

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I had a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy.
    Hey, me too! But back in Sept '08. Best decision I ever made. I just wish it had been a option years ago and also that I'd been in the right head space to take advantage of it.
    Ooh, it's good to know someone who is further down the line than I am. Looks like you have done brilliantly too. Good job! xx
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Michelle - Your saga with Vince got to me. It is so hard to watch people do slow harm to themselves. There is no advice or words of wisdom as the problems are Vince's, not yours and it doesn't sound like he is listening to any advice from anyone. Hang in there. Jeannie
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hi everyone!

    Been reading posts for a couple of hours now. What an interesting group of ladies to be a part of:bigsmile:

    Kackie: if you have time, please send me a message about the Gut and Butt challenge, both my gut and butt need challenging!

    Barb (weaklink): Love your story about the "Doggie Bag":laugh: BTW, this soggy weather is almost enough to send me running to the nearest Mars Bar!:tongue:

    Jackie: Latino music is the best exercise motivator I know! It sure fires up the blood:explode: Also, Chaz is a beautiful cat.

    Donna: My hat is off to you for being able to quit smoking:smile: It takes a lot of willpower. I've been a smoker forever, and at my Dr's appointment this week he asked me about it ( again). I told him it's really tough to quit because I'm so damn good at it.::smokin:

    Renny: I see a bit of sun and blue sky here this am. Hope it holds up for the wedding:smile:

    Mimi: The sight of applause on the screen for effort attempted is really sweet:happy: I've gone back to my ticker and reset it to reflect pounds lost rather than pounds to go. I think it;s more encouraging to see how far you've come instead of how far there is to go.For me, anyway. I still have 28 pounds to get to goal weight, but would rather see what I've lost while getting there:bigsmile: . Good luck at your appt. today:smile:

    Robin: Hi to you and Bodi :smile:

    Vickim: I'm so sorry to hear about your dil's friend. My heart goes out to the family and your dil.

    I'm off now to get on with the rest of the day. Hug for everyone:flowerforyou: ainslieglen
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone ...

    :glasses: Wallowing in the fact that we've had another sunny,warm day today!!
    :happy: And...I didn't have to eat any kind of headwear today ...the scales were good this morning. I am not, however, putting the weight loss down, as last time it zoomed backed plus 2 lbsfor spite!! I'll wait 'til I'm certain it's not a fluke.

    Today ....I've done more "Dust" cleaning....boy ,it gets everywhere!! Cleaning duly logged plus all food.
    BBQ griddled fresh sardines ..I was suprised how many calories but never mind. I didn't have the potato salad or garlic bread. DH happily munched the lot. I did succumb to the glass of wine though but am still in my calories.

    :heart: I do enjoy reading all your tales ...happy or not . This group is so varied ...where else can you gather together such an amazing bunch of ladies? I think you seem to beat "Citizens Advice" and "Samaritans" into 2nd place!!

    Afternoon Visiting time today found Mum sitting up in bed like "Lady Muck" - it was hot so the nurses put her to bed for a rest and to cool down. To get her to eat we've been taking in little fruit pots and treats...she's quite happy to be fed - mouth opening just like a baby bird...Bless! According to my spy in the camp, although she's quiet and whispery with us, she finds her voice when we're not there. She was never slow in coming forward! apparently she hasn't lost that!
    It has been about 6 months since my sister has seen Mum ....such a difference from then. :angry: Dementia is such an awful ,cruel disease. Only good thing is , I suppose, now mum doesn't know how she is.

    :flowerforyou: Things to be thankful for? ....
    I'm here ....chatting to you
    I have such a great family ...not in your face but there when needed.
    We're all healthy or have overcome our health issues
    DH and I feel strong enough to help my Mum
    I no longer have to "Work" ...can't believe it sometimes! Out of adversity came ..... retirement.
    We have a great house with a little garden "Haven"
    We ..if all goes well ...have holidays to look forward to. Loads of new friends to meet on our cruises.
    So ...reading through that list ....I have no reason to moan have I? I do think I am lucky.

