

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Teri – I believe in 12 step programs. If you have modified steps for overeating, send them to me in a pm (unless others want to see them too). We can buddy up on supporting each other. Good luck for June.

    Off to work for me,



    The 12-Steps as Adapted for Overeaters Anonymous, as copied from the "The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous" are:

    1. We admitted we were powerless over food--that our lives had become unmanageable.
    2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
    3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God "as we understood Him."
    4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
    5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
    6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
    7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
    8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
    9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
    10. Continued to take personal inventory and wehn we were wrong, promptly admitted it.
    11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
    12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to compulsive overeaters and to practice these principles in all our daily affairs.

    * * *

    I have not worked all the steps yet. We are trying to get a step class up and running here! Hopefully soon!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I had a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy.
    Hey, me too! But back in Sept '08. Best decision I ever made. I just wish it had been a option years ago and also that I'd been in the right head space to take advantage of it.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    So in other words, Viv, those sheep had to "get the flock outta there?":laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hey you guys know me. I can't pass an opening like that without taking advantage of it!!

    I am glad the sun is shining SOMEWHERE. That, apparently is where I need to go "SOMEWHERE" where it is NOT RAINING!!!!:angry::grumble: :ohwell: :smile:


    :heart: Hi Everyone

    :yawn: I'm too tired tonight to say too much, but had to laugh when I read your post Barb. :laugh:

    :smile: It's been another lovely day here - pity I spent most of it indoors at work :grumble: :grumble: I am doing the race for life on Sunday so I am hoping the weather is not too hot on the day, (we have a lot of walking to do) with a nice cool breeze.

    :embarassed: Have eaten far too many snacks today, I need to get back on track. My weight loss has come to a standstill, so I need to make healthier choices in future.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Take Care everyone - here's to a healthy Friday.

    :heart: Viv :heart:
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: A late good evening to everyone ....
    :glasses: It's been hot and sunny here today ...luverly!!!

    :yawn: I can honestly say I feel absolutely kn***kered at the moment!! the floor layerers put the vinyl down this afternoon and when DH went off to work at 5.30pm I set to and started clearing up. Kitchen was first and every surface has been wiped ...you can see your face in the cupboard doors and eat your dinner off of the floor. That is if you have any calories left!!
    So that must have been worth a few "Cleaning" calories shouldn't it?
    :drinker: Not that I've needed them today as I'm well within the normal 1200.
    We went shopping today ...food only ....boring!....and :noway: we DID NOT buy ice creams to tempt us!!
    Tomorrow we hope to finish off Mum's bedroom ,bed and hoist comes in next Tuesday.
    Social workers have organised a big Pow Wow next Monday to determine the Care Package for Mum.
    And ...the hospital are keeping her there until we return home from GS's christening, a weight of my mind I can tell you!
    My sister's coming over from France on Sunday for a few days so she can at least sit in on the Care meeting and of course see Mum. :ohwell: She's been warned what to expect!!
    Anyway ...off I go to make a cup of tea and eat the snack I have logged down ...63 calories!!...if the scales aren't down tomorrow :laugh: I'll eat my hat!
    Won't log that though.
    :heart: Jackie
    ps ...loved the sheep tale Viv ...reminds me of when we had our Pub out in the wilds of Herefordshire.
    We often had sheep breaking in to the garden. One day our German shepherd suprised one in the shed. Stupid or what? It
    stood with it's head in the corner and had to be dragged out backwards....we needed thick gardening gloves to fend of the thorns and briars from the hedges it had bulldozed through!!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :drinker: Good evening ladies, I have been lurking but have been too busy and tired to participate. :huh: I am a little depressed this week and have been over eating.:angry::cry: :cry: :cry: My sister is moving to Florida and I just found out. :sad: :sad: I am traveling 2 hours tomorrow night to go spend time with her before she leaves on the 9th. :noway: To make matters worse my husband broke a tooth last week and had severe infection. When the dentist took x-ray he thought dh had been in a fight cause he has a cracked jaw bone. Now he has to have surgery tomorrow at 7am to remove rest of broken tooth and to repair the jaw.:explode: To top it off dd is p....ed cause I am going to Baltimore and cant babysit for her Saturday night. :ohwell: Anyone know someone who can clone me...LOL LOL LOL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I will check in on Sunday night. :heart: Everyone have a beautiful weekend, Rose
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    NEWSFLASH!!! IT HASN'T RAINED IN OVER 24 HOURS!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Unfortunately, that will change by 6pm tonight, according to weather forecaster!!:frown: :ohwell: :laugh: :laugh:

