theys1 Member


  • 1/2 cup cottage cheese mixed with 1/2 sliced apple, truvia packet, cinnimon and sometimes I add a little bit of unsweetened almond milk. I like to heat it up or eat it cold. It's awesome!
  • How often are you eating? Try to eat 5-6 small meals a day.....try adding in more healthy you use a whey protein at all? Quinoa is a higher calorie product and it's also a complete protein as well that can give you a few extra calories.....I'm don't eat vegetarian so it's obviously a little bit harder on your…
  • The first thing is, you need fats, this is a huge misconception for people.......healthy fats though, such as coconut oil, olive oil, fish oil etc........With every meal you should be having some sort of healthy fat with it. When I prepare my meals for the week I add a tbls of either olive oil or coconut oil to whatever I…
  • That plan is a good one. I use this website as well. But I do agree with Huffdog, doing a full body weight routine will help you keep your heart rate up as well to burn more calories also,that way you don't have to stop in between to let your muscles rest. I do an upperbody excercise and then go right to a lower body…
  • Hello, I am not sure my build. I am also 5'4" and I consider myself to be stalky is the only way to describe it. I am 31 and a mom to two beautiful kids both by c-section as well. I currently weight 146. I was wanting to get to 130 but after talking to my husband and looking at my body, I would seriously have to loose all…
  • That's odd.... Maybe you have something else going on besides your thyroid. I take Armour Thyroid and I have had no issues at all. You should go to it's is an awesome website about it. Serisously it's good. What I learned about the Armour with the new formulation is that you need to either smash…
  • Depending on how much and what you do for excercise as well, say lift weights for example. Your body does all of it's repairing of muscles at night when you sleep. Believe it or not while you are sleeping your body is actually doing alot of work while you sleep. I would recommend drinking a protein shake before you go to…