

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Mary - have a great time camping. Is it tent camping or popup?

    Welcome BJB! Wow, that's impressive how you lost those dress sizes! Welcome, Gail! No, there's nothing you are "supposed" to do. Well, I take that back. There IS one thing -- have a good time! And tiarapants -- what an interesting name. Is there a story behind that name? Can't forget mermaid, either. Welcome!

    Yes, it feels very good to taste the "old" stuff and find that I'd really prefer the "healthy" foods. The biggest problem seems to be that most people want the "old" stuff -- the hot dogs, the macaroni salad, the hamburgers, and don't forget the pickles (I passed on them, just thought of all the sodium) and ketchup and other condiments. It almost seems that if I don't bring something that I'll eat, there's almost nothing that I'd like to eat. Well, I guess it COULD be worse. Now, don't ask me to explain this, but today the WiiFit says that I LOST 2 lbs. I'm thinking that it's because I got a decent amount of sleep last night. The night before I was up because Vince got home from the race late.

    Jackie - I feel 39! I just don't talk about the days when I feel 69.

    This a.m. I had steel cut oats mixed with some Activia, and then had some chicken. It must be all the protein in the chicken because I'm not hungry at all, and it's almost 3:00

    Going to post to mark the spot. Hope everyone has a great day!

  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    June goals, h-m-m-m.
    Now that school is out, I'm trying to regroup and relose the weight that I gained this spring. So, I plan(not hope!) to lose 3-4 pounds, eat lots of fresh vegetables and grilled foods, and exercise daily(even if it's only for a little while).
    It's good to be back.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy JUNE everyone and especially welcome to the newcomers! The more the merrier especially on this journey. My posts opened up funny too, although I tried to read them all. It is inspiring to read what everyone is planning to do this month!

    My May goal was to lose 3 pounds: Lost only 2 and gained one of them back last night it seems
    I DID keep with the Gut N Butt challenge (as well as my Shred video every other day) and my measurements at least were rewarding. I lost 1 inch off the Butt (MUCH NEEDED) and 1 inch off each upper thigh. My waist appears to be the same but I didn't measure except one place and think I should have measured more because my clothing is certainly looser in the middle...A VERY good thing!
    SO....results on the scale were not too fantastic but I think I look better and my clothing certainly fits better, so all in all...a good month!

    I look forward to having time to reply more to everyone next time I log on. For now, I need to go clean and do more loads of laundry to catch up after the busy weekend. The start of a new month is very hopeful isn't it? Take care all:heart::heart:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I put my June goals in my siggy. I have been kind of discouraged with my calf injury. It's really been impacting my workouts and stressing me out because I feel like I'm falling farther and farther behind in my training. I keep thinking about the Ironman in Nov. and how I won't be ready, if I keep going on like this.

    So I talked to my coach and we agreed that instead of doing the Half-ironman at the end of July, I'd do a Full AquaBike which is being held the same day on the same course. This means instead of doing 70.3 miles of swimming, biking & running, I'll be doing 114.4 miles of swimming (2.4 mi) and biking (112) only.

    I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders by making this decision and I'm excited about my training again.

    I don't have to worry about training my run for at least two months, but I will be training my swim and bike in a forward direction instead of stagnating.

    Since I've already done a Half-ironman and on a tougher course, I felt like training for the Half-ironman without running would be going backwards but training to do the whole thing with running wouldn't let me heal my calf properly. But this way I will have done the swim and bike part of the Ironman and will have 3.5 months to bring my running up to par with with the swimming and biking. I think that's very doable.

    Hopefully that made sense. I tried not to use too much triathlon jargon. :laugh:

    On and later today I am going to a "shopping party" that benefits Team in Training and I'll be able to spend money on sports equipment and not feel guilty because it's for a good cause! :flowerforyou:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I am new to MFP - Started May 17th and have lost six pounds this month. and 21 pounds since I retired. I'm 61 years old For me, its a family affair. My older brother, his wife, his daughters and my sister are all on MFP now. We are cheering eachother on.