    :happy: Heck ....What's a few pounds between friends?

    So ....we're off to light the chiminea and then to have a dip in the hot tub. Maybe some of those breast stoke arm exercises too.
    For all the newbies ...I do the exercises and DH does not do the breast stroking!!! Just thought I'd make that one clear!! :bigsmile:

    :heart: Jackie
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Hi, ho! Hi, ho! It's off to walk I go! It 's a scorcher here in GA. I'm planning to sautee squash and onions for supper. Yum!
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hey Mimi....

    Your Kate sounds like my grandniece, (5), little Ainslie. Boy is she vocal:devil: Only grandchild of my brother and SIL, lives next door to them and is a holy terror. On second thought NO other kid I know is like Ainslie.:angry: She's always PO'd about something ,and they kinda think it's cute:noway:

    Hope your Dr. visit was ok. I got a call from my Dr. to go back Monday:sad: At least I know I'm not pregnant:noway: Maybe I won a cholesterol challenge :laugh: Ainslieglen....Have a good weekend!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening, All, Just a quick hello for now. Went to a memorial service for a 49 year old man who has run the marina near us for 18 years. DH sees him all of the time since he is out in the boat so often. Anyway, he jumped off a sailboat late last Saturday night to swim a bit...friends were on the boat watching...and after a bit, he disappeared. They found his body 3-4 days later. So so sad and a reminder that we do not know how long we have and ANYthing can happen. The service was very well attended and I think his family was blown away by how many people he knew. He was alway happy, very easy-going, polite and helpful...and that, in itself, is a wonderful legacy.

    Anyway, it puts you in a reflective mood.

    Ainsleiglen: concerning the gut n butt exercises...go back a couple of pages of posts to June 1 and Donna cut and pasted Jeannie's original post about them and just under is Barbie's description, which helps clarify a bit further the "moves". GOOD luck! I do think they are good and we could all use some help in that area, I would guess!

    It is warm and humid here now so I went with a friend to the beach today and we brought a picnic and went for a walk and even a bit of a swim. A great way to spend a couple of hours in June!

    Have a great weekend all, and remember to count those blessings! I am doing it right now! I am here! :heart: kackie:heart:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    My Dr.’s visit (actually with a Physician's Asst) this morning was a mixed bag. The low blood pressure I was so pleased about seems to be associated with a slow heart rate :noway: , which started to change in January, right when I started MFP.

    At first, I thought the changes reflected all the lifestyle changes (which I’m still glad I made). Now it seems they’re related to the Rx I take to keep from having atrial fibrillation. I’ve been taking the Rx for 11 years, which is a long time. I hope I don’t have to make a change. The alternatives are not ideal. Urgh. :frown:

    I’m kind of wishing I had insurance to cover one of the ablation procedures that can “cure” the a-fib. They’re not perfect, but I’ve been reading a lot of good things about them. Makes me consider going back to work just for the insurance! :ohwell:


    Jackie, you’re a trooper for being there for your mom.

    Ainslieglen, I don’t know. I think my Kate and your Ainslie would have quite a contest! Ainslie sounds like a whipper snapper. Which my Kate definitely is!

    Hi Kackie. Thanks for the reminder to count my blessings.


    Let's see...I'm grateful for my family, friends, and MFP; for being in a whole different, and better, place in my approach to and outlook on life than I was just a few months ago; for the PA I saw this morning who greeted me with a hug; and for being here! Hmm. Pretty nice, overall! :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: a quick note to everyone who is struggling with calories, focus, exercise, etc..........you are still here which means that you haven't lost your focus or your commitment, you've just been on a bit of a detour.........the people who have lost their way are the ones who aren't posting, lurking, participating any more......keep coming back.....it will get better.

