinner last night I'm perspiring like crazy you'd have thought I was eating chillies instead of green beans and my cool as a cuke dh is looking at me like I'm nuts :smokin: Hot Mama Moments!! Geez, they'll be MAD Mama Moments soon!! :wink:

    Have a great day everyone :flowerforyou: I'm off to take my FIL to visit his cousin - I'm trying to keep him busy during the day so he doesn't fall asleep so often and thus stay up half the night! LOL! But at 85 I guess falling asleep is the way it goes (and he wonders why we don't let him drive anymore!)
  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    WOW - I joined in april and lost 2 lbs in May. I went through total knee replace in Oct and after that lost 25 lbs. So glad I found this site! I would like to loose at least 5 lbs in June - the weight sure is coming off slowly :grumble: I look forward to reading ya'lls posts! How do I keep the thread - is there anything special I have to do?
  • mazza53
    mazza53 Posts: 11
    Hi newbie here
    I have kicked off June badly, today we went to the seaside and of course its been fish and chips and an ice cream and now i feel such a failure as i had been doing a lot better of late.

    Just this morning when i got up i felt less bloated and much better after just a week of eating less than i usually do.

    Still tomorrow is another day and hopefully a better one for staying on track :-)

    how do you all cope with bad days?

    my goal for June would be to lose about 7lbs
  • yorkie4eva
    yorkie4eva Posts: 14 Member
    Hi All,

    I have recently joined MFP and have found this website so motivational its awesome. The friends/buddies found is just fantastic. I just wanted to join this thread and say that I would like to keep up the fact that I try on most days to earn at least 500 calories through exercise, and mostly do it.

    Good Luck to you all, if we motivate each other, we will surely reach our own personal objectives/goals in the month of June through hard work, determination and lastly friendship/kinship.


    Annalisa (aka yorkie4eva) XXX:heart::bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • arborsong
    arborsong Posts: 98
    Stopping in to mark the thread.......................
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :smile: Just want to let you know I'm back from putting Mom in the Foster Home, and no time now to chat but will tell you all about it when I have time to sit.

    the exhausted Laura:frown:
  • BbNuke
    BbNuke Posts: 82 Member
    Hi all -

    I am new to this topic also, and well over 50... I turned 60 in February. Will write more tonight from home!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Donna: Good for you for quitting! And those who have succeeded give good advice. Kathy you are doing great with diet and not smoking together!

    New members: Welcome and so glad to have you! This is a fantastic, supportive group for this journey together!

    Robin: Building the wall sounds like my kind of project. Post a photo if you can, when you are finished!

    Good luck to all of you starting the Gut N Butt challenge. (AuntieBK...way to keep at it!) I think they are great every day exercises and Barblie, you are right...many of them I also do in my Yoga class. They help us keep our "core" strong so that we are able to do daily chores without injury. They also help "widdle that middle"! Much needed after 50!!! I also do think that the 30 day shred is great for getting rid of some of that extra middle section too. I am continuing to use that video every couple of days but not always with weights. My shoulder is still bothering me some and I don't think the weights help with that.

    Vicki: Glad to know that the everyday weigh-in is helping. It is good for me. Good luck with the flashes! Exercise helps me with these but I know everyone has different degrees of HOT!

    Ainsleiglen: I KNOW that your doctor was pleased with your progress! Keep up the good effort!

    I hope that all of you who are looking for blue skies get some soon. I know how that kind of weather affects me and it isn't good!

    I am grateful for all of you, my good health, my wonderful family and especially grateful that I still have 2 parents who are well and active and able to lead independent and contributing lives! Take care, ALL!:heart::heart: kackie:heart::heart:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I am worried about over-eating on the ship, although I know we will be doing lots of walking.
    I always lose weight on a cruise. It's because food is more scheduled, I think, plus all the walking.
    (I wonder if I burn more calories when I am flashing/)
    Well, we burn more when we're ovulating...

    But somehow I doubt the flashes help. I've only had one so far and it was months ago. I'm annoyed. I'm so tired of getting Aunt Flo every month and having to worry about birth control. At my age, it's unseemly! :laugh:
    I set my goals for 2000 mg and I go over probably once a week on splurge meals.
    I go over when I drink a sports drink when I work out. But I need to replace the sodium so I don't cramp up. Therefore I don't worry about it so much.
    I have never had problem with swelling or water retention or anything like that so never worried about it.
    My bariatric surgeon says the only people who have to worry about sodium are people with high blood pressure and people with kidney problems. Since I used to have high blood pressure, I'm thinking that means me...
    I have kicked off June badly, today we went to the seaside and of course its been fish and chips and an ice cream and now i feel such a failure as i had been doing a lot better of late.
    What I do for a special event is give myself permission to eat whatever looks good. Usually what happens is that when I really think about it, a lot of it doesn't look good. Part of its appeal is being forbidden, it turns out. I also log everything and try to eat extra healthy before and after.
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi! Just in and back out so I can keep the June thread. Where does the time go??? Have a good afternoon:flowerforyou:
  • balance9
    balance9 Posts: 160
    Hi All! Just found this thread...Not quite 50 yet, but I can see it from here. Inspiring posts, and I'd love to catch up with you. My goal for June is to get back to incorporating yoga into my fitness routine. Took a few months off after a knee surgery. Since then, too much cardio and not enough balance. :flowerforyou:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    WOW - I joined in april and lost 2 lbs in May. I went through total knee replace in Oct and after that lost 25 lbs. So glad I found this site! I would like to loose at least 5 lbs in June - the weight sure is coming off slowly :grumble: I look forward to reading ya'lls posts! How do I keep the thread - is there anything special I have to do?

    Welcome to you and the other newbies. Now that you have posted, this thread will show in your my topics and be easier for you to find. Important point for those new to site. A new thread is started on the 1st of each month, under the motivation and support forum title.

    We are a bunch of "prolific posters"--sounds much better than saying we are a bunch of gabby broads :noway: :laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh: This is important, because it means that we always reach the 500 post limit on our thread by about the 18th to 20th of the month, at which time the thread will "lock" and there will be a link that appears in the last post sending you on to the "part 2" of the thread for that month. You can still READ the locked post, but, DON'T try to post a message on the locked thread or it will disappear into cyberspace, and greatly annoy you if it was a long one!!:grumble: :bigsmile:

    Congrats on quitting smoking. You are going to get so healthy between that and weight loss that you will live forever!!!:noway: :bigsmile: Well, maybe not forever, but you are going to enjoy life more than you would have if you hadn't made the healthy changes.

    By 9am this morning we had already broken our rainfall record for June 2nd, and it is not over yet. It rained so hard today they decided to close the Rose Festival area where the midway and carnival rides and other attractions are located during the event. It is difficult to muster much enthusiasm for the ferris wheel if you need to take your umbrella along for the ride:grumble: :noway: :laugh:

    I am happy to report I got rid of 1.5 lbs. of water weight from my transgressions of earlier in the week, so I am back to within 3 lbs. of my ticker. I am not moving it back up unless I am not back where I belong by next week.

    I have to get going as I have errands to run today, so everyone have a good Wednesday.