    In May, I stayed within my calories, drank my water, logged daily,and exercised at least 3 times a week. I added strength training last week. For June, I've set goals as follows: log daily, stay within calories, drink water, use strength training equipment at the Y at 3 times a week, aerobic exercise at least 3 times a week.

    Welcome Anne! That's wonderful!! :flowerforyou: I am 62 and live in RI, so we aren't that far from each other.:laugh: I have also recommended this site to many of MY family!
    Great to have you aboard!:happy:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    Yes, it feels very good to taste the "old" stuff and find that I'd really prefer the "healthy" foods. The biggest problem seems to be that most people want the "old" stuff -- the hot dogs, the macaroni salad, the hamburgers, and don't forget the pickles (I passed on them, just thought of all the sodium) and ketchup and other condiments. It almost seems that if I don't bring something that I'll eat, there's almost nothing that I'd like to eat. Michele

    I agree! Have you heard the latest combination pizza??? Macaroni and cheese on top of a pizza! Yuck!!! :noway: :noway:
    Yesterday my hubby and I went to the the beach and wanted to stop at a particulat restaurant on the way home. They didn't have any tables, so we left and went by an ice cream place. Now they make homemade icecream to die for....but...I told him I really wanted some fish with steamed veggies...so we went back to the restaurant and waited for a table. Kind of blows my mind as before I would have wanted both!!!!!:laugh:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Posting to get this new month in my topics.

    Newbies, welcome. This is a great group.

    Caught up on reading, good to hear what all have been up to but NO WAY can I reply specifically-don't have that many years left!!:noway: :huh: :laugh:

    May ended with a thud. Although I did get back down to my lowest weight during the month, "life" and poor choices intervened and I "found" 4 pounds that I swore were lost "forever." Even though I am not working right now, it seems impossible to get anything accomplished, and I am so sick of the weather I could SCREAM. We managed a semi-sunny afternoon on Monday, but this afternoon, we are supposed to get dumped on again.

    I did manage to arrange to avoid one thing I was not looking forward to doing. In order to get my ins license more quickly, I was going to drive round trip 200 miles to our state capitol to get the processing done in person, and had tried to arrange to meet a friend from further north of there for lunch. He isn't able to go on the day I decided to make the trip, so I mentioned this to my other good friend, who recently was licensed and had made the trip up there a couple of weeks ago. She had the idea that we could go up together and a friend of hers, whom she missed on her last trip, could meet us.

    This morning, I got up and had a brilliant idea, since I don't personally have to be present to get the license processed, I could offer to pay for her gas and SHE can go up there and do it for me. I called and suggested it and she agreed, so I don't have to do that, at least, on Thursday.

    I have a lot to do today and can't seem to get started, so I need to get out of my chair and off the pc to salvage what is left of the afternoon.

    Probably will be doing more "lurking" in next few days than I have been.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Evening everyone

    1st of June and it has rained almost non stop today, so much for “flaming June” :noway:

    :flowerforyou: Mary have a great time camping, hope the weather is good for you and no tornadoes. Enjoy your steak and Happy Anniversary for tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Lianne, BJB Gail Mermaid2010 and AnnePDixon this is a great group.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome also Tiarapants 12lbs lost in May wow that’s really good, I am struggling to lose 3lbs in one Month. I love your goal to never sit on the couch for longer than half an hour at a time. I think I might add that one to my ticker. Barbie I have just read your post too about not spending more than an hour at the computer. That’s also a good one, but I have been on almost an hour now just reading all the posts and making notes and I haven’t even entered my food yet. So I think I will find that one hard to keep.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jackie You must be having similar weather in North Wales to us here in Yorkshire. Hope June is a better month for you weather wise and weight wise (and for me too!)

    :flowerforyou: Barbara I was also a flopper with the Gut and Butt challenge, :frown: but I am going to TRY and do it everyday in June I’ll add that to my ticker too. By the way what is Lenten Lifestyle?