    :flowerforyou: I'm packed and ready to leave for Tacoma tomorrow morning before 6 AM for a day of line dance that will last until 10PM.......there are 15 of us going from here.....my two friends and I will be staying overnight and driving home on Sunday....I'm taking a lot of my own food so I won't be at the mercy of whatever snacks and goodies are being served.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    Hello everybody,

    what a neat group! really enjoyed reading all the posts and just wanted to say hi as a recent member. Hot and muggy here in TX. goal is to keep on my diet, taking it one day at a time. I am a retired postal survivor with one good disc left in my spine, which was my motivation for dropping the excess. Nice to meet every body--got quite a lift reading the posts. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I got on the cool project at work!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I got on the cool project at work!

    Congrats, MacMadame. I hope that means work atmosphere is improving for you. You had posted some frustration recently.

    I am too tired to do individual replies tonight, I have been running since noon and just got home at 9:45p. I had a HOA board meeting that included lunch at Applebee's. Then I took my dad to a physical therapy evaluation. After dropping him off, I went to another quick meeting, then caught up with my friend Thomy to hand off the printer cartridge that I had filled for her at Costco on Thursday while she was going to Olympia for me.

    At the board meeting, we are trying to drum up responses to a ballot issue that requires a 90% vote to pass, and we are now down to needing only 5 more votes to make that goal. Those remaining are mostly those who own a unit but live elsewhere. You would think after getting 4 letters stressing the importance of the vote and explaining the issue, that these people would VOTE and get it over with!! We are running into problems where we have outdated addresses because the people pay their HOA dues automatically and don't receive their statements because their address is out of date, therefore we can't mail them anything else. They fail to update telephone number data, also.

    We had a title company run address searches for the ones we were having trouble reaching and got some updated addresses, so after I met Thomy, I cruised by a nearby address, and amazingly found one of the "missing persons" and got him to sign a ballot and vote for the proposition, so now we need 4 more votes. There are about 3 more new addresses I have to visit, so I am hoping to get a least a couple of more. My fellow board members also have people to try and catch up with. We have to get this done by June 15th, so we are scrambling.

    After I collected the vote, I met a friend at Applebee's (same chain, different location) and tried to get her interested in MFP. After dinner, I stopped at Thomy's and got my insurance license paperwork, then I went on to the home of my dinner companion and gave her the MFP tour. I hope she joins us. She is posting on another website right now, but I think we are in a better place. Am I prejudiced? You bet!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    After I finished with her, I stopped at Office Depot to try and decide once an for all if I was going to go ahead with my plan to purchase my laptop for work now or wait another week or so. It was worth the trip. I confirmed that OfficeMAX had the better deal on combining a laptop purchase w/printer or all in one and getting a discount. In addition, the all in one that I planned to get was $20 less at Office Depot. Since O Max price matches, I was able to get the lower price, AND their $60 discount for bundling, plus the laptop was on sale, and I got discounts on paper and ink cartridges!! All in all, worth the drive to Portland to get all this tonight. Only problem was the repair work they are doing on northbound I-205, which resulted in me driving across the river at about 15 miles an hour, so it took me about 3 times as long to get home as it did to drive over there.:ohwell:

    I got home to find some doggies that were glad to see me. Pepper seems to be doing ok after his dental work. He seemed a little restless after dinner, so I gave him a pain pill and he has conked out on the ottoman for now. Bradley is parked next to me in the chair. Mai Li is passed out somewhere in the house.

    If you hear bad words coming from my part of the world tomorrow, it will be me cussing out my router. The last time I tried to add a pc to my network, it wouldn't accept the password, so I have a feeling I am going to be reinstalling everything tomorrow so I can gain access to the network for the new pc. It can be done, but it is a pain in the tushee.

    The weatherman is toying with us again, threatening us with:glasses: sunshine and 70's:glasses: :huh: --will believe it when I see it.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I have to quit for the night, so BFN :yawn:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning all (well, it's morning here - just after 7:30) I'm up early to take my husband to an exhibition that he's got a stand at (he's an author) and I'm feeling very noble as I even managed 15 mins on the treadmill whilst he was getting ready.