    They are actually toying with us now--daring to predict sunshine and mid-70's (F) by next week. I am NOT holding my breath!!! :wink: But, I HOPE they are right!! I am ready!! I bet Kathy (pmjs) and Barbiecat are ready for some warm dry weather also.

    Had a fight w/my laptop this morning. I swear it heard me talking about the new laptop I am getting for my work and got jealous. I was able to get things running better by restoring to a point prior to some registry clean up that I had done. So far so good. My big accomplishment was convincing Google toolbar, with the spell check, to come out of hiding. It showed as installed and enabled, but absolutely refused to display, so I removed and reinstalled, and voila!! It came back!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Took doggies to the vet this morning for 6 mo physical exams that are part of the "doggie health insurance" I carry on all members of "the herd." Bradley has lost some weight, despite appearing to eat anything in sight, so we are going to be watching his consumption more closely and trying an easier to digest food, in case he isn't' absorbing all he should be. He is full of energy and seems to be fine, otherwise.

    Mai Li is still a piglet, and according to the vet could stand to lose a few pounds. She is down 3 lbs. from her highest weight, which is better than the end of last Winter, so maybe by the end of the summer, we can make some more progress on "shrinking" her. No matter what she weighs, I am pretty sure her attitude will NEVER get any smaller!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Poor Pepper. He was due for a dental cleaning, so he was anesthetized, and then they discovered a tooth that had to be pulled. The vet said his teeth are in good shape, but his teeth were a little cramped due to the size of his jaw and this particular tooth was set in such a way that it was easier for the root to be affected by periodontal disease, so it got infected. He will be home later tonight.

    I better hurry up and sell some insurance as my little darling's tooth extraction, along with the antibiotics and pain meds is costing me $130!!:huh: :grumble: That is what I get for being so happy that the initial estimate I got when I dropped everyone off this morning was that all services were covered under the health plan. And when they told me we would just watch Bradley for now instead of doing any extra blood work, again, I was pleased at no out of pocket. Shoulda known it was tooooo good to be true!!!:ohwell:

    Now for a funny to be told on myself: This morning I was running around trying to get out the door so these guys would arrive on time for their drop off time. We went for a short walk and when I got back to the condo, I put the dogs directly into the car. I had a bag of "doggie surprise" (yeah, it is what you think, and if you know anything about dogs, it is really not a "surprise"--more of an inevitability!!:bigsmile: ) Anyway, I lifted each "little piggy" into the car,went into the house, grabbed my purse, locked up and we took off to the vet clinic.

    As I drove, I was wishing for a Starbucks because I hadn't eaten and I was tired from getting up earlier and didn't feel particularly put together as I didn't get up in time to do my usually morning routine. I became aware of a sort of "fluttering" noise, but couldn't figure out where it was coming from. It eventually stopped, so upon arrival, I took the doggies inside and dropped them off.

    When I came out of the clinic and glanced at my car, I couldn't believe my eyes. There, sitting on the roof, being held in place by the luggage rack, was the while plastic bag of "doggie surprise!!" Yup, that's right folks, I drove about 3 miles with a bag of "you know what" on the roof of my car.:noway: :noway: :noway: :huh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: The "fluttering" I heard was the plastic bag in the wind!! Oh, well, at least I wasn't HEARING things!!:blushing:

    Well, after that experience, the rest of the day was all down hill!!