    :flowerforyou: Cathy Happy Birthday for Friday

    My May Goals were To lose 3lbs and keep it off. Think I met this one. Go to bed before 11:30 Met this one most nights. DRINK MORE WATER failed with this one Do a workout at least once a week failed big time with this one don’t think I did one work out the whole of May.:embarassed: Weigh in every Saturday Met this one.

    :smile: I’ve added my June goals and I hope this is the month I get my act together and start to exercise. I have found some great exercise videos on youtube and also on another fitness website I just lack motivation at the moment. I know it is no good me just watching the videos I have to actually do them to get the benefit.

    Well I have been on the PC for over an hour now, so I’d better say goodnight. :yawn: :yawn:

  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hi everyone....Happy June to all of you:smile:

    MY annual check up went really well today. Dr. G. was pleased with my weight loss and the fact that I am exercising regularly. I owe this discipline and determination to mfp and all the support and inspiration I get here. Thank you for encouraging me every day and helping me do something for myself that I couldn't seem to do alone. :bigsmile: It's so good to be a part of this group effort to do better and be better!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I WILL drink more water!

    Mimi: I AM using a different scale since getting back. Plus I checked sodium for the last week and a couple of days I used 3 times what was recommended. I don't think the salt is the culprit. Now that I can blame the scale, I'll see about getting it recalibrated or turf it and get a new, reliable one. The scale at Dr. G's office was accurate ( I believe) and didn't shaw the extra 5 pounds:bigsmile:

    Robin, you're such an inspiration to get moving even more!

    myny: See? you're doing it! Posting daily and watching calories. Way to go!

    Hi Rebel, and Weaklink and Kackie! I'm going to read all the new posts this evening and catch up on the news!

    Have a good evening:flowerforyou: ainslieglen
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hi everyone....Happy June to all of you:smile:

    MY annual check up went really well today. Dr. G. was pleased with my weight loss and the fact that I am exercising regularly. I owe this discipline and determination to mfp and all the support and inspiration I get here. Thank you for encouraging me every day and helping me do something for myself that I couldn't seem to do alone. :bigsmile: It's so good to be a part of this group effort to do better and be better!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I WILL drink more water!

    Mimi: I AM using a different scale since getting back. Plus I checked sodium for the last week and a couple of days I used 3 times what was recommended. I don't think the salt is the culprit. Now that I can blame the scale, I'll see about getting it recalibrated or turf it and get a new, reliable one. The scale at Dr. G's office was accurate ( I believe) and didn't shaw the extra 5 pounds:bigsmile:

    Robin, you're such an inspiration to get moving even more!

    myny: See? you're doing it! Posting daily and watching calories. Way to go!

    Hi Rebel, and Weaklink and Kackie! I'm going to read all the new posts this evening and catch up on the news!

    Have a good evening:flowerforyou: ainslieglen
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    bumping for 2morrow.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Can someone refer me to the place where the gut and butt challenge was listed? I'd like to join in for June. I just took my measurements and ummmm, let's just say they could use some additional work. :noway: That was no news to me or my mirror but the cold hard facts are, well just that!

    And that pound I thought I might have lost? apparently I did. Another one bites the dust :wink: \

    May we all lose one or two this week!

  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Faye..........This is a copy:

    Thu 05/20/10 10:55 AM Good morning Viv, Kackie, Kathy(pmjsmom) and any others who'd like to take on the gut'n'butt challenge

    Starting NOW do Jeanine's daugher's core rehab program EVERY DAY.

    Measure gutt and butt TODAY

    Check in whenever you like

    Remeasure June 3 (14 days).

    Reevaluate and post if you like.

    Today was day 2 for me (and Jeanine), was surprised at how little time it took and how I felt like I was able to do them at least partially. When trying to do abs work I usually feel like I'm just lying down unable to move any body part up off the floor.

    Not sure yet, but there's a little "body awareness". Expect to be really aware tomorrow, but I'll persist!