    Looks like it's going to be a lovely day here - hope it is where you are xx
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    I hope she joins us. She is posting on another website right now, but I think we are in a better place. Am I prejudiced? You bet!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I love MFP but I admit there is another site I post on, too! I've made some really good friends there and I would miss them if I left! Your friend can be a part of both groups--twice the support!:drinker:

    The weatherman is toying with us again, threatening us with:glasses: sunshine and 70's:glasses: :huh: --will believe it when I see it.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I have to quit for the night, so BFN :yawn:


    After rain yesterday morning we have had mostly sunshine (though no 70 degrees yet!). I see more sunshine today! YAY!:happy:

    I am doing pretty good. The scale is FINALLY moving back so my ticker will be right again soon. So far I am sticking to my June goals AND doing the Gut n' Butt most days.

    Welcome, newbies :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: you will enjoy this group.

    I'm working today so have to go. Hope to be back later.

    (My DD is SO tired of being pregnant!:laugh: Just wait 'til she finds out how it is with a newborn!)
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies
    Everyone must be busy on this Saturday morning. Kenneth and I got up early and went to the gym. I am using Heather's HRM and it makes a big difference. burned a lot of calories. Met an aquaintance I had not seen for a while and we got to talking while doing the ellipitical and before I knew it we had done 30 min. Then did my weights and 15 more on elliptical and then came home and after starting spaghetti for lunch I mowed front lawn and burned 300 cal. the self propel is out again so pushing burned a lot extra. Might be an all time high for calorie burn today. Still weighing each day and it is actually working for me. What a difference a mind set can make. We leave Wed for Nashville and I think Kenneth will be able to make it. he may have to fly out from there for his job but at least he gets to come for most of it. It is hot here but not too bad. showers every day cool things down. Hope it is not too bad in Nashville next week. Will post later.
    Vicki M
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Everyone must be very busy this weekend. Not a lot of posts since the last time I was one. But, I'm sure that will change as the day goes by. We sure do post alot.

    Elmct57 – “hot and muggy here in TX” – I started to sweat just thinking about how hot and muggy Texas can get. We are almost neighbors. I’m in New Mexico. We just get the hot.

    We are going to Colorado Springs tomorrow (kids and I) for a few days vacation and to visit some friends before they move to Missouri. I will have my laptop with me and plan to get on while we are travelling.

    Happy Saturday everyone!


    PS: My broom has disappeared. It's odd what disappears when teenagers are at home on their own. No one is owning up to knowing where it is.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    PS: My broom has disappeared. It's odd what disappears when teenagers are at home on their own. No one is owning up to knowing where it is.

    Maybe someone flew away on it?:huh: :noway: :wink: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Serious, have a great trip and a good visit w/your friends, Jeannie.

    My friend did sign up with MFP, and she sent me a friend request. I just sent her the link to our thread, so I will leave it up to her to drop in and introduce herself.

    I did get my haircolor put in this morning, so that task is done, but I have much more to do today: shopping for my mom, walking doggies, arguing with router to get new laptop attached to my network, laundry...and on Sunday, it appears I am to help my good friend Thomy do a "foil" on her hair. She is tight on money right now, and it is rather spendy to have foil done in a salon, so I am going to try my hand at helping her. She is a b-r-a-a-av-e woman!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


    So sorry to hear about your DIL's friend. How sad for her family, but I am glad they have supportive friends like your DIL to help them through. Have a good trip to Nashville.

    Well, gotta get a wiggle on, or the day will be over, but my list of things to do will not.:ohwell:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    PS: My broom has disappeared. It's odd what disappears when teenagers are at home on their own. No one is owning up to knowing where it is.

    Maybe someone flew away on it?:huh: :noway: :wink: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Serious, have a great trip and a good visit w/your friends, Jeannie.

    My friend did sign up with MFP, and she sent me a friend request. I just sent her the link to our thread, so I will leave it up to her to drop in and introduce herself.

    I did get my haircolor put in this morning, so that task is done, but I have much more to do today: shopping for my mom, walking doggies, arguing with router to get new laptop attached to my network, laundry...and on Sunday, it appears I am to help my good friend Thomy do a "foil" on her hair. She is tight on money right now, and it is rather spendy to have foil done in a salon, so I am going to try my hand at helping her. She is a b-r-a-a-av-e woman!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


    So sorry to hear about your DIL's friend. How sad for her family, but I am glad they have supportive friends like your DIL to help them through. Have a good trip to Nashville.