    Welcome to any newbies that I haven't already acknowledged. Thanks to tiarapants for your very interesting story. You should be very proud of what you have already accomplished.

    Donna, Sounds like you are still getting over your bug. I was hoping to see a post from you saying you were rejoicing in being a new gazillionaire, since the winner of the Powerball lottery was from Ohio. Oh it wasn't you? :blushing: Sorry about that!!:sad: :drinker:

    Gotta get finished with some things, so BFN

  • Jcrowe0317
    Jcrowe0317 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I am new to this thread. I am 56 and have been 15 to 20 pounds over weight for many many years. I just logged into this site 2 weeks ago. I run but have been labeled a heavy weight runner. :-( . My personal goal last month was to increase my mileage. I ran greater than 20 miles a week. I met that goal. I now want to loose 1 pound a week. i guess my June goal is to continue to run at 20 miles a week and loose 1 pound per week.
    My initial start of this program enabled me to loose 4 pounds. I have not weighed in this week, since the weight went up 2 pounds. I plan to weigh in on Saturday regardless and to begin again. Here's hoping it works...
    I am out of work and doing my best to stay in control.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    i will be out of commission for a few days. Bodi knocked my laptop off the table and it is on the fritz. Using DH's computer right now to log food but no posting.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Sorry to hear about your laptop.:sad: :sad: I bet Bodi is sorry too.:smile: BTW, if you end up having to get a new one. Check out the OfficeMax ad from last weekend, assuming you have that chain in your area. They have some good deals. I am picking up that Acer that is on sale for $499 for my new work pc. Also if you purchase a computer, you get up to $60 off on a printer or all in one purchased at the same time.

    Good luck getting your computing problem solved. I guess if there is a bright side, you now have more time to exercise...Nah--it still is lousy not to have acess to your computer!!

    I should be doing something other than being on here, but here I am.

  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Hello, all!
    I got in my 15 minute walk on my dirt road again. My husband says that I'm walking about .7 of a mile. I'm still fighting to stay within my calorie goal. All I can say so far is that I'm closer than I used to be!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello, hello, hello to all the new people that have found this forum this month! I can't believe how many new names I've seen so far this month! Welcome.

    Jackie - I have my fingers crossed for your Mum's care meeting. I'm glad that your sister will be there.

    Teri - I hope you can get a 12 step program started. I wish they had them for teenage boys who are flunking school.

    Robin - My Peggy Sue dog got wrapped in the cord to my old laptop and it went flopping around the house as she ran in circles and we tried to stop her. A shop tightened everything up and it ran fine for a few more years. I hope your's is so lucky.

    Barb - Enjoy the dry streak as it sounds like it won't last that long.

    I should have taken better notes. I remember reading a couple of struggling posts but don't remember who. Mi culpa! Hang in there the day and the hard times will pass.

    Have a great evening all,

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Welcome mazza, annalisa, bbnuke, peechuz, jcrowe and anyone else that I might have missed.

    What I do for a special event is I have a little of everything.

    Well, dd#1 will be here sometime late tonight (to see the cat, of course), ds is here. We're going out to lunch tomorrow with some people from the Newcomers group, then some of the ladies are going to lunch Fri (dd#1 is coming with us if she wants to).

    Did 1 hr of deep water workout today (Wed). Where IS the time going to??? I can't believe it's already June.

    My HRM gave up the ghost and looks like I'll have to get a new one. I'm thinking about the Polar FT7. I just want to know if you can view the stopwatch and your heartrate on the same screen. I may wind up having to call the mfgr. to get this info. Otherwise, it meets all my other requirements. Update: I can't find a phone number anywhere for the mfgr. I did post something to their forum, just hope someone answers me.