    For any who missed 'em, here are the excercises.
    Jeanine's DD has gone down 3 sizes to a size 8 since March 15, all while recovering from surgery. Now that's what I call inspiring!

    Topic: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR MAY Tue 05/18/10 04:31 PM Laura - here is my DD's core rehab program:

    Marching - lie on your back lower level is just raise each leg so that it is parallel with the floor. 10 raises each leg
    When you get to where you can do 30 easily, start extending each leg after you raise it, then pull it back and down. The trick is to go slow.

    Abdominal curls - lie on your back with legs bent, feet on the floor. Hands behind your ears, elbows out. Curl up getting your shoulders off the floor. 10 time, again get up to 30. This one never changes.

    Side Planks with bent knees - Lie on your side up on your elbow, upper hand on side. Legs bent back at the knees, make sure your body is in a straight line. Raise your hips off the ground. Start with 5 on each side and get up to 30. It never gets over 30.

    The exercises are done every day for 10 weeks then 3 times a week.

    Pretty easy and quick, but it sure made a difference.


    Edited by auntiebk on Thu 05/20/10 10:57 AM

    I copied and pasted it for you. It is on the first may topic, page 18
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    I just went back and found Jeannie's original message about the exercises her daughter did after surgery.........some of us are using these exercises.......I call it the "Gut 'N' Butt" challenge and am trying to do these every day.........some people are making a real challenge and have measured at the beginning and are measuring weekly (or at some regular interval)

    enjoy :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    There has been an interest in another forum on the ab exercises my DD is doing as part of her recovery from hip surgery. So, I thought I'd copy them in here in case there is any interest.

    Pelvic lifts -
    Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor, arms at your side palms down. Lift your pelvis up in the air as high as it will go, hold up to 5 seconds and lower. Do this 10 times, when it gets easy add in another set of 10, then up to 2 sets of 10 for 30 total. It took Anna several weeks to get up to 30. This never goes above 30.

    Abdominal curls -
    Same position as above except your arms are bent so that your hands are touching your ears. Curl up getting your shoulders off the ground. What ever you get when you curl up is fine. Don't use your momentum to swing up. It is just your shoulders and head that curl up. Again, start with 10, get up to 30, but don't go over 30.

    Marching -
    Same position as Pelvic Lifts. Lift one leg at a time so that your calf is parallel with the floor. 10 lifts each leg. When you get to where 30 repetitions are easy, start extending your leg, pulling it back and putting it down. This also never gets over 30 at the higher level.

    Side planks -
    Lie on your side, legs bent at knee, keeping a straight line with your body. You are up on your elbow. Upper hand on your hip. Lift your hip off the ground as high as you can and hold up to 5 seconds. Lower down. Start with 5 on each side. As it gets easier, add in more repetitions until you get to 30 each side.

    Remember - these exercises are for people recovering from extensive surgery and are all designed to be done slowly so that the abs are engaged and you don't use other muscle groups to compensate.

    She did them every day for 10 weeks building the reps up to 30 for each exercise before she dropped to 3 times a week. She went from a size 14 before the surgery to a size 8 (which she was flaunting in my face over the weekend) but only lost 2 pounds. She was not on a diet and doing about 40 minutes a day on a stationary bike at the lowest level and relatively slowly. Like not even breaking a sweat. She is 15 years old.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Thank you Donna and Barbie. After reading both replies I think I've got it!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I managed to get myself fingerprinted today--a requirement for ins license, and I went on a shopping expedition for a new laptop, as I have decided, I don't want to take the one with all my personal info out in to the cold cruel world on a regular basis.

    I found a good buy at Officemax--thanks to their Memorial Day ad--and found that when you buy a computer from them, they will discount up to $60 off of a printer purchased at the same time. They have a mobile hp printer--just what I need for printing illustrations and quotes on site--and it is already on sale for $100 off, so by the time I apply the other discount, I will get it for 50% off.:drinker: :drinker: I put the laptop I chose on hold and will go pick it up tomorrow.