    Well, gotta get a wiggle on, or the day will be over, but my list of things to do will not.:ohwell:

  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Evening all ...quick jump in with a question.

    I looked at the Butt ' n Gutt exercises and tried them whilst on the bed. Thought that as it didn't involve any arms it would be good!
    Am I doing it right?:frown: Does anyone else get a big click/clunk in the hip when you lower your leg back downand straighten it?
    It doesn't hurt but the sensations weird! for my right hip.
    :grumble: Maybe Mr. Arthur Ritis is calling on me again!!

    :happy: Good day today ...meaning I have been very good. Hope you have too.

    :heart: Jackie
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Barb (weaklink) - I just hate it when my pants are wet. You're too much. I probably would have gone home and changed the pants.

    Vickie - my heartfelt sympathies to your DIL

    Well, I did Leslie Sansone's 5 mile walk today (Fri). Honestly, I was surprised how hot I'd gotten. Not real sweaty, but hot.

    Barbie - I really like Rodney Yee, too. Which DVD's of his are your favorites?

    I'm TRYING (key word) to cut out refined carbs. Want to get most of my carbs from fruits and veggies. It's really not easy, at least for me. I could never do the South Beach diet! Give up my fruit for 2 weeks -- kill me first!

    Happy birthday Cathy!

    Jeannie - nope, Vince doesn't listen to advice from anyone other than an MD. His father was the exact same way, so its really no surprise to me. Maybe that's one of the reasons I try so hard to keep myself in fairly decent shape by exercise and healthy eating.

    The vet from the emergency clinic called. They got the results of PJ's blood work. His glucose is high again so we're starting him again on the insulin. He's also severly anemic. We've noticed that in the last few days he really hasn't gotten better. He liked to go downstairs, he hasn't done that in 3 weeks. dd#1 who loves him is here right now. We're trying to prepare her for the fact that he most likely won't be with us for much longer. I know she in a way feels like we're giving up on him, but we just can't put that cat thru a whole lot of tests, knowing that in all likelihood he'll never regain the muscle control he had previously. I know it's hard for her, but we'll do what we can, just not go to extreme lengths. Giving insulin, that's no biggie. The vet said that one cause of the anemia could be that the cancer was more than we had anticipated and it's in his bone marrow. Could also be bleeding in his intestine and depending where the bleeding is occuring, we may nor may not see it in his stools. Update: Vince gave PJ some fluids, but we know we can't do that indefinitely. So we're going to see if the fluid/insulin combo helps.

    Barb (weaklink) - regarding no response for your HOA, can you possibly call the people? We have a condo in FL and I know they have called us about things like voting, etc.

    For all of you who have a HRM -- I have a dilemma. My HRM gave up the ghost, so I need to get a new one. My requirements are that it needs to have a backlight, needs to show the calories burned, needs to have a user replaceable battery, and it must have the stopwatch function. It would be nice if the stopwatch function and the heartrate are displayed on the same screen, but I'm willing to toggle back and forth between screens as long as you only have to hit a decent size button, not a real teeny tiny one. The Polar FT7 looks like it meets all of my criteria, but, boy, have I had a difficult time trying to get the answer to the question if the stopwatch and HR functions are on the same screen. I posted something on a Polar forum, and I had to PM a moderator to ask them to answer my question. Then the answer I got was a link to their manual. Don't they think I'd have read the manual? From reading the manual, it doesn't look like it's on the same screen, but now I'm wondering if the screens can be customized? And if not, how big is the button to toggle back and forth? I tell you, I'm getting somewhat frustrated with Polar. I couldn't find a phone number on their website to ask them these questions. If this is how they treat a potential customer, how will they treat me if and when I become a customer?

    Did a hr of yoga today. It just started downpouring. I have to go to church to be the EM, so hopefull, because it started so fast, it'll stop real fast, too.