    Yesterday, Vince had this bad pain on his lower backside. See, a few years ago he fell and fractured some of his vertibrae. He was afraid this was related to the fractured vertibrae. We went to the MD today, and he feels it's bursitis. You know, Vince is getting more and more like his father every day. His father was of the opinion that you didn't need to be in any pain because there are pain meds. I remember when he was sick his routine was get up, eat breakfast, go to dialysis, come home, take a pain pill, go to bed, get up, have lunch, take a pain pill, go to bed, get up, have dinner, take a pain pill, go to bed. At one point I suggested that he needed to do some exercise -- even if it was just walking around the living room. I was told in no uncertain terms "I don't want to talk to you about exercise". Well, a month later his MD told him to exercise so I understand he started walking around his block. But too little too late, his muscles had already atrophied. You wouldn't believe Vince with this pain -- he wanted me to take him to the hosp, then when we had to wait for ds to come home, Vince wanted me to call an ambulance! By the time the ambulance could have gotten here, ds would have been here and we'd be on our way to the hospital. Fortunately, the pain just stopped.

    Donna - I'm like you in that I hate throwing away food. Yet, I know that I shouldn't have it. So what I do is I donate it to the local food shelter. Another thought - can you freeze some of it for a later date when you need to bring something somewhere?

    Did Jillian Michael's 30 day shred today (Thurs), all 3 levels. I found that I fast forward thru the cool down on levels 1 & 2 and just do it for level 3. Took me a about 1hr 15min. If I need to do less time, maybe I'll just do levels 2 and 3. Think tomorrow I'll do Leslie Sansone's 5 mile walk.

    Oh, I went to see Menopause the Musical (twice, in fact!) The first time I saw it, even tho a friend loaned me the CD so I knew what was coming, I STILL had tears of laughter running down my cheeks. I took a friend of mine with me the second time and she said she almost peed in her pants she was laughing so much!

    mimi - you know, there are still times when I want things like cookie (I ALWAYS want the dough) but I find also right now that just a little bit and I'm satisfied. That would never have happened before. I'd want 4 cookies, now I'm happy with just 1/2 of one. Wow! I just wish that when we go out to eat to other people's houses, they'd have fewer snacks/desserts and more and more fruits/veges/chicken/fish

    tiarapants - you know something, most times hard times makes us stronger, and I can tell you are very strong.

    We took PJ back to the vet who did the surgery. His bp is a bit on the low side -- 80 whereas it should be around 120. Last Fri when he had the staples (all 22 of them) removed he was 9lb 10oz. Today he was 9lb about 1oz. I know the scales are different, weighing in at different time of day, but in my heart I think he's losing weight. They took blood and will see how his white cell count is. It appears he has some sort of respiratory infection. The vet didn't say anything about his lungs, so I'm assuming they're OK. He's still getting around, slowly but surely. He's content. I know he'd like to jump up on the sofa and bed, but he just can't make it. He is losing his hearing.

    Went out to lunch today with the Newcomers. I had a grilled chicken breast, asked them to put the sauce on the side, no bread, and my side was fruit. For dinner I had a turkey burger, some green beans and sweet potato. Then I made a banana bread for friends who are coming here tomorrow night and, of course, I had to try some of the batter. Then I iced a cake for dd#1's bf's btdy. I made it in the shape of a musical note, but I did have some of the malted milk balls and icing. Oh well, I know I didn't have that much. This is the reason why I don't add in my exercise calories, at least in my heart I know that I compensated.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good evening ladies! Miss one morning and WOW what a lot of posts to catch up on!

    Waa! My wii fit plus tells me I didn't check in yesterday but I know I did! I even remember approximately how much it told me I lost yesterday. Was getting close to the "every day for six months" mark and was looking forward to see what it would do. Now I won't know til next December. WAAAAHHHHH!:sad: :sad: :sad:

    It's raining here in the desert again!:grumble: Had to get new wiperblades. The last two days we've had high humidity, it's felt like in the 90 percents. Crazy. Average rainfall here is 11 inches per YEAR, think we got that last week. :explode: Somebody please send us back the blue skies and sun!