    I also decided to figure into my available calories today and have a Burgerville Classic Hamburger w/very little mayo, a little ketchup, and lettuce, and tomato. To those of you not from my area, Burgerville is a regional chain that uses only grass/range fed beef, and they recently started posting their nutritional info on their receipts, which is handy. They have had the info on their website for some time. I have been pining away for one of their burgers for a couple of weeks, and decided, the urge wasn't going away until I did something for it. It was very satisfying, and because of other choices made today will not put my food diary into a tailspin!!:bigsmile:

    To those of you doing the G & B challenge. I wish you well. I am not at a point where it would be realistic for me to start on that right now.

    As for the weather, the rain has arrived, as promised on the noon news. :ohwell: :grumble:

    Have a good night, all.


    Edit: Remembered it is time to update my goals for June, so a word about May "May Goals: Exercise 6 days a week. Lose 12 lbs. by May 31st. Down 60 lbs. by Memorial Day, 2010" I didn't manage the exercise goal, thanks to our miserable weather. I definitely didn't make my Memorial Day goal, so all in all, as I said in my earlier post, "May ended with a "thud"--guess it was me falling on my ****:blushing: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Welcome to June. I will put my goals on my tikcer if I can figure it out again. Each month it takes me a while. I like the butt and gutt idea. I read the exercises and they seem very familiar. When I had my first child my ob doctore gave me a paper with exercises that I could do right after I got home. They were very simple and I could do most of them in bed. I did them faithfully and they were awesome. I was wearing my street clothes right after he was born. I kept this for many years but lost it. I am going to try these.
    I ate well again and got my exercise in. I am really enjoying the pool. Did not get to go as long as I wanted. Spent most of day with Heather, Emma, and Byron. Was supposed to take Emma swimming but she got punished by sassing and making faces at her mom, so I did not have the heart to go until she left. I told her to be good so I could take her tomorrow. We did get to gym again. I have been weighing each day and it is working for me so far. I have a sodium question.. I changed my diary to reflect the sodium just to see. I do not add salt to anything and do not like salty foods so I really never worried about sodium. My question is: Is some okay like some sugar like in fruit. Just wondering cause I am so shocked at amount of sodium in some foods. My cheerios have 200 in a bowl. Why do they have sodium in cereal. I have stayed under the 2500 so far but was just wondering about this.
    Hope you all have a good night and day tomorrow.
    Vicki M
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    My question is: Is some okay like some sugar like in fruit. Just wondering cause I am so shocked at amount of sodium in some foods. My cheerios have 200 in a bowl. Why do they have sodium in cereal. I have stayed under the 2500 so far but was just wondering about this.
    Hope you all have a good night and day tomorrow.
    Vicki M

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, Even heart healthy diets and high blood pressure diets don't restrict sodium below 1200-1500 mg a day..........MFP suggests a higher level and most people consume much more than that.......sodium is necessary for body function......if you stay away from overly processed foods and don't add salt at the table, you'll have no trouble staying at a healthy level.

    :flowerforyou: the gut and butt exercises remind me of some easy pilates moves and some beginner yoga :bigsmile: :bigsmile: all good stuff...getting out the mat and lying down is the hardest part for me:laugh: :laugh:
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Wow lots of posts in just one day. I was home today as it is a furlough day at the university where I work. One of my June goals is to take my dogs for a dog trot/bike ride each day so I am off to a good June start. I am unable to go for walks due to my knee so the bike and the dogs are a great solution to my bad knee. I am getting it replaced at the end of the year. I also had a wonderful workout with my Wii AC Active. I must find creative ways to burn calories so that's what is working for me for now. Thanks for all of your shares. Keeps me motivated and openminded. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Drinking the last of my water and then off to bed in a bit.:drinker: :drinker: :glasses:

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    1st of June and it has rained almost non stop today, so much for “flaming June” :noway:
    We have "June Gloom" and I hate it.