    Does anyone know how long it takes the body to get rid of excess salt? 24 hrs? More? Less?
    I feel lbs and £'s lighter tonight!!:tongue: Definitely £'s anyway!
    -Jackie, you always make me smile. :flowerforyou: Great news about #1 son's new job. Fingers crossed! You HAVE to have ice cream when taking pain killers, its in the rx. ;) How long has it been since your sister's been with your mother?:brokenheart: Very glad she'll make the care meeting. Cleaning calories DO count (thank goodness). Tomorrow's my weigh-in day and I'll be lucky not to have gained. Wonder how many calories and fat grams we'd have to log for eating our hats?
    -Robin WOW:drinker: I TRIED to move one (1) concrete block, couldn't carry it twelve feet without a rest! YOU have made yourself STRONG!
    -Viv loved the lamb story! Brave girl to do guttnbutt in the evening, If I don't knock it out first thing in the morning it just doesn't happen! :noway:
    -Faye "self-loathing" are you listening in on my thoughts?:ohwell: Getting the head straight is hard for me too, but I have to believe like Barb, that it's a process, just like increasing activity and choosing to eat healthily. All 3 work together and get easier the more we do them. Its working for you, you blood pressure is 15 points lower, you ARE a success. Great pep talk, thanks for sharing!
    -Barbie are you enjoying the yoga? Me, I wish the Nintendo would come up with a Yoga GAME instead of that boring green yoga studio session.:tongue:
    -Mimi, I'm with your grandson. When I was a little girl my folks took me to a Japanese restaurant where the diners selected the fish swimming in the aquarium, waitstaff took it out, cooked it, brought it back to our table to eat, whole. :sick: Haven't been able to eat fish since. Thanks for the tip about roasted veggies, sound yummy! Will make some this weekend.
    -Tiarapants WOW what a story and great tagline. :flowerforyou: You're right, Life IS getting better every day, thnaks for the reminder to live it.
    -Terri, I will always want something to eat before bed. :bigsmile: Find that a cup of Cheerios and a banana satisfies the sweet craving and sends me right off to sleep. Just have to make sure its in the plan for the day! ;) Changed my food diary to make 5 "Meals" that match my eating times better: 5-9am, 9am-1pm, 1-5pm, 5-9pm, after 9pm.
    -BirdieM 3 inches WOW! Sorry about you back injury,:cry: are still able to work?
    -Rose, you've sure got a full plate. DD's gonna have to find another sitter, maybe she'd like to help you with DH? :wink:
    -Donna All those other things (housework, laundry, exercise) don't sound like much fun. Give them all a rest and go play Zumba! :laugh:
    -Laura What you're going through is tough. :flowerforyou: Can you take a little break before tackling any more stuff?
    -Barb-3 miles with bag of dog inevitability caught on the luggage rack? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm laughing so hard I'm hiccuping and snorting my tea. Sounds like something I'd do, but the bag would probably rip and "do" the door handle.
    -Jcrowe0317 20 miles a week? Impressive! Can't imagine me running, really running, even one mile... :noway: does 0317 refer to you birthday, were you a St. Paddy's day baby?
    -Robin, Maybe Barbie could work her magic on your laptop?:heart: If not, fingers crossed that its a cheap and easy fix.
    -Wishful, .7 mile of dirt road in 15 mins is GREAT! Hope there's some nice scenery and smells to go with it. :bigsmile:
    -Jeannie, the image of your laptop chasing your dog through the house did me in. :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh: There's tea sprayed all over my computer screen thanks to you, Jackie and Barb! Just hope it's not enough to short it out!
    -Michele, Sorry for Vince's pain, but... Why is it our menfolk won't listen to us,:noway: but do listen to their brothers/drs/buddies? Sooo frustrating. I'm still in awe of your exercise regimes. Sending warm thoughts to PJ. Will watch for Menopause the Musical to return, it sounds like a real hoot!
    Welcome balance9,dansdeb, Jcrowe0317, mazza53, Annalisa and all other newbies that I missed. Blame the tea-spotted glasses.

    Gratitudes 1-Flush toilets, 2-interesting, honest work that doesn't make me sick, 3-Jeannie for sharing the core rehab exercises and motivation, 4-the smell of roses picked fresh from my chiropractor's yard, 5-DH Joe who has walked the dogs every week day since the last time I broke my wrist.

    Gutt'n'butt, 2nd try, day 3, oh yeah I'm feelin' it today.

    Count me another GB :yawn:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Barbara/auntiebk--

    Glad my story gave you a giggle. I wish that was NOT the only thing that happened to me on Thursday.

    Remember how I mentioned it was going to start raining again after 6p? So I was out running around until about 2 pm, and it was a little cloudy, but the sun accidentally came out every now and then. I LOVE my Toyota's sunroof.....so need I say more.

    If you are a brighter bulb than I am, you may already know what happened...... That's right. I came home, left the damn sunroof open about 1/2 way,:noway: :noway: :angry: and when I came out at 7:15 to go pick up Pepper from the vet, I had wet seats, There was a newspaper on the passenger seat, so that was fortunate. I didn't realize how wet my cloth driver's seat was, however, until I was already underway. It is fortunate that I was wearing black slacks so the dampness on my backside was not obvious!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Hmmmm, I was thinking about getting my upholstery shampooed. Maybe I should just throw some soap in there tomorrow and leave the roof open!!!:huh: :huh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Poor little Pepper is settled in for the night. I hope he stays that way. Sometimes after teeth cleaning, there can be some discomfort. And since he had a tooth pulled, there could be more than usual.

    Well, I should be in bed...so that is where I am going. After the misadventures of Thursday, that is probably the safest place for me!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    What a great group this is! I'm really loving all the stories.

    I'm still feeling young and lively today, so I'm going to try and make the most of it. The sun is shining here, so I'm off to the park shortly to take a walk around the lakes.

    Have a good and healthy day everyone xx
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Wow you have to read these posts every hour just to keep up. I read as much as I could so will not respond to each. Congrats on losses and keep up good work. Those struggling just get back on track. you can do it.
    Yesterday was a bittersweet day. We had plans for 13 of us to go to eat and go see Sex and The City. It was a late birthday celebration for me. My daughters, DIL, Sister, Godchild and friends. DIL had to cancel at last minute to visit a friend in the hospital. While we were eating supper and have a really fun time we got a facebook that the friend had died. She was my DIL's best friend and DIL was godmother to her two children. She was 33 years old and died from complications from pneumonia and was septic so organs just kept failing. I taught the two children in pre school and we have seen them all at most family gatherings and birthdays. It is so sad. I truly believe Melanie is at peace now but I so hurt for the children, her mother and my DIL. Your prayers for the families are welcome. We did go on to the movie and it was wonderful. Have a great day ladies.
    Vicki M
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    While we were eating supper and have a really fun time we got a facebook that the friend had died. She was my DIL's best friend and DIL was godmother to her two children. She was 33 years old and died from complications from pneumonia and was septic so organs just kept failing. I taught the two children in pre school and we have seen them all at most family gatherings and birthdays. It is so sad. I truly believe Melanie is at peace now but I so hurt for the children, her mother and my DIL. Your prayers for the families are welcome.
    Vicki M

    How very sad!:cry: It is a very difficult thing to go through!:brokenheart: But I can see, looking back at my own situation (when my husband died suddenly leaving me with 3 daughters 4, 7 & 10 years old), adversity can make for great strength. :flowerforyou: My daughters, now 35, 32 & 29 years old, are some of the most faithfilled, independant women I have ever met...and have such incredible backbone! :flowerforyou: I am sure that many prayers were said for them:love: and so I will do the same for your DIL & her friend's family.:heart: It is still so incredibly sad to see a family go through this.:cry: Stay strong for her.:wink:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member

    -Barbie are you enjoying the yoga? Me, I wish the Nintendo would come up with a Yoga GAME instead of that boring green yoga studio session.:tongue:

    When I started yoga I didn't enjoy it.....I started because it was recommended by some of my weight loss heroes on MFP....I love fast stuff.......in time I noticed the stretching benefits and the strength benefits.........having done yoga regularly now, it was easier for me to do the "Gut 'N' Butt" exercises slowly because of what I learned in yoga.....i have Rodney Yee DVDs and I love his voice and instruction.
  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    I’m a bit behind on posting as having a house guest takes away from the ‘me’ time – boy, have I ever got use to doing what I want, when I want. Selfish much!! :noway: Still I think my FIL has enjoyed having company this last week – he misses his wife so that’s an issue, but she’s in long-term care and he hasn’t quite come to grips with the fact she’s not coming home (she has Huntington’s so she needs lots of care now, more than they can give at the place where he is) but I’ve taken him to visit old friends and cousins he hasn’t seen in years, so that has been good. Besides sometime just being listened to, is all that’s wanted.:smile:

    So Donna I know how you feel about "me" time! Honestly I’m good for about 4 days if they’re lucky :tongue: so it’s got to be harder when you don’t have the smoke break to fall back on but don’t let it discourage you! :flowerforyou: Grab a book and head to the bathroom, laundry, basement for a time out (last Christmas when the family came to stay I spent hours in the basement ‘wrapping’ gifts! )

    Faye, your Wed. post struck such a chord with me – you’re so right, it’s so darn hard to do what we know we should do!! I too have got lazy or made excuses – I’d wager we all do - and I’m thinking that the trick is to learn new habits but after a lifetime of eating one way it’s really very difficult to do! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I guess we just have to keep trying! :ohwell:

    Rebel – crossing my fingers for a gorgeous June day for the wedding – have a grand time! :flowerforyou:

    Vicki – my thoughts and prayers are with you, your DIL and her friend’s family. It's always so very sad to hear these things. :brokenheart: We experienced a similar situation last Nov. when my DS best friend and her six month old baby (my DS godchild) were killed in a seaplane accident. Life takes terrible turns sometimes, but my sister has made it a priority to be part of her friends surviving daughter’s life – nice for both of them in a horrible situation.

    Well, this week is a perfect example for me and my excuses: all through May I was ‘good’ and didn’t buy the cookies, cook the huge pots of rice, enjoyed the veggies and I lost – briefly even saw 219.8 – but then, with my FIL here I bought him (my excuse) cookies and yep, I’ve eaten so many I had to go get him some more, cooked a starch with every meal which I ate, even though it wouldn’t have been that hard not to --- what’s with that I ask! Now I’m back up again and I’m mad at myself. :explode: :angry: : :grumble: :mad: But also :embarassed: I haven't recorded a single thing I've eaten all week and if I didn't know it to be the key to success before, I sure know it now!!

    Ah well, I’ll cut myself some slack as today is a new start – I’m officially 50 and my goal for the year ahead is to be 51 lbs lighter by 51– better hold me to that ladies! :laugh: :laugh: I am determined as actually I’d like to see 80 lbs lighter by Sep 2011 when I really get to walk the walk! We all have so many things to live for and to be grateful for (thanks Barbiecat for reminding me of that; I’ve started reviewing my list in my head before I fall asleep). This year my birthday wish is for each and every one of us is to achieve our goals. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Yahoo! We all rock - as the saying goes! :laugh: :laugh:
    Have a happy day everyone!
    :drinker: Cheers, Cathy

    (sorry, had to edit for dreadful spelling - now where did I put those glasses?!?)
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Vicki, my heart goes out to you, your DIL, and her friend's family, particularly the kids. That is so sad. I'm glad Birdie had a similar experience to relate that had a happy ending. The pain now must be almost too much.

    Barbie, I'll have to give Rodney Yee a try.

    I'm off for a Dr. appt this morning. First one in a year - or two. I have my list of questions! I usually worry going in and feel better coming out. Hopefully, that will be the case this time.

    I'll be babysitting again after the appt. Kate is (as I think our British cousins would say!) a proper miss. She's going through a growth spurt and is just miserable - for herself and for us. She screamed for 15 minutes yesterday because she didn't want to say "Please." Wish me luck.